Monday, February 06, 2006

Grandma coming back from HK / Questions 4451-4500 of 5000

Turns out Mom didn't want anything... I'll get my sister for it later. Although apparently my grandma is FINALLY coming back from Hong Kong next Sunday after a year there... and she has to go back in the summer for another operation. But I guess she wants to be home and visit for a while... it'll be good seeing her. Right now, I'm having some beer... maybe that'll help me sleep, haha.

I'm also deciding which books to give away: I thought I'd give away the comic books to the kids, and the Anne / Laura books to certain little girls I know. But then what if *I* wanted to read the books at some point for laughs or nostalgia? It's not like they weigh THAT much (and they'd cost me money to buy, since I got them all for free!), so I'm taking them with me! I was also going to give away certain heavier books (example: Milton Berle's Joke Files), but then decided that I'd keep them too. Man, I am SO indecisive that it's not funny... *sigh*

Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P

The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.

4451. What is your favorite waste of time (BESIDES this survey)? Internet, reading.

4452. How would you like to die? In my sleep, naturally.

4453. What are three words used in your area / dialect that many other areas / dialects wouldn't be familiar with? None, really.

4454. What are the ages of the oldest and youngest person you've ever had sex with? N/A

4455. What is the weirdest place you have ever woken up? ... Evan's place, haha!

Did you remember how you got there? Yup.

4456. How do you feel when your partner is talking to an ex? They should NEVER talk to one!

4457. Is there an unrequited (unreturned) love in your life? Not at the moment, but in the past? Yes. *sigh*

4458. What is the most expensive gift you have ever:

given? That's got to be the two Harry Potter books with matching bookmarks to Katya in Russia for holiday_wishes... cost me $41 to mail them, and $55 to buy them!

received? I'm not sure.

4459. List three traits that might help you to fall madly in love: ... I wish I knew...

4460. Do children like you? Yes.

4461. If you found your child's diary, would you read it? I'd respect their privacy, so no. But in extreme cases (runaway, etc.), then yes.

What if you found the diary of one of your parents? Of COURSE that sucker would get read!

4462. Have you ever stalked or killed a wild animal? No.

4463. True or False.

You are moody in the morning: True.
women first: True.
baby corn freaks you out: False.
Life is fair: False.

4464. Name something you are now prepared to reveal about yourself that you weren't ready to talk about in the past? I think that I am not as good as I like to think.

4465. Name a talent someone has of which you are jealous: Jackie's singing / musical talent. That girl is GOOD!

4466. What would you think if you met yourself at a party? She looks so weird and lonely, always going up to people and inserting herself into their conversations.

4467. What would you most likely complain about in a hotel? The bathroom.

4468. Agree or disagree?

men need to be treated like children: Neither agree nor disagree.
it is possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time: Agree.
you often feel pressured by others: Agree.
couples should live together before marriage: Disagree.

4469. If you owned a restaurant, what kind of cuisine would you serve? Asian.

4470. Three words that describe your ideal day in bed are: Uninterrupted, solitary, and warm.

4471. If you had a ticket for a month is paradise, where would you go? Hawaii.

4472. All men like to hear: Women agreeing to everything they say, particularly in the sexual arena.

All woman like to hear: Men not being around, haha.

4473. If you are a woman, what is your most masculine or macho trait or ability? I have absolutely no idea.

If you are a man, what is your most feminine trait or ability?

4474. How would you feel attending the wedding of an ex? Jealous / weird. I can't imagine how Alex felt attending Lauren and Warren's wedding... no wonder Danny and the guys spirited him off during the banquet to go get drunk!

4475. Fiction or non-fiction.

You can lie with a straight face: Non-fiction.
You pee in the shower: Fiction.
you prefer honesty even when it hurts: Fiction.
uncapped toothpaste causes problems: Fiction.

4476. What is the longest lust can last? I have no clue.

4477. What would you like to experience while blindfolded? I can't post that here.

4478. The most horrifying couple you know is: Can't post that here, either.

4479. Name three things you have experienced that would shock your parents: Seeing Goatse / Tubgirl / Lemon Party / other such stuff, sending stuff to people I've never met overseas, and being the recipient of cybersex flirt messages back in the day.

4480. The oddest thing you have ever put in your mouth is: No comment.

4481. Lie or truth.

love is a battlefield: Truth.
you watch too much TV: Lie.
woman enjoy sex as much as men do: Lie.
you are often tired: Truth.

4482. What is the craziest thing you've done for attention? I have no idea.

4483. Do you believe in using the silent treatment? Not really. It makes you come off as a five-year-old and immature.

4484. Your most embarrassing thought: If you think I'm posting that here, you must be mad. Let's just say it has something to do with sex. :P

4485. Your most prejudiced thought: Something about Mexicans being naturally stupid. I've grown out of that mentality now.

4486. A shameful moment for you: When I talked to someone about the hang-ups I had.

4487. The biggest gamble of your life: The whole Stephen thing. Erk.

4488. What is your greatest weakness as a friend? I get easily jealous and immersed in myself.

4489. Yes or No.

complaining is a release: Yes, sometimes.
James Bond movies are sexy: No.
You feel better when you have a tan: No.
You sometimes eat your boogers: Ew, no!

If yes, that's okay.

4490. Do you sometimes enjoy being mean? Yes.

4491. Are you high-maintenance? No.

4492. Would you rather assume the role of sexual student or teacher? Student.

4493. How many lovers do you consider to be too many? 2 at once, 5 over the course of your life.

4494. What fortune would you want to find in a fortune cookie? That I'll find someone who loves and accepts me how I am.

4495. Nothing says lovin' like: Romance and things done for you.

4496. Have you seen Bowling for Columbine? No, but I wanted to.

If yes, what'd you think of it?

4497. Do you overuse the word "genius"? No.

4498. Are you proud of the history of your people? Sure.

Why or why not? We've had a storied history.

4499. Do you think about world destruction? Not really.

4500. What object could completely symbolize maleness? A motorcycle shaped like a banana. (hahaha)

How about femaleness? A pink stove.

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