Yakult, curry, wasabi, Pho, Jasmine, Teunis, stories / Questions 4301-4350 of 5000
This post would have come to you at 12:53 AM, except that Blogger wasn't working and gave me Page Load Errors instead of the shiny Blogger page when I tried accessing the site. GRRR... at least now I can finally go to bed after checking out a few other things elsewhere!
This afternoon, I decided to run some errands (such as getting some money) before meeting Jasmine and Teunis for something to eat. Since I wanted some bubs, I had some yakult bubble tea at Death By Chocolate because I also needed the caffeine. It kinda tasted like yogurt initially, but then didn't taste that great afterwards... at least I tried it like Jon suggested I should, haha! While I was in Shoppers, I remember Steph telling me about the new Lays curry / wasabi chips: since I actually found some, I bought 'em along with some Chips Ahoy triple chocolate chip cookies for Teunis. :D Maybe I'll bring a bag to her birthday party and ask her to hold that book for me tomorrow too.
I managed to meet the two of them right on time: they'd gone into Chapters earlier since I might be there instead. Nope, but we did go in there again since books needed to be bought. For some reason, most of the people I saw outside seemed to be smoking cigarettes: I don't know if I noticed it more since I dreamed last night that Lesley smoked (which she doesn't in real life), but that was WEIRD! o_O
We then walked all the way from Broadway / Granville to Broadway / Cambie-ish, looking for the perfect place to eat. This walk reminded me of the one Eric and I took on Nanaimo after going to the Thai House for my birthday with Maisie in 2004 ("The sermon said we can take 10,000 steps a day... come on!"), and also the one Jon and I took for the fireworks from some Skytrain station or other. That was manageable for me: I knew adrenaline would kick in, and I needed the exercise anyhow! ("one more block... I can do this!") Jasmine doesn't like pork / milk and such, and Teunis is allergic to tomatoes... me, I'm Asian and not so picky-ish. ;) Finally, we settled on that 24-hour Pho place. If you're picky about food, Asian places aren't where you should eat... but they managed to find stuff they could eat, especially at Death By Chocolate where we went later for dessert. *shrug*
I think we had an enjoyable time talking about friends, sword collections (someone he knows apparently has quite an impressive one!), interesting stories, music (I did burn him some GWAR / Children of Bodom / other things), "trendy" bisexuality ("we'll impress the guys because they think it looks hot!"), Canadian history, Fort St. John (do NOT get sick there because they suck! :P), severe allergies to peanuts / shellfish, old Norse court law (women weren't allowed IN court), knowing crime victims, hugs / touching, our journals, food, and a lot of other topics. Teunis did ask if I had any interesting stories to share, since he rambled on about stuff. That's what he does when he doesn't know a person that well, and I tend to ramble / open up when I *do* know a person relatively well. So I guess we'll see if we do this in future: he says we should, which I agree with. It was fun, heh. I got home at 10, but I wouldn't stake money that I was the first one home or anything! ;)
Hopefully, I can sleep early if a certain addictive game doesn't have me in its hold OR if the coffee I had doesn't kick in! I assume that Corey's already gone to bed, and I don't need any journal help tonight. At least I'll have an interesting story to tell Eric M. tomorrow when he asks me his usual question about whether I found anything interesting in blogs / forums. This "hangout time" (as Eric H. would say) was pretty chill. :D
Note: They DID do a lot of the talking, but then they've had time to open up to each other about certain things. Yeah, I talked as well... but maybe mostly to Jasmine because I obviously know her a bit better, heh. I was just taking in what Teunis had to say and apparently exhibiting weird speech patterns... no, not laughing like a maniac on crack. :P He *did* sing and do accents, but that elicited no more than smiles from me. Maybe later on if / when we meet again, I can figure what makes me laugh. (ya know, it's not like you want to be seen as a total nutcase! :P)
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4301. Suggest a question for the 5,000-question survey: How did you come to believe in your personal belief system?
Did you count? ... count what?!
4302. What's your preferred form of artistic expression (writing, drawing, musicianship, etc.)? Writing.
4303. Name one thing that's overrated: Reality shows.
Name one thing that's underrated: Metal music, heh.
