Eric's "silly girl" messages, long survey about me
Note: LJ Total World Domination blogquiz, by Alison.
I thought I was going to bed at 11:05 (which is early for me), but instead it turned out to be more of a nap since I woke up at 12:45.. and here I thought I'd be tired enough because of something else to make it a night! :P The Nyquil I just took will help in that regard, though: yay for Fossil Fuel chasers!
When I got to the computer, I found a series of messages from Eric: "I will be going to church straight from work. [my auto-response] You there? FLAMMY! Wake up, silly girl!" Hahaha, I went to bed eleven minutes before that! Also... way to make me waste the money on the crumble unless we can make Cambie / Jacombs arrangements tomorrow sometime like we did for Phil's going-away bash. :P
Here's a long survey about me, via Amy's Myspace bulletin:
Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 1:22 AM.
Name?: Leslie
Nicknames?: Sarne, Les.
Date of birth?: September 17.
Sex?: Female.
Height?: 4 foot.
Eye color?: Dark brown.
Where were you born? Vancouver.
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: Probably 16 since I don't really like birthday cakes.
Pets?: None.
Hair color?: Black / dark brown.
Piercings?: Nah.
Town you live in?: Richmond.
Favorite foods?: Depends... mainly hot and sour soup / wonton noodles.
Ever been to Africa?: No.
Been toilet papering?: No.
Love someone so much it made you cry?: No.
Been in a car accident?: Yes.
Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons.
Favorite day of the week?: Friday / Saturday.
Favorite restaurant?: Anywhere that's cheap and has good food.
Favorite flower?: Don't care much for flowers in general... I'll say roses for now. :P
Favorite sport to watch?: Hockey.
Favorite drink?: Water / iced tea.
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Mint chocolate chip.
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Both.
Favorite fast food restaurant?: Wendy's.
Carpet color in your bedroom?: Brown.
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: 0, since I've never taken one! Har har.
Whom did you get your last email from?: Spammers. I'm SO unloved. :(
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: If I had a credit card to max out, I'd go to an electronics shop / bookstore. Probably Chapters or Future Shop, but make sure I had a knowledgeable friend with me in the latter shop.
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Play Bookworm.
Most annoying thing to say to me?: Not sure... any assumption about me is bound to rate highly on the list, though.
Bedtime?: Does not exist.
Favorite TV show?: Non-existent.
Last person you went out to dinner with?: Not sure... Phil's going-away bash doesn't count, and neither does my going over to the townhouse the other day.
Been out of country?: Yes.
Believe in magick?: No.
Ford or Chevy?: Neither.
What are you listening to right now?: The Boredoms.
Have you ever failed a grade?: No.
If you have, what grade did you fail?: N/A.
Do you have a crush on someone?: No.
If so, what is their name?: N/A.
What are you wearing right now?: Black pants and a T-shirt.
Would you have sex before marriage?: Probably not.
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Not really.
Are you a virgin?: Yes.
Do you smoke?: No.
Do you drink?: Occasionally.
Are you ghetto?: No.
Are you a player?: No.
What are your favorite colors?: Blue, purple, black.
What is your favorite animal?: Cats... or dragons.
Do you have any birthmarks?: Yeah, probably.
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: Not recently...
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Not sure.
Have you ever been slapped?: Let's not go there, mmkay?
Do you get online a lot?: Yes.
Are you shy or outgoing?: Somewhere in between the two.
Do you shower?: Yes, just had one earlier tonight.
Do you hate school?: I did at times, but usually not.
Do you have a social life?: .... not really... summer should be interesting, though.
How easily do you trust people?: Fairly easily.
Would you ever skydive?: No.
Do you like to dance?: Not really.
Have you ever been out of state?: ... N/A since I don't live in the States.
Do you like to travel?: Sorta... it depends on my mood.
Have you ever been expelled from school?: Nope.
Have you ever been suspended from school?: Yes.
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Sure, for a while.
Are you spoiled?: Not really.
Are you a brat?: Not really.
Have you ever been dumped?: Not really...
Have you ever gotten high?: No.
Do you like Snapple?: Yes.
Do you drink a lot of water?: It depends...
What toothpaste do you use?: Whatever's around / on sale.
Do you have a cell phone?: No.
Do you have a curfew?: Not really, but I used to get in trouble anyhow since my parents are Asian and would never really SAY what time they wanted me home by. When I didn't get home by whenever they sorta-expected me there, I had to watch out!
Who do you look up to?: Nobody really... surprise, surprise.
Are you a role model?: I hope not, heh... although I hope I am, for the kiddies' sake!
