Saturday, January 23, 2010

No banana peppers / Quirky cards / Beer in aluminum cans

I was on time to meet Eric, and quickly learned that we had to pick up Geoffrey again. Eric asked if I would be okay with picking up a sub for him at Superstore - sure, if he looked after my stuff for me whether we were in the chapel or fellowship hall! He said that he wanted a Spicy Italian (I had a Roast Beef) without onions or banana peppers - I'd ordered him stuff with the latter before, but now I know it's not his preference. Of course since I don't like onions myself (and do like extra olives), those were no problem to leave off! I asked him if he were going to the Sunday Dinner, and he said "I guess so." What a "put-out" answer, haha. He asked if I had cash, and I did via my debit card - I was surprised when Geoffrey opted to get out of the car at Superstore, since I wanted some alone time. Oh well.

While I ordered, Geoffrey just waited for me. I opted to eat my sandwich at the store rather than try finding a table at church. That's one thing I don't like about the new building: at the old building, there were all these tables in the basement! Now, NOTHING like that! Oh well. Geoffrey asked whether he should wait for me or what - since he had to buy food, I told him that he could check back at the Subway, even if he knew the way back to church himself. (only two minutes away - and very easy!)

We went to the kitchen so stuff could be put in the fridge, and then to the chapel. I stopped in at the fellowship hall to greet Joey, Sonya, and some others. Of course, Mr. Creep had to be at the back of the room. Ugh. Oh well... I opted to sit a few rows up by Harmony, who was talking to Randal - sigh. A few minutes later, I felt a facial - of course it had to be my sister! Uncle Stephen's talk was all right, although it wasn't about the workplace specifically - there were stories about how girls would just sell themselves to you in China and such, oh my!

Afterwards, I talked to Christon / Jen / Carmen / Deb / Dylan / Cindy (heaters!) for a bit. Cindy was giving away local bubble tea stamp cards from her Chicago cousins' time here in the summer. I told Jon, and Christon gave his Dragon Ball card to him - I declined a Bubble World card myself. Grace, Vanessa, Steph, Eric, and I talked about 24 - Dana Walsh is SO DUMB! The blonde reporter Meredith Reed looks familiar, so we'll have to IMDB her later! (I just did - she's Jennifer Westfeldt, in GREY'S ANATOMY) I asked Steph if she knew when Chinese New Year was - she didn't, so I looked it up. The year of the Tiger starts on Valentine's Day; YIKES! (talking to Corey about that now - Jane wants him to go to Taiwan again from the 11th to the 28th!)

Told Jon / Harmony / Steph / Eric that I'd been EPIC at the Oakridge Zellers - they do have a washroom, but the restaurant isn't attached to it in any way! Steph joked that it was now shut down because of my actions, and Jon was just horrified. (then we discussed Mom's so-called "renovations" - we'll see when those happen!) Jon did get my email, which he thought was about diarrhea - nope, it was my unique RSVP to the Sunday Dinner. "I AM HIGH ON CARAMEL MACCHIATO MILK, AND I AM DOWN WITH THE IDEA OF THIS DINNER!" Then I showed Jon / Steph / Harmony the "male mammogram" birthday card that I got for Mom. I know I'm really early since her birthday is May 14, but I couldn't resist buying it when I saw the thing - Steph says she'll like it, haha! (I'm hoping she'll be SHOCKED, heh)

Jon wanted people to eat with him because he'd only had half a dinner at Servants earlier - he'd hung out with a man who wants to get off drugs. The Richmond car went home, Steph (who'd come with Danielle who was a first-time visitor to her place) was really tired from getting only four hours of sleep (DRUNK DRIVER!), and I don't know about the rest of them. Christon remarked that now we were loitering in the hallway - that didn't really work out too well. Eric forgot his guitar once we were in the parkade, so went back to get it - during that time, I learned that Geoffrey's (older) sister lives in Austin ["NOT THAT KIND OF AUSTIN!" I had to tell Eric later], and went to McGill in Montreal earlier. After getting gas, we dropped Geoffrey at home - discussed Mr. Creep, Women's Group, the Olympics, giant heads / Inukshuks, the O Zone, nightmare traffic around my place, and more. Did some laundry when I got home, too.

Leslie just got their Next Boyfriend Name. Their Next Boyfriend Name is Allen. (I don't even know anyone with that name!)

Leslie just got their Next Girlfriend Name. Their Next Girlfriend Name is Abigail. (Don't swing that way, but am taking this for fun! The only Abigail I know is a girl who's two or three... so, very wrong!)

Trivia fact for Saturday, Jan. 23: Which beer was the first to be sold in aluminum cans in the United States? Coors, in 1959.

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