Monday, November 12, 2007

I want to spend time with the guys!

Found out that the "new" clock radio does work - well, the most important part other than the time! Yay for the radio working - that's the point of a clock RADIO! No beeping noises for me, yay!

Went to California for lunch with the family - quite nice, as my sister and I beat the rush. Discussed lower back pain, sickness, cancer, Vivian's birthday being today, sleeping over, trees knocked down by wind, Sheena, Chalaine, Tony, Christon, sisters, Mike T.'s overdose of estrogen at dinner last night, Michelle saying that Jon always has a phone to his ear, Eric still being sick (poor guy), and many other things. Ivan shouldn't be home late, especially since his mom is strict. Steph says I'm happier with guy friends: "Jeremy on one side, Eric on the other... and Korey on the other side of the table!" Haha, not quite my ideal configuration, but close enough! Health declines are very bad, especially when it's the end stages and it's PAINFUL. Jon says that there's a dinner at Jeremy's which I could go to tonight - it's not a guy thing, so I might as well go. Gotta call him, and then maybe meet him at someplace more central. It's all in the name of keeping myself busy with friends and such - I can always do laundry tomorrow! Phil's grandma is officially 97, but it's 100 in their eyes!

Heh, Jon will just pick me up here at 4:40 since the B-Line's apparently changed the stops where they pick up people, and it's not easy unless you've done it once. I did take the B-Line from Vancouver to Richmond in early October (what a night THAT was!), but I'm guessing they've changed the stops since then. I had some time to fit in a power nap, but I'm not sure how well that worked. Had tea and yin-yang at lunch, so I should be fine. I'll certainly call K when I get home - I want things to WORK, dammit!

Somehow, I misheard "I'll meet you outside in the courtyard" as "I want you to leisurely sit on a quarter." I have NO idea where that came from! Jon thinks I'm deaf - maybe so. Then again, I *did* join a Facebook group entitled "I still say WHAT? even if I heard you the first time." Gives me time to respond, haha. :D

"One of these days, I'm going to cut you up into little pieces." Hahaha, gotta love drummer Nick Mason of Pink Floyd!

What Halo race would you be?


Strong and religious soldiers, until you were betrayed by the prophets in Halo 1.

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