Sunday, March 09, 2008

Set a date so they know when the wedding is!

Kitty, Vanessa, and Henrik have responded to my "disgusting rice" email already - they didn't like it at all. (Jon, Steph, and Martin thought it was gross, heh... but Martin said he liked the "cute" disclaimer at the bottom!) I just showed my grandma the picture, and said it was K's cousin's place: "Aiya... very disgusting!" Went to church this morning and discussed the time change with Jon - he'd taken a shower after the time change, oh my! Jon called Nathan to see if he was up - nope! Mom seemed confused when I told her that I'd seen Mel and Frances' baby without visiting them: Jon explained that people put photos online nowadays. Micah IS a cute kid! Learned that Hansel is downsizing - not surprised! We prayed for Derek and his family - everyone was talking to them later! Noticed a glaring "your / you're" error in one of the songs today, and an amusing typo in a missions flyer... I didn't know there were inner-city youth a millennium ago! (1008 instead of 2008 - Grace laughed!) Talked to Raymond about an Easter egg hunt, said hi to Jeremy / learned about a soup party at Dilys' place, and admired his Christian seasonal calendar - who knew that Easter was really long? Ray had picked it up somewhere, heh.

Hannah complained about losing an hour of sleep, and Pastor John said that he'd give us all gold crowns in heaven if he could. One of the babies (a Marr?) was pretty fussy! (so was Abby when Lesley picked her up later in the parking lot) Said hi to Keenan, who had a cute panda shirt on. Maxine said that Tim had put an envelope from the mail in the form of a hat on Keenan's head once, so now he puts a hand to his head every time mail is opened - how cute! The sermon was about loving others: expanding horizons and loving people not of the community is good, and so is being in a church community where you can practice Christian love.

Talked to Grace, Sheena, Christon, Eric, Mike, Julie, Jeremy, and others: ingredients, dealing with people, taxes, counting offering, my week(end), Kirkland muffins in the kitchen (I had the equivalent of one), bouncing emails, too many unread emails (I'll try again later), skating, Awana conflicts, nagging Dylan about meetings, Eunice and Shanghai Wonderful, sushi being good despite it being raw fish, etc. At Sunday School, I alerted Auntie Fonda that I wouldn't be there next week - Rachel's grandma gave me back my pants since she wasn't sure if I'd be there yesterday at Awana. I loved the heart-shaped patch, and thanked her. Noticed that William was off his crutches, and Jonathan told me that he felt old: if he's old, I must be really ancient because I'm more than twice his age! (he's only 15!) Later, I interacted with Gwyneth: she wishes I'd go away, wants me to fall down the stairs if I don't hold on to the railing, and thinks that my beret should be green and not blue-green since she likes green. Interesting kid...

Went outside and talked to Clara about planning programs (get Dylan to email her!), where Steph cautioned Mike and Stanley against going too near the twin piles of vomit near shady Pho, especially if Ryan and Ethan were terrorizing them... there must have been some good times at that place last night! Stanley wished that we'd teach the kids to be peaceful and not violent, and wondered if we had any joints so they'd relax... they've been terrorizing Mike for a couple years! We weren't going to drug the kids up even if it WOULD calm them, so we took him literally instead! Muscle joints, sure... weed, not so much. :P The family went to Mui's for lunch, where Steph said that I shouldn't give her that shock again of having her think that I was pregnant - we were discussing girly TMI stuff and being "in sync."

Discussed being practical, money drains, family memories of broccoli / politeness / Mom yelling at me for taking 45 minutes to eat an apple, Moutai ($2 tan tan noodles!), vasectomies / commercials / March Madness, the proper pronunciation of "pajamas," the Vancouver Art Gallery's abbreviation, scanning whole books (ILLEGAL!), plans, dinner, lamb, rice / noodles, bread, scooping for myself, yin-yang. Also talked about Mr. Tee's cognac, naps, health, ambulance hits, Alan and Tracy's wedding in June 2009, setting a wedding date, pastors being free, Frances' problems, stopping at the townhouse (intersection decisions = very bad!), cool sweaters, tigers / cougars, etc. I should really pack more stuff for this week - maybe after dinner! I nagged Dylan via Facebook wall post (Karen can't), and expressed concern for Dallas too - tears aren't good as a status message! Grandma just gave me a blue glitter sweater, which Mom says is perfect for wedding wear - then Big G said something about my birthday. Maybe she meant her own birthday... Mom hopes she's not so cheap as to give it to me for MY birthday, which isn't till September!

Mom, on seeing a dark background for a website: "Why is it so black?!" Hahaha! (received a message from Eric about Skype / the K-Man, and talked briefly to Wilson about DEXTER / Doakes / his mom)

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