Monday, October 31, 2011

Melatonin, desert land mines, Halloween masks, and plan changing

Got up, had a shower, and started some laundry before going to the pharmacy next door to get some melatonin which hopefully will help with the sleep issues. Then my plans were ruined because Steph decided we should go to Jon and Harmony's instead for Korean Chap Chae - WTF, people?! It WAS easy before, and now it isn't! Fuck it. Later, Harmony had sense and said she didn't want me to get lost since their place can be tricky to find - I guess the original ramen dinner plans are on again?

You Should Wear a Devil Mask

Some people only see the evil side of you, but there's a lot about you that is amazingly interesting.

You make lots of discoveries. You are intensely curious and always exploring.

You are able to reason your way through anything, and you often come up with controversial conclusions.

You are open-minded and a freethinker. You believe in doing things your way.

The only people who see the evil side of me are those who DESERVE IT! TRUST ME....

I stepped on a land mine in the Advent Desert in MOTHER 1 / EARTHBOUND ZERO, and got a message from Shigesato Itoi, who's the creator of the MOTHER games:

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