Beware the screen name of OMGHABERDASHERY!
I just had the most confusing IM conversation ever:
[01:39:20] omghaberdashery: I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
[01:39:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: it's probably in the fridge with the pork and beans
[01:40:05] omghaberdashery: oh dear
[01:41:15] omghaberdashery: SHOWER
[01:41:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: do I know you?
[01:41:22] omghaberdashery: shower duh
[01:41:31] omghaberdashery: I have no clue
[01:41:33] omghaberdashery: you IMed me
[01:41:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: I did not
[01:41:49] omghaberdashery: Bologna
[01:42:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: seriously.. I've been sitting here doing stuff all night, and haven't IMed anyone
[01:42:49] omghaberdashery: alenabrolxflami: I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
alenabrolxflami: it's probably in the fridge with the pork and beans
************: oh dear
[01:43:00] omghaberdashery: Enjoy your night
[01:43:02] omghaberdashery: I'm taking a shower
[01:43:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: *paste of conversation*
[01:43:54] omghaberdashery: AlenaBrolxFlami?
[01:44:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, that's MY name!
[01:44:35] omghaberdashery: Erin ******
[01:44:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: how did you get my name?
[01:45:01] omghaberdashery: I'm really confused
[01:45:15] omghaberdashery: I never said that first thing... that hat thing
[01:45:32] omghaberdashery: And I have no idea who OMGhaberdashery is
[01:45:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, you did.
[01:46:04] omghaberdashery: I'm guessing you're just someone playing a joke, so
[01:46:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: whatever, dude
[01:46:30] omghaberdashery: not a dude
[01:47:46] omghaberdashery: just a very confused and sleepy college student
[01:47:48] omghaberdashery: goodnight
[01:48:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: hmm... someone's been taking your name then, since your name's different in the other conversation thing you pasted.. oh well
[01:48:46] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[01:50:19] omghaberdashery: but yours is, too
[01:50:27] omghaberdashery: it's saying your name is alenabrolxflami
[01:50:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: and that's what my name is..
[01:50:53] omghaberdashery: I thought you said it was alena
[01:51:03] omghaberdashery: bronxsomething
[01:51:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: AlenaBrolxFlami, yes..
[01:51:47] omghaberdashery: you're logged on under two names?
[01:52:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: not me.. you, perhaps?
[01:52:37] omghaberdashery: well, under info, it says Alenabrolxflami and alenabrolxflami are online
[01:53:03] omghaberdashery: thus, I am confused
[01:53:08] omghaberdashery: about who I'm talking to
[01:53:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, I'm only one person...
[01:55:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: shows up under your info box..
[01:56:14] omghaberdashery: that's really weird.. it shows up under yours too... except with **********
[01:56:56] omghaberdashery: I think some hacker is messing with us
[01:57:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: probably...
[01:57:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh well... go take your shower... goodnight..
[01:59:13] omghaberdashery: but I just found something
[01:59:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay
[1:59:43] omghaberdashery: I don't know what the hell just happened, but now I am pissed.
I get up this morning cause I need to well.. go
anyway, I notice a person wants to start a convo on AIM.. like when you have a box that says yes, I will talk to them..
the first message was something like her old bean have you seen my hat. I got that a few times, then a your fedora and a you heart Joey only one person hearts Joey.. something stupid like that. Then this girl accuses me of IMing her first, which isn't true since I don't know who the hell she is since she says she is Kristine or something. Then she accuses me of sending all this stuff like the hat question and the I heart Joey stuff. Then she is like is anyone using your PC.. that is the only straight thing I got... Since I live alone, have virus blockers, and a really good firewall... it's very unlikely anyone hacked into mine.. and I would have evidence.. cause I would be able to see it and such................ Grr! I just wanted to get up, go quickly, then go back to sleep. What the hell happened?
so be wary of some screenname like alenabrolxflami cause it could be some stupid shit like that
[02:00:12] omghaberdashery: I'm not even mad!
[02:00:17] omghaberdashery: I think you're hilarious
[02:00:37] omghaberdashery: and I think I should flame their fuckin' journal to hell
[02:00:46] omghaberdashery: for being a whiny Fall Out Boy-loving bitch
[02:01:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: nobody else is using my PC except me since I live alone and all that... that is really interesting, though..
