Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Surprise twists, inner animal, height, and fibre content!

Just finished ON / OFF by Colleen McCullough - there's a surprise twist in the last few pages, which I wasn't really anticipating! That book was still cool, however! Was going to do the laundry, but the elevator is out of service. No, I'm not going to drag the basket up one floor of stairs unless I absolutely have to! Sure, I'm lazy, but it's fine.

Facebook quizzes taken from Jennifer L. and Jane:

Leslie took the What is your inner animal? quiz and got the result: You are a Eagle. Beautiful and wise, you know what you want, and you have the power to get it. If someone messes with you, you sort them out with your razor-sharp claws. Master of the skies, you are free-spirited. Wherever you land is considered your home.

Leslie took the What is your Height? quiz and got the result: 170 cm. You are pretty tall... (Am not... I'm the shortest out of all my friends!)

Poo nugget for Wednesday, September 9: Doo You Know? - Foods with the Highest Fiber Content - Whole grains, vegetables (peas / artichokes / Brussels sprouts / turnips), fruits (pears / figs / blueberries), legumes (lentils / black beans), and nuts. (almonds / pistachios)

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