Monday, January 25, 2010

Trinidad food, penis, periods, plantains, words, portmanteaus, Latin, Bra, and more!

Eric picked me up after going to the bank, so I spent most of the ride analyzing Mr. Creep and Randal's actions of this morning. I'm sure some of it sounded like a rant, but COME ON. He said that he didn't know anyone by the name of Mr. Creep - well, that's what I call him, so TOO BAD! It's not like he hears it, and I'm aware it's behind his back... I'm not going to stop, because my feeling STILL has not abated since October! When we got to Jeremy's, we saw Dianne and Wesley going in, so we rushed to make it in the building as well.

Saw David busy with plantains and jerk chicken in the kitchen - he greeted me with "LES!" Always a good thing, haha. (Christon was there, and the perfidious blackguard Raymond's presence was unfortunate!) Jen and Randal came in later (they're getting too close), and Jon and Harmony came in after we had started dinner. The rice cooker controls wouldn't stay down, but the coconut rice still turned out okay. We discussed Haiti, our NOT being needed there now, oil, Kelowna, UBC, Latin words, DANGEROUS BOOK FOR BOYS, advice on girls, word origins (Randal HAD to showcase his intelligence, but I held my own - PORTMANTEAU!), Dianne's pediatrics textbook questions, postscripts / typesetting, STUPID grammar mistakes ("to / two / too" and "your / you're / ur / u" and "there / their / they're"), and more stuff before we ate.

I noticed that the coleslaw / salad seemed pretty salty, but I wasn't going to say anything and be rude just in case Dave made it that way on purpose, since it could be that way in Trinidad! Then Dave asked whether anyone noticed that very fact about it, so I was free to tentatively say yes. Jen said that she'd noticed the same thing, but didn't want to say anything for the same reason. Turns out that Christon had mixed up the salt and sugar jars in Jeremy's cupboards! We decided not to tell Jon and Harmony when they arrived from swing dancing a few minutes later - they definitely noticed something!

For some reason, we started discussing THE PENIS / CIRCUMCISION. Dianne said she had a case involving a little boy whose penis was six inches long. His parents didn't think anything was wrong with that until he took off his pants in front of neighbors at a house party... we couldn't imagine being those neighbors and having to say something! The doctors cut off his testosterone, and it shrunk back to normal. Dianne also said that there are people who come in for circumcisions when they're six to over thirty years old! WHAT THE?! Sure, there are aesthetic / cleanliness / religious reasons, but OH MAN. Of course it hurts a baby too, but that was CRAZY to hear about! Then there are the cases of people who had a REALLY short penis as babies - it was burned off, and the baby was raised as a girl. When the kid grew up, she always said that she felt like a boy - later, the "girl" twin committed suicide. I think I remember reading about that!

Jon brought up Beijing's penis restaurant, and then I asked if he remembered Steph and Chantal telling us about Mom taking them to the exotic meats store. Since I knew the story better than he did, I was happy to have a rapt audience as I told them about how the bull penis' testicles were each in their own rather large bag. Even Raymond involuntarily laughed, especially when I described how the girls said the owner could only say "BALL" and not the proper term! Then Jon gave Christon some TMI about Steph, and wondered what it was like to have a period or something. (Steph, Mom, and I were fairly open about it!) Jen, Harmony, and I quickly educated him! We talked about fertility / vitality, the SALTY root vegetables (which Ray had actually LIKED, along with the twice-burned beef stew!), cilantro and waste, Peardrax drink, Tiger Malt, TING lemonade, and more.

When we got to trans fats / celery in oil / McDonalds / Jeremy's familial health history / age predictions / heart attacks / butter vs. margarine, I had a rapt audience AGAIN as I told them how Steph's old roommate Jessica Marr had used up a pound of butter a week for her rice and such - SO GROSS! Christon said that margarine was one away from plastic - I believe it! After we greeted Ryan coming home, Jon mentioned to Eric that he'd seen Scott recently (the other day?), and apparently Scott is doing much better from a tough personal time for him. Good to hear! I encountered a change problem, and I'm sure that Raymond and Randal said that couldn't break a $5 bill because Christon was asking on MY behalf! (Raymond more so...) Told Dave that I'd received his comment on my "I HATE MORNINGS!" Facebook status (and thanked him for cooking on such a large scale for the first time), and he called me his "favorite prolific wall writer," hehe. Also said that I should write a blog - after what happened to my last (and only) public one, I dunno!

Discussed cloth bags, compost, Westerns, Peggy, and other things too before heading home. Eric dropped Jon and Harmony off, and then asked me about JACK BAUER tomorrow - I had NO idea. Then he spent some of the ride "encouraging" me via teasing... I didn't notice any laughing at my jokes from a certain quarter (because I didn't wanna know...), and I told him about the STRESS ILLNESS that I experienced in Season 6 when it was ALL about Randal! YOU PEOPLE ARE RIDICULOUS!!!! I wouldn't go because I need the downtime, but I want to see if Eric says anything. If he does, I'll nip it in the bud! Got home to a call from Steph - of COURSE Mom wants to know if I'm going. So I had to call her - she wasn't impressed when I said I'd call Eric tomorrow. Well, I do what I want - although I guess a status comment is KINDA like an email in that he gets a notification! (Dave will, too - it was about fixing a tire which WASN'T the one that went flat at church today, and Caribbean flavors - and he LIKED it!) Yikes! I LOVE DOWNTIME, THOUGH!

Trivia fact for Monday, Jan. 25: What is celebrated at a popular festival held biannually in Bra, Italy? Cheese. The medieval city holds the four-day cheese festival every other September. Bra is in the Piedmonte area of northern Italy.

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