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: No... Corey keeps bugging me about going to Six Flags, heh.
What name brand do you wear the most?: Not sure.
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Usually my bling watch and nothing else, haha.
What do you want pierced?: Nothing, really.
Do you like taking pictures?: It depends.
Do you like getting your picture taken?: Sorta, it depends on my mood.
Do you have a tan?: Not really.
Do you get annoyed easily?: Yes.
Have you ever started a rumor?: No.
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: Yes.
Do you have your own pool?: No.
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Whichever.
Do you have any siblings?: Yes.
Have you ever been played?: To the best of my knowledge, no.
Have you ever played anyone?: I don't believe so.
Do you get along with your parents?: Most of the time, I guess... I think?
How do you vent your anger?: Silent treatment, or by being passive-aggressive. (man, I'm turning into my mom already... STOP THE INSANITY!)
Have you ever run away?: Yes.
Have you ever been fired from a job?: Not as such, no.
Do you even have a job?: Sorta.
Do you daydream a lot?: Yes.
Do you have a lot of exes?: No.
Do you run your mouth?: No.
What do you want a tattoo of?: A random dragon, haha.
What do you have a tattoo of?: Nothing yet.
What does your ex look like?: Pasty white dude who could stand to lose some weight. :P
What does your most recent crush look like?: He was cute in the scruffy way.
What's her / his name?: Now that would be telling... and I don't tell. ;)
Have you ever been bitched out?: Sorta, yes.
Are you rude?: I can be.
What was the last compliment you received?: That I'm really sweet and thoughtful.
Do you like getting dirty?: No.
Are you flexible?: No.
What is your heritage?: Chinese, Chinese, and... oh yeah, Chinese. GO, CHINA POWER!
What is your lucky number?: Don't really have one. Might help if I did... or not.
What does your hair look like right now?: Dry and black. :P
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: Probably not.
Describe your looks?: .... not much to say about 'em.
If you had to completely dye your hair, it'd be what color?: Purple and green, haha.
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Sure.
Would you ever date someone older than you?: Sure.
When was the last time you were drunk?: Long ago and far away.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Maybe 3... some people say 15, though. They're on crack. ;)
Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: No.
If yes, when was the last time?: N/A.
When was the last time you went on a date?: Last year? Heh.
Do you look more like your mother or father?: Dad, I guess...
Do you cry a lot?: Probably not...
Do you ever cry to get your way?: Not sure I could if I tried!
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "I see..."
Are you the romantic type?: Sorta-kinda.
Have you ever been chased by cops?: No.
What do you like most about your body?: Dunno.
What do you like least about your body?: Not sure.
When did you have your first crush?: Early elementary school... Gr. 1, maybe.
When was the last time you threw up?: A long time ago! I don't even remember when!
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes.
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: No.
What about cleavage?: .... no.
Is your best friend a virgin?: Don't have a best friend.
Have you ever fucked someone up?: Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever been fucked up?: Not really.
What theme does your room have?: ... rooms are supposed to have themes?
What size shoe do you wear?: 7 and a half.
What is your screen name: AlenaBrolxFlami.
How are you feeling right now?: Finally tired!
When was the last time you were at a party?: A couple months ago.
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No.
Have you ever received one?: No.
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Probably, yeah.
What is one of your bad qualilties?: Not sure.
What is one of your good qualilties?: Reasonable friendliness.
Would you marry for money?: Possibly...
What do you drive?: Nothing.
Are you more of a mommy's or daddy's child?: ... I'd say Daddy's.
When was the last time you cried in school?: Way too long ago.
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: Probably not.
What kind of music do you like?: Rock with a melody.
Would you ever bungee jump?: Hell, no.
What is your worst fear?: Not sure... abandonment ranks high, though.
Would you ever join the army?: Probably not.
Do you like cows?: Not in particular.
If you were to die today, what would you do?: .... sink into oblivion.
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be?: Depends on the person... most likely: "Bleh!"
Do you like to party?: Not really.
Hearts or broken hearts?: .... nice question. :P
Moons or stars?: Moons! Hehehe.
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke, I guess.
Favorite scent?: Not sure... homecooked stuff is cool, though.
Favorite band?: Children of Bodom.
Would you ever dye your hair red?: Probably not...
What time are you finishing this?: 1:50 AM.
I thought I was going to bed at 11:05 (which is early for me), but instead it turned out to be more of a nap since I woke up at 12:45.. and here I thought I'd be tired enough because of something else to make it a night! :P The Nyquil I just took will help in that regard, though: yay for Fossil Fuel chasers!