[02:01:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[02:01:50] omghaberdashery: join me in the fun?
[02:02:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: sure
[02:02:02] omghaberdashery: This time, you came across an evil Internet-addicted bitch
[02:02:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh yeah?
[02:02:12] omghaberdashery: ;) that's a really good gag, though
[02:02:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: true
[02:02:20] omghaberdashery: you had me soooooo confused
[02:02:31] omghaberdashery: I was just tossing and turning in bed... facing the wall, then the screen
[02:02:51] omghaberdashery: How'd you find me?
[02:03:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: .... you IMed me first, like I said..
[02:03:30] omghaberdashery: xD
[02:03:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: so yeah...
[02:03:50] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[02:04:19] omghaberdashery: come on
[02:04:30] omghaberdashery: you seem like a good-hearted chap
[02:04:32] omghaberdashery: now
[02:04:34] omghaberdashery: flame with me
[02:04:38] omghaberdashery: till dawn, my good man or woman
[02:04:40] omghaberdashery: flame with me
[02:05:11] omghaberdashery: ???
[02:07:27] omghaberdashery: grr, they log your IP
[02:08:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: they do?
[02:08:06] omghaberdashery: yeah
[02:08:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: who's "they" ?
[02:08:15] omghaberdashery: that person with the bitchy journal
[02:09:00] omghaberdashery: Hotaru
[02:10:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see...
[02:14:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: although the original version had omghaberdashery as the screen name... in your version, it's replaced with mine..
[02:14:59] omghaberdashery: rawr
[02:15:07] omghaberdashery: I tried to make nice
[02:15:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: and?
[02:15:17] omghaberdashery: but now that I've got you all figured out
[02:15:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: me?!
[02:15:27] omghaberdashery: I really need to sleep before I have class tomorrow
[02:15:34] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[02:15:42] omghaberdashery: I'd love for you to find evidence of me doing this before
[02:16:03] omghaberdashery: and the fact that both of the people you did this to were on LiveJournal. o_0
[02:16:10] omghaberdashery: evidence = secure
[02:16:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: I did not do this to anyone
[02:16:20] omghaberdashery: pshaw xD
[02:16:36] omghaberdashery: oh well, next time, make sure you pull this on a kid with the screename ************
[02:16:45] omghaberdashery: He'll be a gas, I swear
[02:16:52] omghaberdashery: look up his journal
[02:16:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: still shows your screen name as omghaberdashery
[02:16:58] omghaberdashery: yeah
[02:16:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh
[02:17:01] omghaberdashery: I'm *********
[02:17:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: so you say
[02:17:07] omghaberdashery: and you're alenabrolxflami
[02:17:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: yup
[02:17:12] omghaberdashery: and your name shows up on that website
[02:17:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: so does yours
[02:17:25] omghaberdashery: no
[02:17:27] omghaberdashery: nngh
[02:17:38] omghaberdashery: I looked up "alenabrolxflami" on Google, found that kid's LJ post, which described the exact thing you did to me, happening to her
[02:17:59] omghaberdashery: *shrug* like I said
[02:18:02] omghaberdashery: I give you credit for it
[02:18:22] omghaberdashery: Just don't underestimate the almighty powers of GOOGLE SEARCH
[02:18:31] omghaberdashery: and the UBERINTELLIGENCE OF the E-HURLZ!
[02:19:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: that explains why my screen name is in your version of events..
[02:19:11] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[02:19:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: sleep duh?!
[02:19:24] omghaberdashery: that's my away message
[02:19:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see
[02:19:40] omghaberdashery: that... doesn't explain anything
[02:19:40] omghaberdashery: but
[02:19:49] omghaberdashery: now you're just getting on my nerves
[02:19:50] omghaberdashery: peace
[02:21:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: hm. for your information, the only stuff with my name that shows up on Google is stuff I'd expect to show up. like blogresults and profiles
This is what I get when I Google "riced out yugo."
So beware of the screen name omghaberdashery, or else.
