Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dream of floating heads and murder! / Tech Tales

Eating melted ice cream is NOT nice, especially when it comes from the darn store. UGH.

I had a weird dream which involved Stanley shooting 16 people in the head, after first leading them to an isolated wood forest. There was a girl accomplice with him, who made things even more evil than they were. A girl with long curly dark hair moved, moaned in pain, and asked why she was the chosen one from the Corpse Bride. Stanley had no answer except to shoot her again. Then his head was disconnected from his body, and it floated around until it went into an elevator. The floating head and the girl accomplice went into the mall, where the general bookstore had been renamed "Goldo Books" and changed into a kiddy bookstore. An employee was telling the kids why they shouldn't tell her certain things except in note form, because then others would find out. What a weird dream - no idea why I had it!

Also went out today, but just for a short walk. Got back to discover I'd missed a call from K - oh no! We didn't talk last night, but that was okay: he'd gotten home late, and it had probably been a long day for him. I understand these things, and I wasn't up to talking much either. Oh well, I'll call him back to let him know that I missed it. (like he doesn't already know, but anyway...) Then I'll get into Etiquette Hell and Tech Tales! :D

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