Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's cute to see him act like a monkey, but not in the snow!

Bingos of the day so far:

OUTEARNS (83 points), TOADSTOOL (90 points) - against Angela V.

High-scoring words of the day so far:

ABETS (115 points) - against Pat K. [5W; hook off SARCASM for a plural]
NOSEBAG (106 points) - against Flora G. [3W; hook off YANQUI for a plural]
CAJONES (190 points) - against Alice P. [5W, 2W]
BAYING (350 points) - against Josephine S. [two 5W]

Interesting rack of the day so far: FAZEANUN - against George M.

Went to church this morning despite the blowing snow that started at about 9:30. We were running late because my mom was busy with gifts for about half an hour, but that was okay. Jon and I made it into service just in time to hear the sermon, heh. Little Abigail didn't look too happy near the end, but at least I gave her dad Joe's card to her mom Helen, heh. I also gave Keenan a birthday card, and he gave me a little hug, prompted by his dad Tim - he's so cute, especially when doing monkey impersonations later for Sarah and me. You should see this kid... yay! Speaking of kids, I saw Lesley with a baby in the fellowship hall. I joked that she was always stealing people's kids - this one turned out to be Nicholas' new brother Cory. Talked briefly to his mom Helen K. - baby looks content, and seemed to smile a lot.

Saw Auntie Esther, who said that she had a book for me - that's nice, even if she didn't have to do that! Offloaded a bunch of candy onto Hien and Cordia; Hien loved those funny "Ways to turn men down" lines, and Cordia was disappointed that she missed out on the "Godzilla eating Santa Claus" Christmas cards. I wish I had at least one more of those - they were great from a morbid perspective! (Stanley said I was late with the Halloween candy - don't blame ME, since it's my mom's fault!) Gave Raymond, Jeremy, Grace, Chung, and Dylan their (late) birthday / Christmas cards; I also gave one to Joanna via her brother Mike.

Offered mint chocolate candy canes to Auntie Bessy, Auntie Fonda, Sheena, and Chalaine. (ecards will be JUST FINE!) People asked me about Steph being home - yes, it's great even if she works overtime! (she now has six days off in a row, partially because she worked so early in comparison to others in her situation) Talked to Jeremy about the snow: he hopes his Kelowna plane won't be too delayed (Vanessa says she and Vivian were delayed by about 25 minutes on Tuesday morning), and hopes the same for Ray flying out to Toronto tonight! Was pleasantly surprised to see Eric's parents - they came out since it was Christmas service, and Eric was also helping to lead. Wouldn't be surprised if the snow and worry played a factor, too. Also saw Dawn's parents and brother - it's been a long time, for sure. I'm surprised they still remember where I live, especially since Geoff was a kid when they left for Hong Kong years ago!

There were no kids in the toddler Sunday School, so Auntie Fonda and I just looked out the window at the traffic. Some cars had no choice but to run the red light at the intersection since the road was so slippery! Uncle Patrick was outside shoveling the sidewalk, and that reminded me of the time that Tim had lost his wedding ring doing just that at the old church! Said hi to Anita T., Chris, and some others - hugged Fidela and Erin hello, too. Steph went home early to sleep, but that's understandable. Walked in on the middle of a joking discussion between Jeremy, Jon, and Nathan about how four husbands and four wives was the perfect combination for a polygamous marriage setup. Someone was hypothesizing that they could all be bisexual or GLBT-friendly as well - hahaha, too amusing! Nate gave me a card from Christon, and we all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY to an unimpressed Natalie: she's 11 or 12 today, I think.

Went to Bao Chau (near Mui's) for a spicy soup lunch, and tried amusing Grandma with "raw dog (pudding)" / "chub" jokes - she was NOT impressed, haha. Learned about a dinner at Auntie Grace's on Christmas Eve before the candlelight service, and figured it wouldn't be a good idea to get out of certain things - too bad. Harmony says her family slept through church because of the snowy weather, heh. Great... now this apartment kinda smells like cigarette smoke - stupid people lighting up outside! *grumble* And the computer just restarted on its own AGAIN! UGH! Found out that Farrah got my Christmas card - YAY!

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