Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Clothing suggestions, movies, and more!

I've had a lo-fi evening, which is cool. Karen and Randal have both changed their responses to my Evite: "Hey, Leslie, sorrrrry. Mister and I are away on that day. Thank you for your invite. Sing-song cheer still true. :) And, Randal, maybe wear your blue T-shirt with smiles on shields of French guards? It is very nice. Oh, and maybe wear the shirt with your dark jeans. Should be right statement for going to friend's birthday night." and "I will go even though I do not know what to wear - but I will definitely wear clothing." Let's just say I hope Randal DOES wear clothing to the birthday party, haha. Jon and Eric H. have also responded: "Yeah, I'll be there. 31, eh?" and "Glad to be invited to celebrate with my GOOD friend.. I WON'T miss it for anything in the world! Your PAL, Eric H."

I talked to Corey and Eric M. about a bunch of stuff, too. Eric H. said hi, so I asked him whether he'd seen the Evite for my birthday thing - I made him check his email, and he said he wouldn't miss it for the world. He was tired from work, but was willing to talk to me! We talked about our days, and he directed me to a movie page for Silvercity since I wasn't sure which movies were out nowadays. Some movies look okay, but don't have late showings - too bad I don't have anything in mind like I did for last year's celebration! (BLACK DAHLIA with Randal, Jeremy, Nathan, and both Erics was pretty awesome - dismembered corpse, oh my!) Oh well, Eric did say that whatever I decide will be the rule of the night because I'm the birthday girl... too right!

Also called my mom in between juggling all this, and she says Grandma is going to Metrotown with Uncle Vincent's mom tomorrow, since the 430 goes directly to Richmond - yup, we've been on that bus inadvertently before! She originally wanted my family birthday meal to be on Saturday night. Even though both my sibs are free, it wouldn't work for me because I'd get home from the first day of Awana at around 7, and I could be really tired and just need lo-fi relaxation! Maybe we can go to California on Sunday night for a slightly later dinner, which would work for everyone since Mom can meet us at the restaurant after work at 7:15-ish! (note to self: tell Jeremy when FORREST GUMP might be on TV again, since he's never watched it)

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