Saturday, July 04, 2009

Wadding toilet paper, and FARTING FREEDOM!

This thing restarted overnight - sigh. Right now, I have 43 Word Twist games, and have yet to actually play in most - it's ridiculously easy to get caught up in hosting 'em, haha. That means I've done a lot of names editing! Talked very briefly to John, as well. (talked to Z yesterday, too)

I got a salmon early yesterday evening, but its English was too fractured to understand, so I didn't bother continuing the conversation. :P

[19:32:28] shimmeringsalmon: RIP, Billy Mays.
[19:33:20] flamsterette_x: another salmon!
[19:35:08] shimmeringsalmon: ^^
[19:35:13] shimmeringsalmon: ;)
[19:40:04] flamsterette_x: did you just update a site?
[19:40:20] shimmeringsalmon: what kind of site?
[19:40:38] flamsterette_x: LJ, Deviant Art, Xanga, Myspace...
[19:40:59] shimmeringsalmon: I only use xanga
[19:41:02] shimmeringsalmon: but ..
[19:41:07] shimmeringsalmon: it;s only dor share
[19:41:10] shimmeringsalmon: this
[19:41:13] shimmeringsalmon: for
[19:41:17] shimmeringsalmon: only for share this

Since I was born in my family, I had to take this quiz:

Leslie took the What kind of butt wiper are you quiz and the result is Beehive. You wad the shit out of that toilet paper even if you just peed. This is the only way to go. Plus, it shows you aren't a huge douche bag who wastes time folding it.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kevin C., Scarlet, Jenny, Gretchen, and Gabriel:

Leslie took the Which Neil Young Album are you? quiz and the result is Harvest. Your house and grooming are likely a bit sloppy because you don't have time to worry about such things. Given a choice between a night on the town and hanging out in a barn, you'll take the barn. You like southern music, but the people... not so much. If young, you are obsessed about growing old. If old, you are often plagued by bittersweet remorse.

Leslie took the What natural element are you? quiz and the result is Fire. You could misunderstand the phrase "Burn or be burned." You most suit South, East, and Summer. You can hurt people sometimes with your feisty attitude, and take a long time to resolve the conflict. You can understand peoples' pain occasionally, but you find it hard to help, scared that aiding them would increase his or her own suffering. Having arguments can be healthy sometimes, but you have to learn to control your anger. You contain a slight compassion that you don't show often, but when it is evident, people react with surprise. When you get hurt, you don't sulk or complain... you pick it up and keep going. You are often associated with the dragon. You would particularly get on well with people of the water element, as you are both yin and yang. (Of course!)

Leslie took the Who is your lifetime match? quiz and the result is They are born between 22nd December - 20th January. Need a good giggle? Then grab hold of one of these lovely people and let them jolly you along through life... but make sure you hold on tight because they need to feel sure of you and your intentions, and desire security. They stick to people who stick to them. You seem to be a person who fears about security, how others perceive you and also the future. You need to find this person in your life in order to feel secure. They complete you and you complete them, it's as simple as that. When you first meet them, they will seem cold, but it's only because you don't know them yet. You instinctively want to know more about them and remove their armor. With some reserve, they allow you to, but they also ask for you to reveal your true self and you have no desire to trick them. Your relationship has every chance of lasting because you complete each other so well. You're afraid of the time that passes, but they improve with age, which you find reassuring! You'll need time to learn to love these people, but be patient: it's worth the wait! They are like a fine wine, and persistence is the key in the chase and the long haul. They will give in if you show that you can stick around and you ain't going nowhere.

Leslie took the What 2009 song are you? quiz and the result is Flo Rida's Right Round. WOOOOOO WOOO WOO. You're at strip clubs every night partying it up. People don't notice you, but you sure are the life of every party you have ever been to. WEE WOO WEE WOO. You are such a sexy, sexy, sexy beast. (Not me, man!)

Leslie took the How Korean are you? quiz and the result is 0% Korean. You're not Korean! (I could have told you that WITHOUT the quiz result! :P)

Poo nugget for this weekend: Doo You Know? - Farting Freedom - While most modern civilizations shun those who pass flatus in public, a forward-thinking ruler, Roman emperor Claudius (10 BC - AD 54) first legalized farting thousands of years ago out of concern for his subjects' well-being. By lifting the ban on farting at banquets, he was in line with the prevailing notion that retaining flatus could be harmful to one's health.

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