Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Holidays with orbs / Serial killers / Semisolid poo

High-scoring words of the night:

HOLIDAY (102 points) - against Athene C. [2W used twice, hook off MUD to make MY] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
ORBS (270 points) - against Laynie P. [two 5W, hook off ACHIEVE to make ACHIEVER]
OXO (110 points) - against Catherine R. [2W, 5L on X] {a good deficit-erasing word!}
SIZE (144 points) - against Shelley R.-B. [5W, 2L on Z, hook off CARD for a plural]
KEEF (128 points) - against Jennifer H. [4W, 5L on K]

I found out that Nestlé Noir makes the chocolate with polyphenols, if their hot chocolate is any indication. Must get both those items, haha. These Lindt bunnies are VERY chocolatey!

Leslie's just got their Royal Name. I just got my Royal Name. It's Duchess Leslie the Beautiful. (HA! VERY NICE!)

Leslie just took the How Romantic Are You Quiz and is Quite Romantic. I am Quite Romantic. You are quite romantic. You know how to turn on the charm, and do so quite a bit. You are a good catch for someone looking for romance with a down-to-earth edge.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kaitlin:

Leslie completed the quiz "which serial murderer are you?" with the result Ted Bundy. You definitely like the "ladies," and nothing will stop you, even if it means going the extra mile by wearing a fake cast, or brandishing a puppy to gain the sympathy of an unsuspecting nurturing victim. You don't mind rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands a little dirty. You leave your mark everywhere, even if it is a bite mark!

Leslie completed the quiz "What Saved by the Bell Character are you?" with the result You are Kelly Kapowski. You are the "cute girl next door" that is always full of smiles, hugs, and a ray of sunshine.

Poo nugget for Tuesday, Apr. 21: Dr. Stool Says - Middle of The Road - The desired semisolid consistency of stool is formed by a careful balance of fluid secretion / absorption and intestinal transit time. Perturbations in this system can result in the extremes of the stooling experience, from bowel-breaking constipation to torrential watery diarrhea.

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