Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cute, Simpsons, Texas, Ohio, and pooping at work

This thing restarted AGAIN! Michelle Christmas unfriended me on Facebook, but that's okay since we didn't interact much after she decided not to play Wordscraper. I was loath to play Lexulous or Scrabble on Facebook, anyhow.

Leslie's just got their Cute Name. I just got my Cute Name. It's Moopiehead.

Leslie's just got their Simpsons Character Name. I just got my Simpsons Character Name. It's Baby Gerald, One-eyebrowed baby.

Leslie just took the Which Oscar Should You Win Quiz. I should win the Oscar for Best Nude Scene. (... I don't THINK so!)

Leslie completed the quiz "What color crayon are you?" with the result Purple. You are fun-loving and can be counted on! You are super cool and easygoing. You never let anything bug you for too long.

Facebook quizzes taken from Jennifer J., Itamar, Jane:

Leslie completed the quiz "What That 70's Show character are you?" with the result Fez. You are Fez. You are often misunderstood and therefore spoken for.

Leslie completed the quiz "How Texan are you?" with the result 50% Texan. You're probably one of those Texans who lives right on the border. Border Texans are traitors! Pick a side already. I guess that would only make you half responsible for knowing these facts.... still. Pick a side anyways!

Leslie took the How much of an OHIOan are you? quiz and the result is 50% ... You're almost half Michigan and half OHIO, which is sad, seeing as how Michigan sucks. You probably just know someone that lives in Ohio.

Leslie completed the quiz "What temple should you get married in?" with the result Jackson County, Missouri Temple. Although not yet built, this temple has quite a bit of promise. (Since you're young, it shouldn't matter too much.) The expected location of Christ's first reappearance in the Second Coming, your wedding will take place in a historic landmark. Make sure you and your spouse are prepared for all this temple has to offer. (I'm not Mormon, but I was bored enough to take this quiz!)

Poo nugget for this weekend: Work Hazards - While persistent foul-smelling stool can be a sign of underlying disease, the occasional rotten-smelling poo should not be cause for health concern. When depositing a rotten-smelling poo in a stall at work, however, your reputation could be at risk. In these instances, it is highly recommended that you leave the stall of stench as quickly and stealthily as possible. Then, take a long walk outside while praying mightily that the smell hasn't permanently embedded itself into your clothes.

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