Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 Checkbox Survey

In 2008, I have...

[X] broken a promise
[] made a new best friend
[] fallen in love
[X] fallen out of love
[] been in over 2 relationships
[X] lied
[] gone behind my parents' back
[X] cried over a broken heart
[X] disappointed someone close
[X] pretended to be happy
[] kissed in the rain
[] kissed on a first date
[] slept under the stars
[] kept your New Year's resolution
[] forgot your New Year's resolution
[X] met someone who changed your life
[] met one of your idols
[X] changed your outlook on life
[X] sat home all day doing nothing
[X] pretended to be sick
[] left the country
[] almost died
[X] given up something important to you
[X] lost something expensive
[X] learned something new about yourself
[X] tried something you normally wouldn't try, and liked it
[X] made a change in your life
[X] found out who your true friends were
[X] met great people
[X] stayed up till sunrise
[X] pigged out over the summer
[X] met someone from Live Journal in person (Hey Robin, does it count if you didn't know they had an LJ when you met them?) [Robin and Krista... and Erik too, I guess?]
[X] cried over the silliest thing
[X] partied more than 5 times (not those kinds of parties!)
[X] was never home on weekends
[] gotten into a car accident
[X] found a person I never thought I'd become really good friends with
[X] had friends who were drifting away from me
[] had someone close to me die
[X] had a high cell phone bill
[] wasted most of my money on food
[] had a fist fight
[] gone to the beach
[] seen a celebrity
[X] gotten sick
[] liked more than 5 people at the same time (... thank goodness, no!)
[X] had a wasted night
[X] became closer to a lot of people

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