Sunday, September 03, 2006

18 litres of Pho, here we come!

When I got to church today, I talked to Danielle for a bit about how our weekends had been. Then I sat with Vanessa and talked to her for a bit: I said hi to Calla, of course. (she's going back east soon) Maxine carried baby Joshua up to the front so he could listen to the worship team's music: I remember when Ethan used to want to listen to that music, too... Maxine's cousin Amanda's kids are the same! (haha) After service, I talked to Jen and asked what time she'd gotten home yesterday: she said she got home at 2 and was with an adult, but her mom was still worried. I talked to Tim for a bit and gave him baby Joshua's birthday card: at least they're getting more regular sleep now that he's one year old! (family parties can be fun!) Then I talked to Chris and Sam for a bit: Sam's quitting Awana for a year due to working one weekend day (he doesn't want to do that on Sundays) and balancing his schedule with school and such... he told Melia a month ago, but apparently Auntie Rebecca emailed his mom very recently to ask if he was still doing it or not! Guess he'll see how it goes for a year... if he doesn't like it, it's not like he's doing it forever! (so now I have to talk to people about rides and such AGAIN... not sure I trust myself to get up in time for the bus, and there's more money spent that way too!)

Jon was inviting Emily, Vanessa, Danielle, and everyone else to next week's dinner: Jeremy's making 18 LITRES of Pho! Not organic beef this time, as it's too expensive... but we'll need help finishing it for sure! (Jon also said that Auntie Beatrice left him a voice mail at 1:30 AM to ask him if he knew where Jen was... he was sleeping at the time!) Danielle can't make it because of a girls' group thing at Winnie's, and I don't know about everyone else. I talked to Randal for a bit about Bible Study and the weekend: I dunno about being in a group with Dylan, Eric, and Jeremy... but at least I was right about Randal helping with Andrea's group! I offered Danielle some gum, which she eagerly took. Citrus said that she always bugged HIM for gum, but he knew that I always had some! Gum, birthday cards, lists of birthdays / phone numbers / email addresses.. yeah, I'm keeping tabs on everyone! *laugh* (we also talked about saving money and always staying "away" on MSN: very good things to do, indeed!)

It was time to go to Sunday School / 7-11 after discussing yesterday night with Jeremy, Eric, and others... so off I went to the toddler Sunday School. In the spirit of my getting info on people, I copied down some of the kids' birthdays from a list that the teachers had made. (I couldn't get at it any other time, so may as well do it now) I talked to little Ian afterwards when he came to pick up his brother Sean.. he hasn't used up all the stickers I got him yet, heh. Little Sean actually now wants to play with the other kids, which is a cool improvement. Went outside to talk to the guys about stuff (like the walkathon) for a bit.. Danielle says that I should get Steph to plan my birthday, because who knows what'll happen if I leave it to Jon. Too true! She said that she was helping to move Cordia into her dorm today, and then working on a slideshow for Joe's farewell: the dinner will be TBA because they're waiting for him to get back from Mexico first! Makes sense to me... I also waved to Adam and Andrew, and talked a bit to Jonathan. Eric told me that I shouldn't give him his birthday present before his card, but I told him that Steph wanted to put thought into what she wrote in his card, so he'll get it next week. (NOT Friday, since I'm not going to bowl!)

Now I'm at the townhouse: my mom gave me an Ikea bag full of pamphlets and stuff from her trip to Mt. Rushmore and Chicago. The two postcards reference poop and boobs: yeah, those are not my favorite subjects in the world! Oh well, the pamphlets should be interesting reading at least! Next up: Bong's wedding, and then home!

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