Congee Noodle House, ice cream cakes, new debit card, and LJ Scrapbook / OH REALLY?
I'm in from running errands and lunch at the Congee Noodle House... good thing that the procedure could be done earlier than usual. There have been rumors of miso soup / weird birthday cards with naked people on them (I'll kill my sister!) / an ice cream cake at Dairy Queen later (Velvet Dream would be a cool name for such a thing!), as well as rumors that my sister was shortlisted for some job or other. We'll see how those hold out, heh. At least I have a tentative plan for my own postdated birthday celebration, in which the BLACK DAHLIA will play a part!
I also got my new debit card in the mail, so I'll go to the bank and get that activated when I can... next week, maybe! (I could have checked that out with the 15 minutes I spent waiting for my mom this morning...) I need to meet them ACROSS THE STREET with DRY ICE at 6:45, since this restaurant (Top Shanghai) gives away your table if you're late for your reservation!
I've been trying to get that OH REALLY? montage loaded to other photo hosting sites, since the FileXoom photo apparently decided to disappear. Photobucket gives me a resize error, Tinypic claims it's not a GIF, it's way too huge for ImageShack and Flickr, and it didn't work on Blogger's photo hosting service as a GIF for some reason since that saved the montage as a PNG. (of course it wouldn't move then... I'll have to ask Spoz about that sometime, since I know he uses that service all the time) Then I decided to use LJ's Scrapbook for the first time ever... that definitely worked! (although maybe I'll need to save it on GJ Pix too, which I haven't used for a LONG time!)

I also got my new debit card in the mail, so I'll go to the bank and get that activated when I can... next week, maybe! (I could have checked that out with the 15 minutes I spent waiting for my mom this morning...) I need to meet them ACROSS THE STREET with DRY ICE at 6:45, since this restaurant (Top Shanghai) gives away your table if you're late for your reservation!
I've been trying to get that OH REALLY? montage loaded to other photo hosting sites, since the FileXoom photo apparently decided to disappear. Photobucket gives me a resize error, Tinypic claims it's not a GIF, it's way too huge for ImageShack and Flickr, and it didn't work on Blogger's photo hosting service as a GIF for some reason since that saved the montage as a PNG. (of course it wouldn't move then... I'll have to ask Spoz about that sometime, since I know he uses that service all the time) Then I decided to use LJ's Scrapbook for the first time ever... that definitely worked! (although maybe I'll need to save it on GJ Pix too, which I haven't used for a LONG time!)
Labels: birthdays, blogger, cards, dinners, dreams, food, gj, ice cream, lj, lunch, maxed-out tags limit, mom, movies, photos, plans, sam, sick, spoz, steph, weird stuff
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