Offline journals (white binder #1) / Music survey / Freaky quizzes
When I switch paper journals, I should make another one of these entries in LJ / GJ / Blogger!
Users on my LJ / GJ friends lists (past or present) who have been mentioned in my current offline journal (white binder) since mid-July 2004 till mid-July 2006:
Robert Deaver (aesiron)
Josh Chase (aint_no_nothin / joshua_e)
Asa (apollotiger)
Rhett (bightchee)
Steph Ng (canucks94) (my sister didn't need to get an LJ till March 2004, otherwise she'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Charlotte G.-C. (charshark)
Monica Martinez (chibongo)
Rachel Bennett (cynicalsiren)
Tawny Havens (darktawnee)
Ryan Liam (de_stijl_)
Aaron Adams (declared_insane)
Darren Morrison (dfrancis) (Darren expressed interest in LJ in May / June 2005, otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Corey Tap. (dwcorey) (I didn't know Corey had an LJ till November 2004, otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Ryan McSweeney (eyeheartnewlife)
Alyial Kollidia (feduprainbowkid)
Chris Wetherell (garould)
Geo Adams (geoantada)
Catherine Anderson (geordiecat76)
Jim Anderson (harryroberts / rogermellie / kodyscott)
Jake Scott (hitman2682)
Patrick Hunter-Kilmer (iampunha)
Jamie War. (jaebird)
Richard Lor. (johhnymayhem)
Christina Anz. (lazeesod)
Eric Ho (lddude) (Eric H. expressed interest in LJ in August 2005, but we didn't get around to creating his account till October 2005... otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Farrah Fong (lilaznffairy421 / farrah)
Caryn Russman (lonelysarcasm / allbymeonesies)
Stephen O'Daniel (lordreaibn / reaibn)
Mary O'Malley (maryomalley)
Matthew Stone (mbstone99)
Meredith Feuerbach (mentira)
Chris Barry (monkey_funkel)
Billie Esma (mrgrim)
Ryan Wetherell (mrsulu)
Chris Light (nezmet)
Palmer Stevens (palmer_kun)
Sam Anderson (p1r4t3_k1ng)
Chris Hewitt (pianodude34)
Michael Nelson (rubarabadom)
Cody Grunert (scotish_mox)
KQ Tan (sjenkins)
Steve Wright (sjwright)
Jared Watts (smokedglass7429)
John Abbott (snooooopy)
Sara Wills (sparkle_bint)
Ben / Alyson Delgado (_brainsick_ / sufi87)
Jasmine Co. (surrey_sucks)
Chris Sykes (tropiclands)
Matt (urban_squirrel)
Erin Men. (welfy)
Pete P. (why_a_duck)
Teunis P.
Steve Lord (wrathchild)
* plus a special mention of Ryan (museirain), because I talk to him all the time, heh
Here's a music survey!
List 10 musical artists you like.
1. Our Lady Peace
2. Big Sugar
3. Everclear
4. Radiohead
5. Matthew Good Band
6. the Apologetix
7. the Clash
8. Children of Bodom
9. Ministry
10. Bootsauce
What was the first song you ever heard by 8?: Follow The Reaper.
What is your favorite album of 5?: Underdogs.
What is your favorite lyric(s) of 6?: "I went to Al Gore / He said that Earth's life support has nearly been destroyed / No cure can be found / Sometimes I think this world's asleep...", Casket Place.
What is your favorite song by 7? So many choices... Lost in the Supermarket.
Have you ever seen 1 live? Unfortunately, no.
Is there a song of 4 that makes you sad?: High and Dry.
What is your favorite lyric(s) of 3?: So many choices... "I am a loser geek / Crazy with an evil streak / Yes, I do believe there is a / Violent thing inside of me...", White Men in Black Suits.
What is your favorite song by 9?: Worm.
How did you get into 2?: Eric M. used to bug me by singing Big Sugar all the time, so naturally I got into them for some reason. :D
What is your favorite song by 10?: Everyone's A Winner.
Is there a song by 5 that makes you sad?: Empty Road.
What is your favorite song by 1?: So many choices... Dirty Walls.
How did you become a fan of 3?: When the Fox played their songs on the radio all the time, I could relate to much of what Art Alexakis sang about. OMG CHILDHOOD / TEENAGE ANGST! o_O
What is your favorite album of 6? Ticked. (well, it's the only one Jon and I have...)
