Sunday, May 24, 2009

Arrests, underwear, queens, nurses, pet matchmaking, and more!

Leslie just took the What Crime Will You Be Arrested For Quiz. I should be arrested for Stealing a car whilst nude.

Leslie just took the What Do You Wear To Bed Quiz and wears Underwear to bed. I wear Underwear to bed. Slightly sexy and comfortable, sleeping in just underwear suits you fine.

Leslie's just got their Roman God or Goddess Name. I just got my Roman God or Goddess Name. It's Maia, Goddess of Growth and Increase.

Leslie just took the "Which Famous Queen from History are You?" quiz and the result is Elizabeth I. You are a strong and determined beauty. You rule England singlehandedly, and your people only hold you within the highest respect. Be strong for your country, but beware: Spain lingers on your coast with hopes of conquest.

Leslie completed the quiz "Finish the (Greatest) Song Lyrics" with the result Genius. You have completed all of the lyrics perfectly! Congratulations, you have my respect. Yup, that's all you get. Sorry.

Facebook quizzes taken from Steve B., Jennifer J., Jemima, Candy, Silvester, Jane, Chantelle, and Kitty:

Leslie took the quiz Your Female Body Part and the result is Eyes. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and your eyes reveal your true self.

Leslie took the What famous literary heroine are you? quiz and the result is Bridget Jones. You are humble, down to earth, and honest with yourself. Like any girl, you have insecurities, and are constantly on a quest of self-improvement. But you have a good sense of humor and don't take yourself too seriously. As for your love life, you're still waiting for the perfect guy to whisk you off your feet. You are endearing and grounded at best, and scatter-brained and unfocused at worst.

Leslie took the Which Literary Heroine are YOU? quiz and the result is Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre. You are anything but a "plain Jane." You are mysterious and artistic and very deep.

Leslie took the What Character from Literature are You? quiz and the result is Hamlet. You are introspective, skeptical, and brooding. To you, the world is far too complex to be viewed in simple black and white terms. You are artistic, articulate, and intelligent, but your equivocations can sometimes lead you into trouble. In your case, that can end up with everyone you know dead while some foreign prince storms your castle.

Leslie took the What kind of nurse are you? quiz and the result is Medical / Surgical Nurse. You are an information junkie! You like to know a lot about a lot of different subjects and people.

Leslie completed the quiz "5 Tricky Questions" with the result Smart. You thought through the questions carefully, and came up with the right answers.

Leslie completed the quiz "How Filipino are You?" with the result You're not a Filipino! Nice Try, but you're not a Filipino. :p

Leslie took the quiz Which hairstyle suits you? and the result is Messy hair. You don't care about getting your hair messy at all! Try tying up your hair without using a brush for a cool effect or try the short hair in the summer!

Leslie took the quiz Your stripper style and the result is Boudoir Betty. You are romantic and seductive, with just the right touch of innocence. When it comes to entertaining, you always seem to know just what to do to set the mood. A Boudoir Betty looks best in light, flowing lingerie such as a sheer baby-doll negligee with a satin robe. Your hair and makeup should be sweet, yet glamorous.

Leslie took the quiz Your Paranormal Gift and the result is Phantomism. Ooooh.. Spirits and ghosts capture your attention? Going through walls, things passing through you... how else to freak others out when they try to shake your hand? Of course, you may feel invisible at times if you've let things pass through you too much, and may just want something to touch or hurt you. Try not to let that happen, and live a little, you Phantom.

Leslie just took the "Which West Wing character are you?" quiz and the result is Jed Bartlet. You are astute, talented, and complex. You have a high tolerance for inner turmoil and may avoid interpersonal conflict. When pushed, you can focus and communicate very well.

Leslie completed the quiz "How will you die?" with the result In bed. You will die peacefully in your bed.

Leslie completed the quiz "What college do you belong to?" with the result UCLA. You have the best of both worlds. You respect your academics at the same time as having fun. You know how to party and study all in the same weekend. (Hard to do). You have always wanted to attend this school, and hope you are granted admission. Good luck!

Leslie took the quiz Pet Matchmaker and the result is Goldfish. You don't have much time, so go with a goldfish. They are easy, and only need to be fed and have their bowl / tank cleaned on occasion!

Leslie took the Which Physics Theory are you? quiz and the result is String Theory. I don't understand you. You've got like 10-26 dimensions. You love challenges, so go to Imperial and do a phD now. (I need to borrow energy from coffee...)

Leslie just took the "What is your soul animal?" quiz and the result is Your soul animal is the Rabbit! You are always on a high, with a spring in your step you take life one hop at a time. You are naturally fast, competitive and love to play games, you are a flirt sometimes and you love companionship and attention.

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