Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dreaming of toy sharks, men, and children

I still hate it when people assume things for / about me, so I'll have to decline going to the Mad Greek. It's not far enough away for me to feel like it IS a getaway... if we were simply looking for restaurants in the area (like I was with Eric H. that time), it would be fine. But we weren't... just because Billy and Stella like Greek food doesn't mean we have to go there. They weren't there last night, so they don't get a say! Sure, they might get thought of, but that should be it! (in my hormone-laced opinion, anyhow!)

At least I had a fairly nice dream this morning. I was in a circular building that kept on whirling: every time I went into a room, I'd pick up something from that room to use in other parts of the building. For some reason, it was Awana, and I saw Michael and Amanda with their kids Ethan and Seren. Someone told me that Ethan and Seren didn't get their Christmas gift bags from the club last year, so I was assigned to get them from the Cubbies room in the "About Me" section. (I hope my subconscious isn't confusing the toddler room with Myspace! o_O)

I picked the gift bags up (along with a toy shark), but apparently Michael and Amanda had already left. So I decided to put the gifts back for another time, and then was flagged down by a crying kid. Her name was Blair (weird since I used to know a guy named Blair Arbuthnot... although my mom's contractor is named Blair), and she and her little girl friend Blythe (as in Gilbert?) were playing with Harry Potter / Barbie dolls and Transformers when one of the boys crashed the party and took away the Harry Potter dolls / Transformers, After wondering aloud why boys would want to play with dolls, I went with her to talk some sense into the boys. Along the way, I could hear the sound of many horses in another section of the building: when I put my hand up to those windows, I got the impression of horse hooves across my hands, even though the sled / carriage in the snow wasn't there!

Then I talked sternly to the boys, and noticed a shy older man there. I shall refer to him only as T, though he reminded me of Jim Hall. He wanted to be around me as I did stuff, so I agreed. We held hands as we looked at the weird chip displays: there were blue and grey chip bags with weird flavors such as Earth (this one had rocks in it!) and Slate. After a time, he confessed that he had feelings for me, but I was due to head up through the circular floors and check for question marks. He hugged me and asked whether I'd like to see a show with him: of course! Then he said, "Good... you're seeing a magic show with me!" After he kissed me lightly, I had to go up... and thus ends the dream. No, of course I didn't want it to end.. but the stupid phone had to go off. *grumble*

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