Saturday, December 08, 2007

Dream of merry-go-rounds / Shattering light rods at Awana!

Had a dream this morning which featured a bunch of people in a tall silver building. My family and I went inside together, bought noodle packs, and then my mom kissed me on the cheek to say goodbye since she was going to work and wouldn't see me for six whole days. I remember feeling quite disgusted by it, especially because she was being way too clingy. She and Dad asked me for $2, but I didn't have it because I'd loaned Daniel $1.50 in change - they had to get a toonie from Jon. I went into a room with large toys for kids: Ian and his brother Sean were there, and I played with some of the toys myself to be a BIG KID! There were other kids with developmental disabilities around, along with their siblings. They asked me what I was doing, and I said that I was being crazy. That worked for them - later, we all went on a crazy merry-go-round to be exposed to different backgrounds and musical styles. Roaring ocean waves (in which we threw white foam bubbles), Chinese dragons with a cultural explanation, forest / nature, and more... it was an interesting dream. No clue why I had it, unless it was my encounters with the change last night at the congee house OR Karen's bag of change for the study guides at Fellowship!

Back to real life: Ada picked me up for Awana, and asked what to do with a somewhat decorative gingerbread house that her sons kept stealing candy from. Meh, I guess they can eat it since they made it... Ian definitely wants to, and Sean just sees candy at his eye level - YAY! They liked the snow last weekend, and Sean wandered outside to see what was going on ("I see brother with neighborhood kids having fun playing in this stuff!") - then went back in because it was too cold! They can't give me a ride next week, so perhaps I shall ask Michelle tomorrow - if not, there's always the Facebook wall method, haha. Sean said "Oh no!" when we were on the bridge, and "Church!" when we were nearby. Tobogganing and seeing the Christmas lights could be fun for the kids, heh. Held Sean's hand on the way in and down the stairs too.

Mott's Fruitsations and Mini Ritz Scuba cheddar crackers were YUMMY as an Awana snack today! (560 empty calories, woohoo...) Jason, Benedict, Amos, Danny, Andrew, and Golden tried to see why a flickering fluorescent light rod would be that way - eventually, Danny had to stand on the table and take it out. He got one from storage which was too small, and Benedict went upstairs to be with the kids when he figured that he had his dad for such jobs! Jason asked what date today was: I told him that it was the 8th and not the 7th because it was the anniversary of John Lennon's murder. Someone asked who that was, and Amos said that it was one of the Beatle dudes - the answer he got was "EWW!" (teens these days... *mock grumble* ) Just as Auntie Vivian was going to leave for T&T, one of the fluorescent light rods SHATTERED! The guys cleaned it up under Auntie Vivian's direction while I was involved in some creative change-making... I now have enough loonies and toonies for laundry in the weeks to come, so that's a GOOD thing! (blue Beanie Babies were on sale in the Awana store, thanks to someone's donation!)

Said hi to Mike when he came downstairs to see what the guys were doing. While they were playing baseball with an empty roll and a bouncy ball ("CLOSE THE DOORS AND PARTITIONS!"), he told me how the Awana kids' Christmas presentation looked scandalous. Apparently, certain actions while singing JINGLE BELL ROCK looked like a shimmy even if it really wasn't! Okay, I'll take your word for it then! Briefly said hi to Melia (she took pictures of all the kids!), indulged Jordan while he talked a lot about stuff, asked Ian whether he was being crazy, greeted Chrystal, told Johnny not to use his chair as a horse, got Emily to hold my jacket for me while I took off my uniform, and talked to Winnie about being finished with finals - she's not doing anything for Christmas! On the way home, John and I noticed that the Arthur Laing was blocked off into Richmond by a police car. Nothing on the traffic report indicated a problem, so maybe they just don't want to alert the criminals! Took forever on side streets and such to get onto Oak, but we eventually managed to do so. Got home at 7, which I guess isn't that bad... we also talked about trees in the way, garbage, Dad at church at 4, cell groups, and such.

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