Dreams of pee water / Memegens and orange Blogthings
I had a weird dream: my sister and I were picking up our parents from church when we decided to go get gas instead since prices were cheap. Somehow, our parents knew where we were and showed up at the gas station. We asked how they knew our whereabouts, and they said that they just knew. Then we had to ascertain that they were still living. o_O After that, we joined Corey and his girlfriend Colleen Strudholme at the kiddy pool. They were watching their one-year-old baby Ryan and one other kid, since the other kids didn't seem to like the water. We somehow knew that they were being brainwashed by other forces, so urged the kids in the pool to swim: swimming meant that they wouldn't be brainwashed. The kids' legs were chubby and had a good deal of power! We wondered what we were doing watching one other kid besides the one we knew, and then wandered over to the public showers. The red tile floor was icky: pee water and dirty water swirled its way to the drain... then I woke up. Most weird!
Speaking of my sister, she just emailed me back. She wondered if she really needed to reply to the birthday celebration email: whether or not she needed to, she just did! Also, she says that she has parts 2 and 3 of my gift ready... I don't think I wanna know. Actually, I don't even know what Part 1 was... unless it was that card with the toothpaste tube sticking out the guy's butt. :P (if she DOESN'T at least make it to the dinner, I'll be VERY DISAPPOINTED especially since she couldn't make it to Red Robin's last year because of Floodlight!!)
You are Mahogany |
![]() Stable and decisive, you lack the hyper energy of most orange colors. You're still energetic, but you tend to project a peaceful, relaxed vibe. You love to feel cozy. You'd often rather wrap up in a blanket than go out for the night. |
Interesting... not sure I'm totally a scruffy person, but I might go for that!
Created by EvilAuthor on Memegen.net
In the United States, you are intoxicated. If you are out causing trouble on foot, prepare to spend the night in jail. If you were behind the wheel, you are in SERIOUS trouble. Of course, if you can just convince the officer that you are NOT in the USA, then he won't have the power to prosecute you...
Estimated Blood Alcohol Level: 0.082
... Or you're a slut.
Labels: alcoholic drinks, birthdays, blogthings, cards, church, corey, dreams, emails, kids, lj, maxed-out tags limit, memegen, presents, redrum, resonate, ryan, sex, steph, us, water
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