[01:39:20] omghaberdashery: I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
[01:39:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: it's probably in the fridge with the pork and beans
[01:40:05] omghaberdashery: oh dear
[01:41:15] omghaberdashery: SHOWER
[01:41:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: do I know you?
[01:41:22] omghaberdashery: shower duh
[01:41:31] omghaberdashery: I have no clue
[01:41:33] omghaberdashery: you IMed me
[01:41:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: I did not
[01:41:49] omghaberdashery: Bologna
[01:42:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: seriously.. I've been sitting here doing stuff all night, and haven't IMed anyone
[01:42:49] omghaberdashery: alenabrolxflami: I say, old bean, have you seen my hat?
alenabrolxflami: it's probably in the fridge with the pork and beans
************: oh dear
[01:43:00] omghaberdashery: Enjoy your night
[01:43:02] omghaberdashery: I'm taking a shower
[01:43:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: *paste of conversation*
[01:43:54] omghaberdashery: AlenaBrolxFlami?
[01:44:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, that's MY name!
[01:44:35] omghaberdashery: Erin ******
[01:44:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: how did you get my name?
[01:45:01] omghaberdashery: I'm really confused
[01:45:15] omghaberdashery: I never said that first thing... that hat thing
[01:45:32] omghaberdashery: And I have no idea who OMGhaberdashery is
[01:45:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: yes, you did.
[01:46:04] omghaberdashery: I'm guessing you're just someone playing a joke, so
[01:46:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: whatever, dude
[01:46:30] omghaberdashery: not a dude
[01:47:46] omghaberdashery: just a very confused and sleepy college student
[01:47:48] omghaberdashery: goodnight
[01:48:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: hmm... someone's been taking your name then, since your name's different in the other conversation thing you pasted.. oh well
[01:48:46] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[01:50:19] omghaberdashery: but yours is, too
[01:50:27] omghaberdashery: it's saying your name is alenabrolxflami
[01:50:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: and that's what my name is..
[01:50:53] omghaberdashery: I thought you said it was alena
[01:51:03] omghaberdashery: bronxsomething
[01:51:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: AlenaBrolxFlami, yes..
[01:51:47] omghaberdashery: you're logged on under two names?
[01:52:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: not me.. you, perhaps?
[01:52:37] omghaberdashery: well, under info, it says Alenabrolxflami and alenabrolxflami are online
[01:53:03] omghaberdashery: thus, I am confused
[01:53:08] omghaberdashery: about who I'm talking to
[01:53:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, I'm only one person...
[01:55:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: shows up under your info box..
[01:56:14] omghaberdashery: that's really weird.. it shows up under yours too... except with **********
[01:56:56] omghaberdashery: I think some hacker is messing with us
[01:57:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: probably...
[01:57:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh well... go take your shower... goodnight..
[01:59:13] omghaberdashery: but I just found something
[01:59:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay
[1:59:43] omghaberdashery: I don't know what the hell just happened, but now I am pissed.
I get up this morning cause I need to well.. go
anyway, I notice a person wants to start a convo on AIM.. like when you have a box that says yes, I will talk to them..
the first message was something like her old bean have you seen my hat. I got that a few times, then a your fedora and a you heart Joey only one person hearts Joey.. something stupid like that. Then this girl accuses me of IMing her first, which isn't true since I don't know who the hell she is since she says she is Kristine or something. Then she accuses me of sending all this stuff like the hat question and the I heart Joey stuff. Then she is like is anyone using your PC.. that is the only straight thing I got... Since I live alone, have virus blockers, and a really good firewall... it's very unlikely anyone hacked into mine.. and I would have evidence.. cause I would be able to see it and such................ Grr! I just wanted to get up, go quickly, then go back to sleep. What the hell happened?
so be wary of some screenname like alenabrolxflami cause it could be some stupid shit like that
[02:00:12] omghaberdashery: I'm not even mad!
[02:00:17] omghaberdashery: I think you're hilarious
[02:00:37] omghaberdashery: and I think I should flame their fuckin' journal to hell
[02:00:46] omghaberdashery: for being a whiny Fall Out Boy-loving bitch
[02:01:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: nobody else is using my PC except me since I live alone and all that... that is really interesting, though..
