Sunday, September 25, 2011

Ferrero Rocher is good! / No forced real life! / Politeness obligation

Went out for half an hour at 3:15 to spend Steph and Lisa's $25 London Drugs gift card on paper towels (SOMEONE is using them up like crazy...), basic toilet paper, a graduation card for Jeremy, and an on-sale Ferrero Rocher collection with dark chocolate / coconut-almond / hazelnut. Got home and had mooncake all to myself - I'll wait for the cake to thaw. Yay for free Saturday afternoons! I forgot about the good chocolate bar sale - four for $5?! I'll probably do it tomorrow or at some point when I know my stuff won't be touched! I also knew that Jeremy and Christon would do an Evite for their birthdays, so of course I'm going to that one next Sunday... I just hope Eric does NOT force me to experience real life like LAST time. BLAH!

Paul got back at 10:45 - we discussed the potatoes in the fridge, the sausages (the best-before date is today, so you bet you have to use them for breakfast tomorrow!), his offer of chips (NO THANKS - I had to be polite, though! *sad*), Visa bills on minimum payment, electricity work, and more. I'll still be glad when he's gone, as my bedroom looks like a semi-pigsty! It's his fault that I have to store things in here; I do have to be careful because of his past!

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