Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thanksgiving / Peanut butter Chipits are GOOD! / Purell / Swine Flu

HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING! Mmm, I love these peanut butter Chipits! I can only have the butterscotch ones in extreme moderation because they're too sweet - maybe I will give them to Grace as a weird "birthday present," hehe. Corey and I were also discussing Wyoming last night, and Eric told me that the Homestar Runner Halloween Special is coming up. YAY!

If I even see Mr. Creep tomorrow, I swear I'm gonna douse myself in Purell. Seriously! (Corey thinks I seriously like him... um, NO! "Jane had some guy she worked with that she thought was totally weird and creepy because he kept talking to her... well, it turns out he was friendly and helped her out with lots of things and became a good friend after she quit being rude to him whenever he tried to talk to her!") Then again, he thinks I'm acting like a little girl: "EWWW! HE IS SO GROSS!" means "I really want attention from him!" That is NOT the case. Yuck! :P

Facebook quiz taken from Adam:

Leslie has a 6% chance of catching swine flu this year. This was determined after an exhaustive review of this user's profile information. (I guess that's not too bad...)

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