Friday, January 02, 2009

Dream about rollercoasters and vampire vanquishing

Bingo of the day so far:

IRONLIKE (125 points) - against Donna L.

High-scoring words of the day so far:

FITCHEW (120 points) - against Pat K. [5W]
SLANDERS (110 points) - against Kathy T. [5W, 2W]
ZETA (195 points) - against Danielle L. [5W; 3L on Z]
EXPAT (115 points; 5W), FIORDS [388 points; two 4W, 2L on F] - against Anastasia W.
IRONLIKE (125 points) - against Donna L. [5W; bingo]
NOVELIST (1350 points) - against Jason E. [two 5W, 4W]
BENZENE (100 points) - against Jeannie W.-Y. [5W]

Hey, I finally finished tagging all my Blogger posts - this rocks! Now it's time to make some private vows, heh. At least I had good talks with Erik, Corey, Z, Billie, and Chinese Eric! The latter's friends are right: he should really get himself a blog so we know what he's up to, hehe. (MSN and Gmail chat rock!)

Ah, the bliss of sleeping in! Got up just now, and had an interesting dream. My friends and I were sent out to rid the world of vampires, but one of our number was a half-vampire. That helped us, except when she'd spend too much time looking in the mirror to see whether her red hair was too stark against her white skin. (she kinda looked like Erik's sister!) We took over a spaceship, and managed to fit everyone in under covers. When we went to a community centre to extinguish the contagion there, my mom almost gave it away when she let the corner of an ID card peek out of her pocket while she was talking to some black girls.

I told her that the Criminology card was kinda visible, and the officer making his rounds MIGHT be able to see it. Luckily, she was able to hide it without being obvious about it, and then gave me a shopping list which included apple conditioner! After we had gone shopping for that and some other items, it was time to vanquish the vampires! We did that quite handily, and then went on a bunch of rollercoasters to celebrate - those went QUITE high up in the sky! The dream ended when we were counting our spoils, heh.

Eric had better not try calling me today, since I was quite emphatic about NOT going skating at the oval. He knows what I'm like on ice and snow, so it would not be a good idea, even for Fellowship-related reasons. If he does, I am NOT answering the phone! (and Manitoba called me again - NOT SURPRISED!)

Edit at 7: He apparently tried buzzing me an hour ago - good thing for me that the phone was off! I prefer to cheat death by staying inside, thanks.

Today's poo nugget - Doo You Know? If it's brown, flush it down. Stool's usual brown color is due to the presence of a compound called stercobilin, which is formed when the bacteria in our colon digest bile. Most daily variation in stool color is due to the dietary intake of various foods and medications. However, changes in stool color that persist for longer periods of time can be a sign of an underlying gastrointestinal disorder.

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