Saturday, December 29, 2007

She'll be missed, too... she was such a joy!

My new favorite bit of Engrish: "I'm too hard to play outside." (since people are sick!) Hahaha!

Went to the funeral for Fidela's grandma, which went pretty well. Talked to Jon about NYE plans - as far as I know, Eric's still doing something at his house. Then again, things could change... he's hanging out with Harmony, there's a games night at Anthony's, and there are certainly other things going on. Looked after Grandma who made lots of comments (aiya), and talked to Jocelyn / Elisyn / Sean / Karen / Rod / Mariah - yay for roses and such! Popo was a joy to have around, for sure - Chinglish conversations, learning things, jolly demeanor, etc. Discussed funeral home scams and paying the price with karma or getting what comes to them (kitty litter in place of ashes for cremation?!), parents' friends already buying plots, our church, RCMP stuff, Grandma stories, amusement, Elaine, Eric's health (poor guy), driving, baby showers, Beijing diving, selfishness, peanut butter, Vivian's Wii and SWEENEY TODD, food, corn, Happy Valley restaurant, excessive mud, sadness and love, Megan / Wayland, Sean's going back tomorrow and partying near Times Square, rain, etc. It was something I was glad to do, all right!

I was perfectly calm through the whole thing, and we sympathized with the family - Steph told Mariah that it was hard being a kid and the centre of attention. She's the special great-granddaughter who got to go to the funeral at six years old! We'll all miss Popo, definitely! Hugged Elisyn goodbye, and you could tell she was very emotional - her uncle looks like Gabriel's dad, heh. (which I remarked on when we met him back in January almost a year ago.... ah, how time changes life's circumstances!)

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