Sunday, February 05, 2006

Don't disturb my sleep!

People who invade my privacy / disturb my sleep should be shot, especially when I'm not sleeping well to begin with! This is why I wish for a second-floor apartment when I move so I won't have to hear knocking at the window when it's way too early in the morning! (yes, I should have set my alarm... but I didn't, so sod it!) If you do this, I'm certainly not going to reinforce that behavior by giving you what you want: ie. going out to meet you on maybe two hours of sleep all told. I'd rather stay in, try to ignore it, and enjoy not having to socialize! :P (I swear I should get myself some Nyquil...)

Too bad I didn't see Jen and others, though... next week! :D

You are a BatHuman!!! You are dark and foreboding! Deceiving and controlling would be your specialty if you had powers... (or if you really cared) Pick a girl in the Pic!!!

What Anime Animal-Human Are You? (For Girls)
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