Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Glasses, CD and DVD, mango with sago

This has been my lucky day so far... I managed to get my glasses fixed at Iris, although they're at risk of breaking if I put even a teeny amount of pressure on them! I also managed to get a mango bubble tea with sago instead of pearls at Tazza... sago is the term for really tiny white tapioca beads. I'm also devious, mwahahahaha! Jon gave me back the prank call CD and music DVD, so maybe I'll get Nathan to burn them to CD with his handy DVD burner.

For anyone wondering if Jon missed his Bob Dylan Biograph CD when I've had it for probably over two years, this is how we usually "borrow" CDs and such around here. :D

I've had his Boredoms Pop Tatari CD for about a year, and I've had his ApologetiX Ticked CD for about two years or more now. He's had some of my CDs just as long, so it all works out. *winks and grins*

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