Monday, April 02, 2007

Graphic novels / The PRESIDENT orders an air strike?! What the...

Jon picked me up at 5:30, and we spent part of the car ride to the townhouse teaching Mom how to pronounce the word "resuscitate." (other trouble words include "corpse" and "Vietnamese") Grandma didn't like the Beastie Boys, nor was she impressed with Jon's antics at the wheel - drumming on it, dancing around in his seat, etc. Apparently, she's going to Hong Kong in about a month for a while since she wants to see her friends there while she's still able. I guess it makes you think about your own mortality / old age when you see your friends going through pretty bad health problems!

Have any of you ever heard of a graphic novel called Ranma 1/2? Makes me wonder where the other half went, har har. Admittedly lame jokes aside (turning into my DAD, too... yikes!), I had to do SOMETHING at Steveston Library besides browse the shelves and then discover that I no longer remember my Richmond Public Library card number. I opted to go there with my brother since books almost always draw me in. After managing to bug me with a nasal imitation on the way in, he settled down to study. I browsed the sections on true crime, comics, and reference material until the graphic novels caught my eye for some reason. Found the aforementioned graphic novel (not really anime) and decided to read it since I'd heard of it before, and it mentioned curses and such on the back. The book had HILARIOUS character names! Pantyhose Taro, Cologne, Shampoo, and Mousse were among them: I half-expected a character named Conditioner, haha! However the Akane character reminds me of a girl I knew in high school named Akane Hume... she was nice enough. Dunking into hot water reverses a curse of drowning, hee hee. Unfortunately, we left when I was like 90% done with it - maybe I'll have to read it at the bookstore one day to find out what the new name is / how it ends, heh. ("Brassiere Jiro!")

Once we got to the townhouse, Jon received a mini-scolding on time management from Dad since we arrived maybe 15 to 20 minutes after we were supposed to. As it turned out, Dallas had arrived about five minutes before we did - eh, that's FINE! Steph came downstairs (saying "Of course we can't eat dinner without HIM!" sarcastically - yay, Grandma! :P) wearing an American "CALF-inated / de-CALF-inated" T-shirt that she got from Vanessa: so cute! I asked Dallas if he'd gotten my email... yup, and he was like "Okay, sure!" Dinner was pretty good unless you count the confusion I had over seating arrangements: JUST TELL ME EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT ME TO DO WITHOUT POINTING IN VAGUE DIRECTIONS, PEOPLE! I swear, I wasn't so confused about things even a year ago! Man, I'm losing it! Dad thought that Jon could eat normally again starting with Sunday lunch, but we pointed out that he could order ham at breakfast after Sunrise Service. Then we told him not to do certain things now since he COULD get fired or investigated because of his paid position! He can't just laugh it off, and he needs to be a bit more serious!

Bugged Jon about the April birthday cards, and threatened to ransack his room looking for them. He told me not to; when I looked anyhow, he came in and searched for them himself with no luck. Then he found them in the middle of / under a pile of stuff on the living room table... as Steph said, how could I see them there? It's not like I'm psychic or have ESP: if I did, I'd have found them myself, thanks! Finished them myself after reading spoilers (Jon read some as well) while photos and analysis were going on at the computer, and got Jon to sign the remaining two: Steph will bring those on Friday, she says. (ah, the long weekend!) Then I almost forgot the cards and stickers when I left later on: AIYA!

Discussed the Easter weekend and exam schedules / the effect it would have on traffic. Toronto highway traffic is always "idle" time, and not just rush hour as it is here, Steph hates the Maple Leafs but loves the Blue Jays, we're #3 in the world as opposed to #1 in quality of life as we had been, and my witnesses were in full force as I handed over the symbolic rape of my bank account. :( [sure, I could have paid in installments, but at least now I won't forget - like my parents would let me! - and they wouldn't have preferred my taking it back!] Talked about wrestling / Steve Austin / the Hart Foundation / Donald Trump and Vince McMahon, baseball, and other stuff too.

Things maintained the status quo when Eric came over, but what did I expect? (MSN name of "Metal Butt" is looking good right about now :P) Yay for cannibalism by eating "Le Petit Ecolier" ("the little student") French biscuits with 70% cocoa in the dark chocolate topping! (of course Eric can't eat it or sugarless candy containing sucrose!) 24 had a bunch of weird moments this episode: Tom being a "good" character, mini voice recorders, hesitant "truces," multiple shots of adrenaline increasing the risk of brain damage, transmitters, exchanging stuff on Milo's computer (heh, Nadia), EW at the creepy older vice-president wanting to reward his sexy younger female assistant, and conspiracy to commit perjury.

There was also the Supreme Court and 25th Amendment stuff, Gredenko and the tracking isotopes in his arm, his dying by the pier with great blood loss from cutting off his arm OR having it chopped off by Fayed's men (cool artistic shots!), everyone beating Fayed up in the bar before Jack took him into custody ("this man is the terrorist people are looking for on TV!" says Gredenko), and of course there was that twist at the end! The president ordered the same air strike that the vice-president wanted in the previous hour! We were all staring at the TV when that happened, believe me! From what I read when I got home, it seems the next hour's previews (WHICH WE DON'T GET NOW) indicate something bad happening to Jack in a vest - NO KILLING HIM OFF!

After the show, Eric drove me and Dallas home after talking to Steph about some hockey game and codes / keys. Apparently, there's something on Youtube about a bunch of CSI Horatio's one-liners: pity it doesn't include "He's currently dead" and "Cold as ice!" Dallas was half-asleep trying to study on the third floor while we were watching TV since he got up at 4:30 AM - he could hear us talking, but not the show! Maybe he'll be hooked by the finale episodes on our calculated date of May 21, haha. Eric said I should care more about him because my sister cares about me: no way I'm getting the foot treatment, dude! Perhaps I'll give myself permission to change, haha. When he dropped me off, he said something I couldn't quite catch, but I'll get him for it later. ;)

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