4304. Are the Beatles overrated? No.
4305. Do you smoke? If so, what brand? No.
4306. Why do you choose to listen to the music you listen to? Because it has a good beat and it has the sound I like.
4307. Does music these days suck? Somewhat, especially pop / rock music that's derivative / formulaic.
4308. Are personal ads acts of desperation? Not necessarily.
4309. Have you ever been / are you a vegetarian? No to both.
4310. Who are the three most important musical artists in your life? The Doors, the Ramones, and GWAR. (that was hard!)
4311. Do you find it disrespectful when contemporary musicians cover older ones? Depends on the cover.
How about when people attribute the writing of these songs to the bands that only covered them? Yes, they're all idiots... like the people at my sister's high school dance who thought that Limp Bizkit did Faith. Luckily, my brother and I grounded her in music early on. :P
4312. Do you believe in arming civilians? Not necessarily.
4313. Do you find desolation and darkness sometimes beautiful? Yup. 'Tis my element... well, I'm just kidding there. But sometimes it IS!
4314. If you were drafted to fight in Afghanistan, would you willingly and proudly go? I'd be scared as heck, but possibly...
4315. What is people juice? ... bone marrow and blood! (haha, I don't know...)
4316. Aisle or window seat? Window seat, but then I better not have to go to the bathroom! :P
4317. What is your favorite Simpsons character? Lisa.
4318. Have you ever been to Mexico? No.
4319. Are people that wear glasses more or less attractive? Depends on the person.
4320. What sucks more, a minivan or SUV? Minivan.
4321. Are the days of writing and mailing letters lost? I certainly hope not...
4322. What do you think about right before you go to sleep? The events of the day, potential conversations, stuff like that...
4323. Do I ever cross your mind - anytime? No... why would you? Just because you wrote this survey which I'm mindlessly filling out? I don't THINK so! :P
4324. Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? No.
4325. Why is everyone so emotionally and spiritually dead? I have no idea... maybe it's the Internet's fault, haha.
Are YOU? Somewhat, probably.
4326. What can you feel BURNING UP inside your head? Nothing, since I don't have a fever or anything like that.
4327. What life experience do you have? Some, heh. Not posting the whole rigmarole, however!
4328. Have you ever hit rock bottom? Not quite yet, no...
What was that like for you?
4329. Are you self-destructive? No...
4330. Are you very extreme? No.
4331. Are you completely full or do you feel empty? Full.
4332. Can you turn the whole world inside out? No.
4333. Are you potentially a criminal? ... no...
4334. Where is your PASSION? It went out the window a few years ago.
4335. Why do we hide our souls? To avoid being vulnerable.
4336. How many times have you lied today? None.
Did you just lie to that question? Nope.
4337. Do you always notice when you are lying? No...
4338. Do you think that lying is so built into our culture that we can't help it? Sure, why not.
4339. What are you fighting against? The conflicting forces inside my head... stop that! Haha, no... nothing right now... should I be fighting?! o_O
What are you fighting for? Not sure.
Why aren't you fighting? Because I'm a wuss, haha.
4340. Give the following things a rating. One is completely normal, and ten is completely crazy / rebellious.
tattoos: 5 (depends what they are, haha)
no piercings or tattoos: 2
piercings: 4 (depends on where, haha)
pink hair: 6
openly discussing sex: 3 (depends of what sort, heh)
Bob Marley: 7
green hair: 9
extreme emotion: 8
a tie: 1
spiked bracelets: 10
4341. What'd you think of the Grammys? Boring.
4342. When you see the stars and the waves crash in, how do you feel? In awe of the majestic power of nature, heh.
4343. What do you think about under a midnight sky? I'm not outside by then most times, certainly! But probably my friends and life... also fantasies and such. No, not the perv kind either! :P
4344. Who are "they"? A mysterious group, much like the Illuminati. Oooh, spooky! (as Darren would say)
4345. Who cares what they think? I do sometimes, even though I shouldn't.
4346. Do you ever let them stop you? Yes.... *blush*
4347. What would you do if there were no limits? .... oh man, you wouldn't even want to know! A lot of shizzle!
There are no limits. Go do it. I'll let you know when I've landed a big-time jail term, shall I? Because then you'd be guilty of putting the ideas into my head, and have to pay bail money and stuff. :P
4348. Will you dance with me? No, I don't like dancing with people I haven't met.
4349. Will you drink yourself on the floor with me? Uh, probably not... sure, it wouldn't take much relatively. But that's not the point, is it?
4350. Will you sleep in the streets with me? Probably not... too dangerous / cold / dark / rainy / whatever other excuse I use on Eric for the #4 / Alderbridge thing. :P
Most of this is true... except maybe the high neuroticism part. :P
This afternoon, I decided to run some errands (such as getting some money) before meeting Jasmine and Teunis for something to eat. Since I wanted some bubs, I had some yakult bubble tea at Death By Chocolate because I also needed the caffeine. It kinda tasted like yogurt initially, but then didn't taste that great afterwards... at least I tried it like Jon suggested I should, haha! While I was in Shoppers, I remember Steph telling me about the new Lays curry / wasabi chips: since I actually found some, I bought 'em along with some Chips Ahoy triple chocolate chip cookies for Teunis. :D Maybe I'll bring a bag to her birthday party and ask her to hold that book for me tomorrow too.
