Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hey, I haven't done a literary quiz in a while!

High-scoring words of the day so far:

FEYER (325 points) - against Susan S. [two 5W]
CIGS (128 points) - against Louise G. [two 4W]

Henry called just now to say he's picking me up in five to ten minutes. This is early, but I don't mind so much - advance warning IS a good thing! :D

Leslie completed the quiz "What kind of librarian are you?" with the result Children's Librarian. You are a classic bookworm who started reading at an early age and never looked back. Unfortunately, you can't let go of your childhood memories, so you ended up as a children's librarian. You're peppy and upbeat and full of creativity. However, "real" librarians want to poke you in the eye with a sharp stick, and you're tired of parents using you as a daycare. But when a little kid comes up to you with your latest recommendation and says "I want another book like this," it makes up for everything..

Leslie completed the quiz "What Literary Time Period Are You?" with the result Romantic Period. You resemble Goethe, Shelley, and Thoreau. You watch with incredible curiosity the world around you -- political revolutions! the industrial world! commerce! "getting and spending"! -- and then you go for a long walk. Who needs God or King when you have Nature? You really can't make up your mind -- a host of daffodils will perk you up, but then again the smallest flower that blows will give you thoughts too deep for tears. This period marks the first real explosion of intense literary friendships -- Wordsworth and Coleridge, Shelley and Byron, Emerson and Thoreau -- though it seems improbable that you would have many friends in the first place. Ah! Romantic Period! You are sublime.

Facebook quizzes taken from Kelly:

Leslie took the What word best describes you? quiz and the result is Calm. You like to hang around maybe with friends or family, but you always enjoy yourself. =)

Leslie completed the quiz "Which How I Met Your Mother Character Are You?" with the result Ted Moseby. You are Ted. You are a self-professed romantic who is eager to get married and settle down. You're a kind, altruistic human being who is always considerate of others, but when you get angry, you really get angry. However, at times you come off as being rather talkative, and take forever to get to the point. But you're still loved regardless.

Leslie completed the quiz "What Children's Book Are You?" with the result The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. You are giving and will do anything for those you love. You are steady and enduring. You are uncomplicated and simple, but may be taken advantage of due to your giving heart.

Leslie completed the quiz "What should your major be?" with the result Humanities. Whether it be philosophy, English, psychology, or history that interests you, you are going to college to learn about the world around you and how people think. Though you may not be completely sure what career you want after school, what is important to you now is expanding your knowledge. You are creative and curious, and want to take the classes that interest you most. You don't mind writing, and you're slightly obsessed with punctuation and grammar. You enjoy reading; long hours in the library doing research sound appealing to you, and you hope to study abroad in Europe soon.

Leslie completed the quiz "What Kind of Gem are you?" with the result Amethyst. You're gorgeous, you love your friends, and you are very popular.

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