Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Old Spaghetti Factory / TALLADEGA NIGHTS

I went to catch the bus at 6:40, and it was seriously late! That really sucked because I had to be somewhere at a certain time... I was worrying about poor Nathan and Chinese Eric! It didn't help that the bus took at least half an hour to get to the stop I wanted (the bus driver recommended that I wait till he finished his loop in a few minutes' time)... I think the Translink website is (if not on crack like Mapquest seems sometimes :P) kinda dodgy and not really the most helpful thing ever! I finally got to Ironwood at nearly 8, and went to the library to ask if there was a pay phone around... apparently, I didn't notice the one ten feet away from the entrance. So I called Nathan, who was INSIDE the library looking for me in various places. (I thought I recognized his car...) That was kinda funny since we'd probably just missed each other, but at least things worked out!

From there, we headed to the Old Spaghetti Factory to meet Chinese Eric. We talked about Shanghai Wind, Jen's potluck, online dating (not for Nathan or me right now... maybe if we're 45 and single!), chemistry shattered by stuff you find out about people, (the coincidences in) Eric and Fay's relationship (Eric needs to send me those things), Dallas (Drake? Willard? Texas? he chose his name when he immigrated here, whatever nickname the guys choose!), joking about everything from Nathan and I really screwing Eric over to our being really hateful, blogging (I need to send Nathan the link to Eric's blog), psychology, counselling, how both Nathan and I had helped Eric (a few of his closest friends? aww...), the motives behind a guy putting a picture of his girlfriend on his desk (voluntarily or not), the way Sean can be at times (partying and such in New York?), gossiping, Jeremy's homemade beer, etc. Also, we got the "movie ticket and dinner" deal... these certificates expire in two years, so I was able to use the one Ivan and Karen got me without a qualm. (that expired in November)

We met Jon and Eric M. at the movie theatre to see TALLADEGA NIGHTS, and Jon made Nathan talk to Myles and Holly's sister Harmony for a bit while he got his movie ticket. Jon says the joke is that he met her at a cougar bar, but they really met at some church thing in Toronto. When there was a reference to cougars (the animal) in the movie, I told Jon that he should tell his friend Fred to see it, haha. (they have an inside joke about the older women who prey on younger men) White Eric told him to hang up since he'd been talking on his phone ever since he picked him up, heh. We saw a preview with an interesting premise for a movie (STRANGER THAN FICTION): this author is writing a book, but has writer's block on how to kill her character. What she doesn't know is that her character is really a living person who hears her voice everywhere he goes! (kinda like ADAPTATION... my brother and I both said "interesting premise" at the same time when we saw that preview! *grin* ) Then there was one for an animated kids' movie called FLUSHED AWAY... Jon thinks that potty humor is my thing, but I don't agree! (it can be fun, but no...)

The movie and outtakes were kinda funny... hilarious prayers to "the eight-pound, six-ounce tiny Jesus" and pleas for help from Tom Cruise / Oprah Winfrey / Allah! The gay French dude was reading Albert Camus (L'ENTRANGER) while racing, and also drinking a mocchiato! Then there was a kiss between the Ricky Bobby character and the French dude at the end... nice reference to an earlier part of dialogue! (but ew?) The soundtrack was cool: AC/DC, Mötley Crüe, etc. When Monster Magnet's SPACE LORD came on, my brother asked if I remembered his obsession with that song in Grade 11... of course, and he still has the CD!

After the movie, we discussed plans to play Ultimate tomorrow, then went our separate ways toward home... we smelled pot on our way out of Silvercity, yum! (or not... I've never tried it!) I freaked out Jon and Eric M. by laughing a lot in the car, but I had to let it out! (however, another urge had to wait for the homefront, hehehe) Now Corey's telling me about movies like MIRROR MASK (Neil Gaiman and Jim Henson Productions), BEERFEST (Jon and Jeremy might like a movie where the characters go to Oktoberfest and find some underground drinking game thing), and SILENT HILL. (he also hates Will Farrell with a passion: "that guy causes RAGE within me!")

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