Sunday, March 16, 2008

French bingo / Smoking, murder, and baby dream

Got a bingo against Michelle C. - TROUVEUR for 62 points!

Had a weird dream which featured Frances, Mel, and Elaine smoking these long white cigarettes in the driveway of the Rosehill house. Auntie May was really mad because she knew Frances was pregnant, and so shouldn't be smoking. Mel was actually smoking in the car, which made things way worse in her opinion because of the enclosed space trapping the smoke. After Frances had had her baby, we were transported to a schoolroom with pastel walls where she and Anita were taking care of their crying babies. (Frances' baby was a girl, and not Micah!) I wanted to get them towels, cloths, and dishes to help. They appreciated it, and told me to keep some accused murderers away from the kids. Puzzled, I asked what they were talking about - they pointed me to a book lying in the middle of the room.

That had details on a fairly recent murder involving two brothers and another couple. This Chinese coolie had stabbed these two people in an alleyway with his brother's help, leaving long stab wounds in the arm (the scars were fairly visible), and then attempting to saw them in half. The female had survived long enough to make statements to the police which were admissible in later courtroom testimony. Dream ended when the coolie and his brother were executed by public hanging - weird! No idea where it came from, unless it was reading the Morbid Fact du Jour about people being sawed in half after being hung upside down! I've also heard a lot about Frances and her baby, and I told Dad to give Mel's message to Grandma for me. (he can't believe she knitted that baby blanket, and thinks she's great!)

I should get some breakfast and such before I leave. If I think not getting to sleep till 3 is bad, I should wait for next week and the Sunrise Service! Tried getting to bed at 11:30, 12:30, and 2... those attempts did NOT work, ugh! At least I have a considerate boyfriend. :D

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