[02:01:38] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[02:01:50] omghaberdashery: join me in the fun?
[02:02:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: sure
[02:02:02] omghaberdashery: This time, you came across an evil Internet-addicted bitch
[02:02:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh yeah?
[02:02:12] omghaberdashery: ;) that's a really good gag, though
[02:02:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: true
[02:02:20] omghaberdashery: you had me soooooo confused
[02:02:31] omghaberdashery: I was just tossing and turning in bed... facing the wall, then the screen
[02:02:51] omghaberdashery: How'd you find me?
[02:03:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: .... you IMed me first, like I said..
[02:03:30] omghaberdashery: xD
[02:03:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: so yeah...
[02:03:50] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[02:04:19] omghaberdashery: come on
[02:04:30] omghaberdashery: you seem like a good-hearted chap
[02:04:32] omghaberdashery: now
[02:04:34] omghaberdashery: flame with me
[02:04:38] omghaberdashery: till dawn, my good man or woman
[02:04:40] omghaberdashery: flame with me
[02:05:11] omghaberdashery: ???
[02:07:27] omghaberdashery: grr, they log your IP
[02:08:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: they do?
[02:08:06] omghaberdashery: yeah
[02:08:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: who's "they" ?
[02:08:15] omghaberdashery: that person with the bitchy journal
[02:09:00] omghaberdashery: Hotaru
[02:10:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see...
[02:14:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: although the original version had omghaberdashery as the screen name... in your version, it's replaced with mine..
[02:14:59] omghaberdashery: rawr
[02:15:07] omghaberdashery: I tried to make nice
[02:15:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: and?
[02:15:17] omghaberdashery: but now that I've got you all figured out
[02:15:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: me?!
[02:15:27] omghaberdashery: I really need to sleep before I have class tomorrow
[02:15:34] AlenaBrolxFlami: good idea
[02:15:42] omghaberdashery: I'd love for you to find evidence of me doing this before
[02:16:03] omghaberdashery: and the fact that both of the people you did this to were on LiveJournal. o_0
[02:16:10] omghaberdashery: evidence = secure
[02:16:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: I did not do this to anyone
[02:16:20] omghaberdashery: pshaw xD
[02:16:36] omghaberdashery: oh well, next time, make sure you pull this on a kid with the screename ************
[02:16:45] omghaberdashery: He'll be a gas, I swear
[02:16:52] omghaberdashery: look up his journal
[02:16:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: still shows your screen name as omghaberdashery
[02:16:58] omghaberdashery: yeah
[02:16:59] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh
[02:17:01] omghaberdashery: I'm *********
[02:17:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: so you say
[02:17:07] omghaberdashery: and you're alenabrolxflami
[02:17:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: yup
[02:17:12] omghaberdashery: and your name shows up on that website
[02:17:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: so does yours
[02:17:25] omghaberdashery: no
[02:17:27] omghaberdashery: nngh
[02:17:38] omghaberdashery: I looked up "alenabrolxflami" on Google, found that kid's LJ post, which described the exact thing you did to me, happening to her
[02:17:59] omghaberdashery: *shrug* like I said
[02:18:02] omghaberdashery: I give you credit for it
[02:18:22] omghaberdashery: Just don't underestimate the almighty powers of GOOGLE SEARCH
[02:18:31] omghaberdashery: and the UBERINTELLIGENCE OF the E-HURLZ!
[02:19:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: that explains why my screen name is in your version of events..
[02:19:11] omghaberdashery: sleep duh
[02:19:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: sleep duh?!
[02:19:24] omghaberdashery: that's my away message
[02:19:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see
[02:19:40] omghaberdashery: that... doesn't explain anything
[02:19:40] omghaberdashery: but
[02:19:49] omghaberdashery: now you're just getting on my nerves
[02:19:50] omghaberdashery: peace
[02:21:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: hm. for your information, the only stuff with my name that shows up on Google is stuff I'd expect to show up. like blogresults and profiles
This is what I get when I Google "riced out yugo."
So beware of the screen name omghaberdashery, or else.
Labels: aim, annoyances, christine, computer, conversations, dawn, erin, google, internet, joey, kids, lj, messages, sleep, the missing hat
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