Monday, June 09, 2008

Energy and visualizations present a challenge!

Bingo of the day so far:

HERRINGS (63 points) - against Michelle C.

Hey, Emily L. added me to Facebook! Sweet!

My sibs picked me up for church yesterday, and we spent the car ride discussing pie / the concert in the afternoon / Grandma. At church, Raymond discussed Scrabble with me - seems our remaining tiles in the last game were pretty bad! (C, N, S, Q, Z, V?!) Martin tapped me on the shoulder, and I was treated to the sight of Chuck doing what he bugged me about on Friday - HE IS VERY BAD, OH MY! Said hi to Christon, Auntie Esther, an infected Nathan, Jeremy (ingredients!), and others. Natalie and Hannah said they were bored, heh. Jeff gave some public advice to Steph, who said she wanted to become a cop after 9-11... we thought it was funny when she said that there wasn't enough crime here, haha. You'd never know it!

Went to the back parking lot and talked to Jason about basketball: an outdoor tourney at BCIT when it's rainy / windy / cold outside?! Yikes! Citrus, Danielle, Anita, Jeff, and I talked about Regina and training for a long while - Citrus will go soon, too! Jon laughed when Anita asked him whether he'd visit her. Learned that Jon doesn't have a ring for HH yet, but maybe someday - Chris was asking him questions earlier. Dylan wanted to recite the Psalms to me, but I told him to get Mike to do that. I know it was in his head and he wanted it out really fast, otherwise he'd forget! Went to Sunday School, then met people outside. Said hi to Auntie Vivian while giving her Rachel's Awana registration dues, confirmed the Yaohan food court with Eric, and went to Pho with my sister and Grandma.

After that, I bused to Kingsgate Mall - the library was closed, so I just went straight to Jeremy's while almost forgetting to cross the park to get there. (Jon had reassured me that he'd be there) Spent time reading Umberto Eco's FOUCAULT'S PENDULUM, listening to the CBC (quiet songs!), and borrowing Jeremy's computer. Ray's in Toronto visiting Peggy and his family - he's only here for Regent, for sure! David got there when Jon, Raymond, Tony, and others were already helping. That's a small kitchen! (Dave, Phil, and Grace showed up later) Teresa got there later, and encountered a challenge! Discussed coffee grounds, tea, caffeine, David's disease (vibrations / food / collagen / pictures / roulette machines at the River Rock), pie, concave memories, Malaysian food, Laurelwood Green Elephant IPA, prayer / the Bible, reiki, energy, and more. Nathan would have found David very interesting, that's for sure! Jon and I bused home after 11:30, but the buses were largely on our side! One time, I was with Grandma on a three-door boarding bus... I decided not to explain that to her since it would take too long. Haha, oh dear. Yay for three-door boarding!


1. I got into the car and said hi to her. The response I was given? "I see you finally wore your seatbelt!" My sibs and I were all confused, of course!

2. My sister tried to convince Grandma to be happy at the Pho restaurant. Her response? "I'm not that kind of person!" Um... at least ACT like it, maybe?

3. I told my grandma that she could sit in the front of the car since I was going out. She wanted to know where I was going, so I said I was going to the library (what she doesn't know won't hurt her!) and then out to dinner with Bearded Man. Then realizing she might get the wrong impression, I quickly added that Jon and others would be there too. As I told my sister, I didn't want her to think that I was dating Jeremy! (I could have said that White Kid - Eric - would be there, but decided not to) My sister and Jeremy well remember the time that Grandma thought Jer was going out with Karmie - THE PASTOR'S HAPPILY-MARRIED WIFE WITH THREE KIDS?! HELLO!

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