Friday, September 22, 2006

Candy's birthday card, replacing things with toilet water, very basic French mistakes

Hey, I got a birthday card from Candy today! The card said: "A person should act like a mature adult by the time they reach 30... do I hear 40?" and she added a winky. Haha, I dunno... but there are some times when I act like my teenage friends / acquaintances, and some times when I act like (sadly) a toddler. :|

It's a good thing that the bath set gift from Vania / her mom / Auntie Fonda was still wrapped on the bathroom counter yesterday! However, I think I'll still replace my sponge / mugs / toothbrush! Ewww, toilet water! I think I'll do my laundry right after I take some aspirin here, as well...

You all know that I can be quite the spelling / grammar Nazi in English, right? Well, I can also be one with French if I feel the need to. No, I am not a fluent French speaker by any means... but even a little French kid would cringe at this one!

I bought some Western Family Crisp Wheat Squares (like Triscuits) from Save-On Foods a while ago. On the box flap, it said "Lift here. To reclose, press in flap." The French translation reads "Soulever ice. Pour refermer, rentrer la patte." Uh yeah... I've forgotten a bunch of the French they taught us in high school, but even *I* can tell that it's supposed to be Soulever ici! o_O

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