When I got to the computer, I found a series of messages from Eric: "I will be going to church straight from work. [my auto-response] You there? FLAMMY! Wake up, silly girl!" Hahaha, I went to bed eleven minutes before that! Also... way to make me waste the money on the crumble unless we can make Cambie / Jacombs arrangements tomorrow sometime like we did for Phil's going-away bash. :P
Here's a long survey about me, via Amy's Myspace bulletin:
Long Survey About Yourself
What time are you starting this?: 1:22 AM.
Name?: Leslie
Nicknames?: Sarne, Les.
Date of birth?: September 17.
Sex?: Female.
Height?: 4 foot.
Eye color?: Dark brown.
Where were you born? Vancouver.
Number of candles on your last birthday cake?: Probably 16 since I don't really like birthday cakes.
Pets?: None.
Hair color?: Black / dark brown.
Piercings?: Nah.
Town you live in?: Richmond.
Favorite foods?: Depends... mainly hot and sour soup / wonton noodles.
Ever been to Africa?: No.
Been toilet papering?: No.
Love someone so much it made you cry?: No.
Been in a car accident?: Yes.
Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons.
Favorite day of the week?: Friday / Saturday.
Favorite restaurant?: Anywhere that's cheap and has good food.
Favorite flower?: Don't care much for flowers in general... I'll say roses for now. :P
Favorite sport to watch?: Hockey.
Favorite drink?: Water / iced tea.
Favorite ice cream flavor?: Mint chocolate chip.
Warner Bros. or Disney?: Both.
Favorite fast food restaurant?: Wendy's.
Carpet color in your bedroom?: Brown.
How many times did you fail your driver's test?: 0, since I've never taken one! Har har.
Whom did you get your last email from?: Spammers. I'm SO unloved. :(
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?: If I had a credit card to max out, I'd go to an electronics shop / bookstore. Probably Chapters or Future Shop, but make sure I had a knowledgeable friend with me in the latter shop.
What do you do most often when you are bored?: Play Bookworm.
Most annoying thing to say to me?: Not sure... any assumption about me is bound to rate highly on the list, though.
Bedtime?: Does not exist.
Favorite TV show?: Non-existent.
Last person you went out to dinner with?: Not sure... Phil's going-away bash doesn't count, and neither does my going over to the townhouse the other day.
Been out of country?: Yes.
Believe in magick?: No.
Ford or Chevy?: Neither.
What are you listening to right now?: The Boredoms.
Have you ever failed a grade?: No.
If you have, what grade did you fail?: N/A.
Do you have a crush on someone?: No.
If so, what is their name?: N/A.
What are you wearing right now?: Black pants and a T-shirt.
Would you have sex before marriage?: Probably not.
Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Not really.
Are you a virgin?: Yes.
Do you smoke?: No.
Do you drink?: Occasionally.
Are you ghetto?: No.
Are you a player?: No.
What are your favorite colors?: Blue, purple, black.
What is your favorite animal?: Cats... or dragons.
Do you have any birthmarks?: Yeah, probably.
Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: Not recently...
Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Not sure.
Have you ever been slapped?: Let's not go there, mmkay?
Do you get online a lot?: Yes.
Are you shy or outgoing?: Somewhere in between the two.
Do you shower?: Yes, just had one earlier tonight.
Do you hate school?: I did at times, but usually not.
Do you have a social life?: .... not really... summer should be interesting, though.
How easily do you trust people?: Fairly easily.
Would you ever skydive?: No.
Do you like to dance?: Not really.
Have you ever been out of state?: ... N/A since I don't live in the States.
Do you like to travel?: Sorta... it depends on my mood.
Have you ever been expelled from school?: Nope.
Have you ever been suspended from school?: Yes.
Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Sure, for a while.
Are you spoiled?: Not really.
Are you a brat?: Not really.
Have you ever been dumped?: Not really...
Have you ever gotten high?: No.
Do you like Snapple?: Yes.
Do you drink a lot of water?: It depends...
What toothpaste do you use?: Whatever's around / on sale.
Do you have a cell phone?: No.
Do you have a curfew?: Not really, but I used to get in trouble anyhow since my parents are Asian and would never really SAY what time they wanted me home by. When I didn't get home by whenever they sorta-expected me there, I had to watch out!
Who do you look up to?: Nobody really... surprise, surprise.
Are you a role model?: I hope not, heh... although I hope I am, for the kiddies' sake!
Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point?: No... Corey keeps bugging me about going to Six Flags, heh.
What name brand do you wear the most?: Not sure.
What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Usually my bling watch and nothing else, haha.
What do you want pierced?: Nothing, really.
Do you like taking pictures?: It depends.