I managed to meet the two of them right on time: they'd gone into Chapters earlier since I might be there instead. Nope, but we did go in there again since books needed to be bought. For some reason, most of the people I saw outside seemed to be smoking cigarettes: I don't know if I noticed it more since I dreamed last night that Lesley smoked (which she doesn't in real life), but that was WEIRD! o_O
We then walked all the way from Broadway / Granville to Broadway / Cambie-ish, looking for the perfect place to eat. This walk reminded me of the one Eric and I took on Nanaimo after going to the Thai House for my birthday with Maisie in 2004 ("The sermon said we can take 10,000 steps a day... come on!"), and also the one Jon and I took for the fireworks from some Skytrain station or other. That was manageable for me: I knew adrenaline would kick in, and I needed the exercise anyhow! ("one more block... I can do this!") Jasmine doesn't like pork / milk and such, and Teunis is allergic to tomatoes... me, I'm Asian and not so picky-ish. ;) Finally, we settled on that 24-hour Pho place. If you're picky about food, Asian places aren't where you should eat... but they managed to find stuff they could eat, especially at Death By Chocolate where we went later for dessert. *shrug*
I think we had an enjoyable time talking about friends, sword collections (someone he knows apparently has quite an impressive one!), interesting stories, music (I did burn him some GWAR / Children of Bodom / other things), "trendy" bisexuality ("we'll impress the guys because they think it looks hot!"), Canadian history, Fort St. John (do NOT get sick there because they suck! :P), severe allergies to peanuts / shellfish, old Norse court law (women weren't allowed IN court), knowing crime victims, hugs / touching, our journals, food, and a lot of other topics. Teunis did ask if I had any interesting stories to share, since he rambled on about stuff. That's what he does when he doesn't know a person that well, and I tend to ramble / open up when I *do* know a person relatively well. So I guess we'll see if we do this in future: he says we should, which I agree with. It was fun, heh. I got home at 10, but I wouldn't stake money that I was the first one home or anything! ;)
Hopefully, I can sleep early if a certain addictive game doesn't have me in its hold OR if the coffee I had doesn't kick in! I assume that Corey's already gone to bed, and I don't need any journal help tonight. At least I'll have an interesting story to tell Eric M. tomorrow when he asks me his usual question about whether I found anything interesting in blogs / forums. This "hangout time" (as Eric H. would say) was pretty chill. :D
Note: They DID do a lot of the talking, but then they've had time to open up to each other about certain things. Yeah, I talked as well... but maybe mostly to Jasmine because I obviously know her a bit better, heh. I was just taking in what Teunis had to say and apparently exhibiting weird speech patterns... no, not laughing like a maniac on crack. :P He *did* sing and do accents, but that elicited no more than smiles from me. Maybe later on if / when we meet again, I can figure what makes me laugh. (ya know, it's not like you want to be seen as a total nutcase! :P)
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
4301. Suggest a question for the 5,000-question survey: How did you come to believe in your personal belief system?
Did you count? ... count what?!
4302. What's your preferred form of artistic expression (writing, drawing, musicianship, etc.)? Writing.
4303. Name one thing that's overrated: Reality shows.
Name one thing that's underrated: Metal music, heh.
4304. Are the Beatles overrated? No.
4305. Do you smoke? If so, what brand? No.
4306. Why do you choose to listen to the music you listen to? Because it has a good beat and it has the sound I like.
4307. Does music these days suck? Somewhat, especially pop / rock music that's derivative / formulaic.
4308. Are personal ads acts of desperation? Not necessarily.
4309. Have you ever been / are you a vegetarian? No to both.
4310. Who are the three most important musical artists in your life? The Doors, the Ramones, and GWAR. (that was hard!)
4311. Do you find it disrespectful when contemporary musicians cover older ones? Depends on the cover.
How about when people attribute the writing of these songs to the bands that only covered them? Yes, they're all idiots... like the people at my sister's high school dance who thought that Limp Bizkit did Faith. Luckily, my brother and I grounded her in music early on. :P
4312. Do you believe in arming civilians? Not necessarily.
4313. Do you find desolation and darkness sometimes beautiful? Yup. 'Tis my element... well, I'm just kidding there. But sometimes it IS!
4314. If you were drafted to fight in Afghanistan, would you willingly and proudly go? I'd be scared as heck, but possibly...
