Sunday, September 11, 2011

Finished DRAGON WARRIOR 3! / Level 99 Ragnar / Chinese Body Type

I DEFEATED ZOMA, AND FINISHED DRAGON WARRIOR III AT 6:50 PM LAST NIGHT! Then when I started DRAGON WARRIOR IV, I finished Ragnar's chapter before midnight, and leveled him up to Level 99 thanks to a code for ten million experience points from the Burland King! I totally slept in since I had to stay up till 3 AM thanks to a tournament / Blazeghost glitch; it works, since my computer downtime was mercilessly snatched from me last week because of Eric and his forcing me to experience real life! NO ONE SHOULD DO THAT!

You Have a Tai Yin Body

You are a total homebody who craves comfort and relaxation. You avoid unnecessarily exerting yourself.

You are well-mannered and respectable. You always behave properly - you know what to do and say.

You are a person of few words and very little emotional expression. People often wonder what you're thinking.

You are a good and patient listener. People tend to confide in you and share their worries with you.

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