Monday, October 01, 2007

Being anti-social can be amusing!

Christon's house has literally THOUSANDS of trinkets because they stuff hundreds of things in all the rooms - Jon says that it's enough to keep a Chinese village employed in making them! His parents collect them, and they were away on a cruise. (his mom's in a wheelchair and so has a ramp at the front of the house) I told people how I had accidentally slapped Dylan in the face after the AGM; he commented that it had been years since he'd been slapped by a girl, and of course accepted my profuse apologies. I joked that he could get more of the treatment with my brother or me slapping him on both sides simultaneously, but he definitely wasn't up for that! Not that we'd deliberately or maliciously do so, of course - we LOVE Dylan, as quirky as he may be sometimes! Haha. Before dinner, Julie called her mom and said that she was with a bunch of church people including "two gwei loh... Ivan told me to call them that!" Haha, that was amusing. They were watching DANCING WITH THE STARS on MuchMusic, or maybe it was SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. I was in the other room, so couldn't say for sure. Someone said that Darren's parents didn't want him to come home for Christmas because of the cost of the plane ticket from Ireland - sounds like what they'd say, all right! (they're... frugal, for want of a better word that isn't "cheap" :P)

It was certainly a very crowded table: Citrus, Christon, Jon, Eric, Jeremy, Isabel, Ivan (who didn't end up bringing his family after all), Mike, Julie, Nathan, and I had amusing discussions! Jeremy had wanted to look up the weight of an uncooked cup of rice - since I was on the Internet, that automatically means I'm the fount of all knowledge! Hahaha, that's a good one. (not actually what he said, but it was along those lines) I marveled that my email messages all fit on one screen now after deleting a bunch of spam and reading some others - it was at 76 when I started checking stuff on Saturday! Nathan jokingly decided that his future kids would be named Heroin, Cinnamon, LSD, Paprika, and other spice- and drug-related names. This made us all happy that we weren't his future kids or wife! We wondered if Isabel was of age now to drink since she hadn't been that time at Nathan's in June with the chicken and mondo salad: she said that she'd turned 19 in August, so we wouldn't have to worry about repercussions anymore. Jon asked if her parents knew she consumed alcohol; probably not! Then we wondered about first-year Ivan since we were drinking Pike Place Tender, Antares double Scotch ale, and Phillip's Accusation Ale. Mike asked who the oldest person in the room - that would be me, so he asked whether I was 20-something. I WISH, HAHA. Told him that I was 31, which surprised him - Jeremy turned to me and said that we'd just celebrated it. Oh, I know! Mike said that he'd heard the drinking age could be lowered to 16 if there was someone responsible with them - score for Ivan, who didn't drink our beer anyhow!

Someone brought up the term "manzer" and started using it in all sorts of places like Shakespeare, popular song lyrics, etc. Mike and Nathan were laughing way too hard to tell me what it meant, so I asked Jeremy. Nathan calmed down enough to tell me what they'd been discussing in Sunday School: whether Timothy was a b*stard or not. "Better not use that around a certain person!" Jon brought up the Booty Logo when I said that there was a kid in Sunday School class who drew three poops and a toilet on his worksheet of King David extending hospitality to Jonathan's son Mephibosheth and his family - SO NOT APPROPRIATE, and I'm not teaching the kids the Way of the Booty! Then he brought up sanitary napkins, which led to an extremely low point in the discussion when Nathan said something about hair and spouses. The females at the table were certainly grossed out, and didn't want the guys to know. They found out when Jon explained sanitary napkins to them: "I have two sisters and a mother, and they discuss this stuff rather openly!" I told Jeremy that at least we weren't discussing Erin's embarrassing stories, some of which have to do with stuff related to sanitary napkins!

We consumed one mooncake and a LOT of longan - Christon decided that he HAD to get a picture of Jeremy's very long peel when he held it close to his eye. Then someone suggested leaving the fruit on the peel as a sort of eyeball, and then having Ivan pretend to eat it - that led to a lot of laughs. Eric told me that they'd found something weird in Christon's pantry: a Tim Horton's box with one doughnut left... but the doughnut had a bite taken out of it! EW! Discussed composting: apparently, Christon missed a clearly-labeled compost bin in the UBC SUB which was two feet away from the garbage can. To be fair, this initiative is brand new, and is part of Sustainable UBC. We asked how his dad coped with the garbage strike - he gets up at 4-5 AM and dumps the family garbage at a nearby restaurant since they have private collectors for their trash. Hahaha, that sounds like our "dump your garbage across the street!" recommendation for Vivian and Karen! We nominated the guilty young ones to wash / rinse / dry the dishes: watching THAT was quite hilarious! Julie said the dishes came too fast, to which Jon said that obviously she's never washed dishes by hand at home before! Then she managed to not see the sponge, which was sitting right by a pile of dirty dishes! Christon tried to capture it on video, but decided it would take WAY TOO LONG! We said hi to Christon's brother Clement when he came in, and had to make room for him - it could be the most crowded that the kitchen's ever been! Discussed the cider which was made from an Internet recipe - Isabel commented that it smelled like Christmas, and Jon determined that it must be the cloves. Jeremy noticed cloves in the bottom of my cup when I filled it with some beer - I knew they were in there, but maybe it'll add to the flavor! Ivan decided to mix some carrot soup with the cider - he can be Jon's protégé! Luckily, nobody decided to combine the butter chicken with anything except rice and sauce! (three ladles going at once, oh my!)

Later, Ivan / Julie / Isabel / Mike / Citrus were playing around with Nintendo DS Lite games. I told Jon that the TETRIS one seemed to be counter-intuitive because the controls were all switched around! (pressing "up" to make your pieces go DOWN, etc.) Earlier, I'd been half-sitting on Citrus' DS Lite - oops. Jon loved how the room was full of people being anti-social: the young ones playing Nintendo, my reading a history Bathroom Reader, Nathan working on his laptop, Jeremy and Eric just sitting on the piano bench / the couch... we needed SOME downtime! Discussed devotions, other names for roadies (equipment manager / technical stage assistant / whatever else we came up with), MARIO games, human Tetris and Youtube videos, Tetris documentaries, Russians, Firefox windows disappearing on Linux a lot, differing times on the clocks in the room, Vancouver maps, beer money, and more. Definitely a good night! On the way home, the guys and I discussed plans for the week and the Thanksgiving carnival: cowboys and rides, here we come! Our family's Thanksgiving dinner is Monday, but I don't mind that. At home, I talked to Corey for a while - so amusing!

Got an email from Eric this morning about my chipset temperature: probably a good idea to turn the thing off overnight or if I'm out for the day. Wanted to know if Wednesday or Thursday would work better for me - I guess it is Wednesday by default. Man, my week will be busy-ish! I have new friends on Facebook, too: Dylan, Jennifer L., Candy B., Auntie Rebecca, Karen Law, Dave, Wayland, Eric, Karen Lew, Chris Lam, Caroline, Denise, Henry, Vania, Mike T., Peter, Joey, Anita T., Hien, Andrea, Adela, and Lucas. Yay! Off to cannibalize more people, hahaha. A post with a bunch of dream highlights should be coming up later, I guess. Gotta feed my new addiction... thanks, Darren. :P

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