Do you like getting your picture taken?: Sorta, it depends on my mood.
Do you have a tan?: Not really.
Do you get annoyed easily?: Yes.
Have you ever started a rumor?: No.
Do you have your own phone or phone line?: Yes.
Do you have your own pool?: No.
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Whichever.
Do you have any siblings?: Yes.
Have you ever been played?: To the best of my knowledge, no.
Have you ever played anyone?: I don't believe so.
Do you get along with your parents?: Most of the time, I guess... I think?
How do you vent your anger?: Silent treatment, or by being passive-aggressive. (man, I'm turning into my mom already... STOP THE INSANITY!)
Have you ever run away?: Yes.
Have you ever been fired from a job?: Not as such, no.
Do you even have a job?: Sorta.
Do you daydream a lot?: Yes.
Do you have a lot of exes?: No.
Do you run your mouth?: No.
What do you want a tattoo of?: A random dragon, haha.
What do you have a tattoo of?: Nothing yet.
What does your ex look like?: Pasty white dude who could stand to lose some weight. :P
What does your most recent crush look like?: He was cute in the scruffy way.
What's her / his name?: Now that would be telling... and I don't tell. ;)
Have you ever been bitched out?: Sorta, yes.
Are you rude?: I can be.
What was the last compliment you received?: That I'm really sweet and thoughtful.
Do you like getting dirty?: No.
Are you flexible?: No.
What is your heritage?: Chinese, Chinese, and... oh yeah, Chinese. GO, CHINA POWER!
What is your lucky number?: Don't really have one. Might help if I did... or not.
What does your hair look like right now?: Dry and black. :P
Could you ever be a vegetarian?: Probably not.
Describe your looks?: .... not much to say about 'em.
If you had to completely dye your hair, it'd be what color?: Purple and green, haha.
Would you ever date someone younger than you?: Sure.
Would you ever date someone older than you?: Sure.
When was the last time you were drunk?: Long ago and far away.
How many rings until you answer the phone?: Maybe 3... some people say 15, though. They're on crack. ;)
Have you ever been skinny-dipping?: No.
If yes, when was the last time?: N/A.
When was the last time you went on a date?: Last year? Heh.
Do you look more like your mother or father?: Dad, I guess...
Do you cry a lot?: Probably not...
Do you ever cry to get your way?: Not sure I could if I tried!
What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: "I see..."
Are you the romantic type?: Sorta-kinda.
Have you ever been chased by cops?: No.
What do you like most about your body?: Dunno.
What do you like least about your body?: Not sure.
When did you have your first crush?: Early elementary school... Gr. 1, maybe.
When was the last time you threw up?: A long time ago! I don't even remember when!
In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Brunettes.
Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: No.
What about cleavage?: .... no.
Is your best friend a virgin?: Don't have a best friend.
Have you ever fucked someone up?: Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever been fucked up?: Not really.
What theme does your room have?: ... rooms are supposed to have themes?
What size shoe do you wear?: 7 and a half.
What is your screen name: AlenaBrolxFlami.
How are you feeling right now?: Finally tired!
When was the last time you were at a party?: A couple months ago.
Have you ever given a lapdance?: No.
Have you ever received one?: No.
Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Probably, yeah.
What is one of your bad qualilties?: Not sure.
What is one of your good qualilties?: Reasonable friendliness.
Would you marry for money?: Possibly...
What do you drive?: Nothing.
Are you more of a mommy's or daddy's child?: ... I'd say Daddy's.
When was the last time you cried in school?: Way too long ago.
Would you ever hook up with the same sex?: Probably not.
What kind of music do you like?: Rock with a melody.
Would you ever bungee jump?: Hell, no.
What is your worst fear?: Not sure... abandonment ranks high, though.
Would you ever join the army?: Probably not.
Do you like cows?: Not in particular.
If you were to die today, what would you do?: .... sink into oblivion.
If you had one last word to say to someone before you die, what would it be?: Depends on the person... most likely: "Bleh!"
Do you like to party?: Not really.
Hearts or broken hearts?: .... nice question. :P
Moons or stars?: Moons! Hehehe.
Coke or Pepsi?: Coke, I guess.
Favorite scent?: Not sure... homecooked stuff is cool, though.
Favorite band?: Children of Bodom.
Would you ever dye your hair red?: Probably not...
What time are you finishing this?: 1:50 AM.
Labels: blogquiz, bookworm, chuck, corey, crap, dragons, emails, eric m., fellowship, hockey, ice cream, maxed-out tags limit, money, myspace, noodles, phil, sleep, smileys, surveys, water
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