4315. What is people juice? ... bone marrow and blood! (haha, I don't know...)
4316. Aisle or window seat? Window seat, but then I better not have to go to the bathroom! :P
4317. What is your favorite Simpsons character? Lisa.
4318. Have you ever been to Mexico? No.
4319. Are people that wear glasses more or less attractive? Depends on the person.
4320. What sucks more, a minivan or SUV? Minivan.
4321. Are the days of writing and mailing letters lost? I certainly hope not...
4322. What do you think about right before you go to sleep? The events of the day, potential conversations, stuff like that...
4323. Do I ever cross your mind - anytime? No... why would you? Just because you wrote this survey which I'm mindlessly filling out? I don't THINK so! :P
4324. Have you ever solved a Rubik's Cube? No.
4325. Why is everyone so emotionally and spiritually dead? I have no idea... maybe it's the Internet's fault, haha.
Are YOU? Somewhat, probably.
4326. What can you feel BURNING UP inside your head? Nothing, since I don't have a fever or anything like that.
4327. What life experience do you have? Some, heh. Not posting the whole rigmarole, however!
4328. Have you ever hit rock bottom? Not quite yet, no...
What was that like for you?
4329. Are you self-destructive? No...
4330. Are you very extreme? No.
4331. Are you completely full or do you feel empty? Full.
4332. Can you turn the whole world inside out? No.
4333. Are you potentially a criminal? ... no...
4334. Where is your PASSION? It went out the window a few years ago.
4335. Why do we hide our souls? To avoid being vulnerable.
4336. How many times have you lied today? None.
Did you just lie to that question? Nope.
4337. Do you always notice when you are lying? No...
4338. Do you think that lying is so built into our culture that we can't help it? Sure, why not.
4339. What are you fighting against? The conflicting forces inside my head... stop that! Haha, no... nothing right now... should I be fighting?! o_O
What are you fighting for? Not sure.
Why aren't you fighting? Because I'm a wuss, haha.
4340. Give the following things a rating. One is completely normal, and ten is completely crazy / rebellious.
tattoos: 5 (depends what they are, haha)
no piercings or tattoos: 2
piercings: 4 (depends on where, haha)
pink hair: 6
openly discussing sex: 3 (depends of what sort, heh)
Bob Marley: 7
green hair: 9
extreme emotion: 8
a tie: 1
spiked bracelets: 10
4341. What'd you think of the Grammys? Boring.
4342. When you see the stars and the waves crash in, how do you feel? In awe of the majestic power of nature, heh.
4343. What do you think about under a midnight sky? I'm not outside by then most times, certainly! But probably my friends and life... also fantasies and such. No, not the perv kind either! :P
4344. Who are "they"? A mysterious group, much like the Illuminati. Oooh, spooky! (as Darren would say)
4345. Who cares what they think? I do sometimes, even though I shouldn't.
4346. Do you ever let them stop you? Yes.... *blush*
4347. What would you do if there were no limits? .... oh man, you wouldn't even want to know! A lot of shizzle!
There are no limits. Go do it. I'll let you know when I've landed a big-time jail term, shall I? Because then you'd be guilty of putting the ideas into my head, and have to pay bail money and stuff. :P
4348. Will you dance with me? No, I don't like dancing with people I haven't met.
4349. Will you drink yourself on the floor with me? Uh, probably not... sure, it wouldn't take much relatively. But that's not the point, is it?
4350. Will you sleep in the streets with me? Probably not... too dangerous / cold / dark / rainy / whatever other excuse I use on Eric for the #4 / Alderbridge thing. :P
Your Five Factor Personality Profile |
![]() Extroversion: You have medium extroversion. You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party. Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences. But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time." Conscientiousness: You have high conscientiousness. Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life. Most things in your life are organized and planned well. But you borderline on being a total perfectionist. Agreeableness: You have medium agreeableness. You're generally a friendly and trusting person. But you also have a healthy dose of cynicism. You get along well with others, as long as they play fair. Neuroticism: You have high neuroticism. It's easy for you to feel shaken, worried, or depressed. You often worry, and your worries prevent you from living life fully. You tend to be emotionally reactive and moody. You're either flying very high or feeling very low. Openness to experience: Your openness to new experiences is medium. You are generally broad-minded when it come to new things. But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it. You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue. |
Most of this is true... except maybe the high neuroticism part. :P
Labels: 2004, 5172, annoyances, birthdays, blogger, blogthings, bubble tea, caffeine, curry, dreams, eric m., gwar, jasmine, jon, lesley, maxed-out tags limit, pho, shiny, surveys, teunis
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