Saturday, July 31, 2010

DAMN YOU, MR. CREEP! / Left and right

I just missed the 410, but the 405 was luckily right behind it; unfortunately, I discovered that a lens was missing from my Fit-Overs, so I had to toss those. Got to the usual meeting place a minute or so before Eric; as he said, "You're here before 6:30 and so am I! What's going on?!" (usually, one of us is LATE) He also said that before we got nourishment, we had to get a product. I joked that he was referring to Geoffrey as a product now, but he was really talking about the most-anticipated STARCRAFT 2. Off we went to Future Shop, but they didn't have it. I didn't care about going in with him, since it would be "a recipe for death" (his words) to stay in the car! Discussed Mr. Creep, the Lin's experience, the Night Market, emailing announcements, my reading comics (it's THE WATCHMEN in graphic novel form!), Hawkins Cheesies, and more on the way to church.

After stopping at Subway, he thought that I'd gotten annoyed again at the people who didn't know that I wanted my sandwich NOT toasted before they asked me about it. Nope, it's called being EMPHATIC. Also said not to engage anyone in conversation if we were eating, then backtracked and said it depended on who it was. I told him that everyone should think like me, but then he didn't believe THAT would be a good idea: "Paranoia? Being very untrusting?" Dude... you gotta be CAREFUL these days, man! I saw the table near the long bench before he did; at least Teresa moved over to make room for us! He went downstairs to the parkade since he'd forgotten his water bottle - good idea! Had our meal with minimal interruption; said hi to Darren, Ivan, Cindy, and Dianne, of course! (saw Mr. Creep around; dunno why HE was at church at least half an hour early...)

Alerted Auntie Rebecca to the presence of poop in a washroom toilet - GROSS! Got to the fellowship room and said hi to Jose, Carmen, and Martin. When tomorrow's church picnic was announced, Mr. Creep wanted to know who needed a ride. I thought, "Desperate for company MUCH?!" Once I learned that the Bible Study groups (environment?) were on "shuffle mode," I knew my evening wasn't about to be improved. I HAD TO BE IN A GROUP WITH MR. CREEP! Eric said that if I felt uncomfortable, I could always go join another group (he / Raymond / Christon / Vicky were also in it) - yes, but everybody had already seen me raise my hand when Pastor John asked whose birthdays were in the last third of the year! I swear, I'm never attending Bible Study again! Ugh!

Luckily, I thought of going to the bathroom to read the rest of THE WATCHMEN - it was kind of annoying to have to get up every few minutes to reactivate the lights, but that was still worth it. The bit of Bible Study that I did get through didn't improve my low opinion of Mr. Creep's intelligence any, however. Finished the novel (with its surprise / twist ending), and got back to everyone else. The room was locked for some reason, so I waited in the foyer area... Stanley noticed what I'd been reading, and said that he also had the novel when I said I'd borrowed it from a friend. I don't think he'd trust me with it, but it was okay!

Talked to Dylan for a while about camping and the Fellowship announcements; guess we both forgot what Eric had told us at the meeting about HIS taking care of them while Jen's in Cuba! (also talked to Shally and others about Hong Kong / the church picnic) I was surprised to see his wife Deb since I hadn't seen her before we all broke off into groups; she'd gotten to church late, which explains things. She said she had something for me: when she and Dylan saw Uncle John's Gigantic Bathroom Reader (Bathroom Readers' Institute), they thought of me. I thanked her, and Eric wondered what that was about - I said that it was a combination of Uncle John's Giant 10th Anniversary Bathroom Reader (Bathroom Reader's Institute) and Uncle John's Absolutely Absorbing Bathroom Reader #12 (Bathroom Reader's Institute). He then said that I could give those books away now - true, but I don't know who would take them! To satisfy my inner OCDL, I'll have to buy another book this week to make my book numbers even, but Deb and Dylan won't need to know that!

I was bugging him to GO, so we finally left via the elevator. We went to get gas, and he also checked his oil and cleaned his windshield. Then he sang to me in an opera-style voice, informing me (among other things) that going to look for STARCRAFT 2 tomorrow would waste fuel and a trip out, and that #4 / Alderbridge (with a field hotly contested between city officials and the Aboriginals) wasn't that dark or cold. He's right about the fuel waste thing; I don't mind if he goes on Sunday after guitar lessons with the teens! Maybe I'll get new reading material or something... depending on what Phil or Nate tells him about the lessons, of course. Discussed Teunis and Kaili seeing DESPICABLE ME / INCEPTION / IRON MAN 2 at the drive-in tonight. ("See? You could have seen INCEPTION! Oh, they made plans without you AGAIN! IRON MAN 2 is stupid, anyway... I don't know anything about DESPICABLE ME except that it's a cartoon, but it COULD be good.")

Talked about superheroes / Batman / Robin / the Joker / Nathan thinking he might like to BE Batman / Jeremy / Jon and Harmony at Dave and Tiffany's wedding / fart smell (NOT ME!) / my possibly feeling abandoned because none of the NGS were there (that's why I stuck with Eric even when Mr. Creep was around, for as long as I could take it) / my mom NOT being here this weekend. He also said he guessed I wasn't there for the part of Bible Study in which Mr. Creep would like to do away with the "Do Not Murder" commandment, because there are plenty of idiots that deserve it. I said that it seemed like he was advocating suicide for himself, then! Personally, I didn't really mind Raymond being in the group - yes, he called me OBSESSED, but seriously. At least he LOOKS better than Mr. Creep does! I know, I'm weird! Saw a missed call from my mom when I got in; I am NOT in the mood to deal with that figurative headache, so I'll pretend I didn't know about it. I'm guessing Teunis was in after I left, because his small laptop is on his tiny table when the surface was empty before!

Trivia fact for Saturday, July 31: In what country were the terms "left" and "right" first used to indicate an individual's politics? In France. In 1789 when the National Assembly was convened, conservative delegates representing the nobility (who favored keeping the monarchy) sat to the right of the presiding officer. Delegates who were commoners and wanted to abolish the monarchy sat to his left.

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