Users on my LJ / GJ friends lists (past or present) who have been mentioned in my current offline journal (white binder) since mid-July 2004 till mid-July 2006:
Robert Deaver (aesiron)
Josh Chase (aint_no_nothin / joshua_e)
Asa (apollotiger)
Rhett (bightchee)
Steph Ng (canucks94) (my sister didn't need to get an LJ till March 2004, otherwise she'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Charlotte G.-C. (charshark)
Monica Martinez (chibongo)
Rachel Bennett (cynicalsiren)
Tawny Havens (darktawnee)
Ryan Liam (de_stijl_)
Aaron Adams (declared_insane)
Darren Morrison (dfrancis) (Darren expressed interest in LJ in May / June 2005, otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Corey Tap. (dwcorey) (I didn't know Corey had an LJ till November 2004, otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Ryan McSweeney (eyeheartnewlife)
Alyial Kollidia (feduprainbowkid)
Chris Wetherell (garould)
Geo Adams (geoantada)
Catherine Anderson (geordiecat76)
Jim Anderson (harryroberts / rogermellie / kodyscott)
Jake Scott (hitman2682)
Patrick Hunter-Kilmer (iampunha)
Jamie War. (jaebird)
Richard Lor. (johhnymayhem)
Christina Anz. (lazeesod)
Eric Ho (lddude) (Eric H. expressed interest in LJ in August 2005, but we didn't get around to creating his account till October 2005... otherwise he'd have been on the other list in the previous entry)
Farrah Fong (lilaznffairy421 / farrah)
Caryn Russman (lonelysarcasm / allbymeonesies)
Stephen O'Daniel (lordreaibn / reaibn)
Mary O'Malley (maryomalley)
Matthew Stone (mbstone99)
Meredith Feuerbach (mentira)
Chris Barry (monkey_funkel)
Billie Esma (mrgrim)
Ryan Wetherell (mrsulu)
Chris Light (nezmet)
Palmer Stevens (palmer_kun)
Sam Anderson (p1r4t3_k1ng)
Chris Hewitt (pianodude34)
Michael Nelson (rubarabadom)
Cody Grunert (scotish_mox)
KQ Tan (sjenkins)
Steve Wright (sjwright)
Jared Watts (smokedglass7429)
John Abbott (snooooopy)
Sara Wills (sparkle_bint)
Ben / Alyson Delgado (_brainsick_ / sufi87)
Jasmine Co. (surrey_sucks)
Chris Sykes (tropiclands)
Matt (urban_squirrel)
Erin Men. (welfy)
Pete P. (why_a_duck)
Teunis P.
Steve Lord (wrathchild)
* plus a special mention of Ryan (museirain), because I talk to him all the time, heh
Here's a music survey!
List 10 musical artists you like.
1. Our Lady Peace
2. Big Sugar
3. Everclear
4. Radiohead
5. Matthew Good Band
6. the Apologetix
7. the Clash
8. Children of Bodom
9. Ministry
10. Bootsauce
What was the first song you ever heard by 8?: Follow The Reaper.
What is your favorite album of 5?: Underdogs.
What is your favorite lyric(s) of 6?: "I went to Al Gore / He said that Earth's life support has nearly been destroyed / No cure can be found / Sometimes I think this world's asleep...", Casket Place.
What is your favorite song by 7? So many choices... Lost in the Supermarket.
Have you ever seen 1 live? Unfortunately, no.
Is there a song of 4 that makes you sad?: High and Dry.
What is your favorite lyric(s) of 3?: So many choices... "I am a loser geek / Crazy with an evil streak / Yes, I do believe there is a / Violent thing inside of me...", White Men in Black Suits.
What is your favorite song by 9?: Worm.
How did you get into 2?: Eric M. used to bug me by singing Big Sugar all the time, so naturally I got into them for some reason. :D
What is your favorite song by 10?: Everyone's A Winner.
Is there a song by 5 that makes you sad?: Empty Road.
What is your favorite song by 1?: So many choices... Dirty Walls.
How did you become a fan of 3?: When the Fox played their songs on the radio all the time, I could relate to much of what Art Alexakis sang about. OMG CHILDHOOD / TEENAGE ANGST! o_O
What is your favorite album of 6? Ticked. (well, it's the only one Jon and I have...)
Which freaky subway person is Leslie? |
The person who falls asleep on someone else's shoulder. |
'Which freaky subway person are you?' at |
Labels: aaron, charlotte, corey, darren m., george, gj, jared, josh, lj, mary, matt, maxed-out tags limit, quiz galaxy, rachel, ryan, sara, scott, stephen, steve, teunis
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