Zany worship practice / Time with Jon and Jeremy at Steam Works / Que stions 2101-2150 of 5000
Before I left earlier, I found some amusement in the fact that Spoz had somehow stumbled upon my GJ and replied to it. His comment: "yeah, hi.. Spoz ere.. from the uber ridiculously famous SPOZ'S RANT (here - just in case it isn't already plastered a trillion times over on this site.. hahahaha)
Y'know that moment in one of them wacky stalker / serial killer movies when someone comes to bust open the door to the crazy shack, shines their torch around the predator's "abode" only to find a zillion and one surveillance photos of themselves going about their normal day to day activities.. but in crazy closeup?
(also used - the creepy "dark room / film developing" scene for similar effect)
yeah.. dunno why I'm reminded of that when I stumbled upon this blog..
heh.. go figure :)"
My reply: "Hahahaha. How in the heck did you manage to stumble on this site then? I'm thinking a certain mutual acquaintance of ours helped in that regard.... that, or those blog tracker linkie-poo site thingers. ;) But yeah... I'm not like that! haha. Not even three trillion times, hehe. You'll get yours later, haha. :P" I'll talk to him about it later, heh.
Jon, Ivan, and Isabel (who lives in Coquitlam, but spent the day in Richmond... getting lost on the bus is a good way to know a city!) picked me up at about 6:15 tonight: I'd wanted to go for beer with Jon and Jeremy later, so tagging along to worship practice was better than busing out. We talked about random things in the car, as well as Christmas plans. The funeral for Katherine's husband wins the title of "shortest funeral ever" since it was only 20 minutes long, according to my brother. (eulogy, five-minute-long sermon, and some singing.. definitely not a two-hour-affair as Nathan's mom's funeral was!) He had Alzheimer's for a few years, took a bad fall, and passed away since his immune system couldn't take much anymore... he'd been very fit for a 65-year-old, apparently. I told Jon that Steph had forwarded me Melissa's email about scalping tickets, and she seems okay with the idea of staying at my place too. Once we got to church, I went to the Pho place (fifth time in four weeks, and the second time in three days) and had some dinner. Chris ordered something to take out, and Steph had ordered stuff for Isabel and Ivan already, so everyone involved was good for dinner.
After dinner, I went back to the church: my sister was surprised to see me there, and teased me about "getting drunk on a Tuesday night." My brother thought that I'd be doing my Christmas cards at the Pho restaurant: uh, no... if nothing else, the Christmas stuff they practiced full-blast was enough to put me in the mood for writing a few cards to some close friends. Apparently, they're trying key changes / swing / Liberace (joke?) out on Christmas Day. Breakfast that morning will be at Bon's at 8:15-ish... we're going to be SO fat and full by the end of the day! (Bon's grease at breakfast, possibly Green Village for lunch with Justin's grandma, and Auntie Grace [Dave's mom] cooking a LOT for dinner....) What I thought was a New Year's Eve thing with Justin's grandma is actually on New Year's Day... and Jon told me about some Friday night dinner at the Broadway / Oak Red Robin's at 5:30 with Andrea, Chuck, and others. It'll be good seeing Chuck again... long-distance relationships can be hard, but at least he and Andrea have some phone contact every day!
Later, Jon and I Skytrained to Steam Works for beer with Jeremy, who was wearing $500 worth of Gore-Tex. (at least it's useful, and he likes his pants and jacket with lots of pockets!) It was kinda supposed to be Jen's farewell thing, but Jon hadn't talked to Jen in person since Sunday morning. We split this HUGE plate of nachos which we managed to finish, plus some buffalo chicken pizza. Everyone had a Christmas Ale, and the guys had an oatmeal stout each... and then Jon had a small cream ale on top of that! I certainly didn't need another beer after my 9% ale... usually, I get red on my second pint! (and it wasn't even a pint of ale, heh) As Jeremy said, I would have been WAY too happy on the bus, and reading the same line over and over again! Good thing we took the bus / biked home, heh. It was good seeing Jeremy again even though we just saw him yesterday, as we managed to talk about a lot of stuff. We probably won't have the SLB night before Christmas, heh. Jon's friends come into town on Christmas / Boxing Day / the 27th, so they'll be busy doing stuff.
Upon arriving in Richmond, Jon and I discovered that we'd missed the bus by five minutes... we certainly didn't want to wait an hour for the last one! He called Steph, who was watching a movie and didn't want to pick us up. Instead, we walked to my place: my brother fired up the Internet and looked at the Hardball Times, Aaron Gleeman's blog, and a page with the 186-184 triple overtime basketball game between the Detroit Pistons and the Denver Nuggets before leaving at 1:15 AM. I hope he didn't miss the bus... I'll call him tomorrow and ask, heh.
Elaine replied to my email about hanging out: Friday night after service is good for me, heh. Maybe people WILL go out afterwards, so we might do that with them... if not, no biggie. If she's driving me back to my place, even better. :D
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
2101. You know, I hate to ask... but are friends electric? No.
2102. Has the last day of summer ever felt so cold? No.
2103. Who do you have no respect for? I'm not saying here.
2104. Is the plural form of cactus:
cactuses or cacti? Cacti.
Is the plural form of penis:
penises or penii? Penises.
2105. On the day that you were born, the angels got together and decided you'd be: Born a girl with a disability.
2106. What is the best-smelling incense? Original answer: "Incense?! I don't have my dictionary with me... I don't know that word!" Hahaha, stupid girl. :P I'm not sure myself, but it's definitely not the stuff at the dodgy Pho restaurant next door to church!
How does the smell of burning incense make you feel? Okay, I guess...
2107. Do you understand children and their problems? Somewhat.
Do you understand teenagers and their problems? Sure.
Do you understand young adults and their problems? I suppose...
Do you understand middle-aged people and their problems? To a point.
Do you understand the elderly and their problems? To a certain point.
Out of that whole bunch, which age group has it the worst off? Teenagers.
2108. Do you like to scare people / freak people out/ be considered weird or different? Yeah, but not as much as my brother does! haha
2109. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? Probably not.
2110. Is your body:
an amusement park? No.
a wonderland? No.
a machine? Maybe if you look at it a certain way...
yours? Heck, yes!
2111. When people kept slaves, the slaves didn't own their own bodies... Can you imagine? I guess that made sense for that time and place, but that would suck.
2112. What is the best liquid in existence? Water.
2113. What is turning out better than expected? Nothing currently.
2114. Where are we going? To bed, after everything digests.
2115. You are in a bad neighborhood and you bump someone's car (your front to their rear). You don't know whose car it is. It was a slow bump. What do you do? Get the hell outta Dodge.
There is one witness that you are aware of. A kid in his teens / early 20's walks past, laughs at you, and keeps walking. What do you do? Floor the pedal.
What do you think he'll do? Maybe come after me.
Let's say you're too scared to get out of your car. Then what do you do? Drive!
Let's say you sit there for 5 minutes and see no one except for the kid who laughed at you. No one comes over and talks to you, so you take off and later notice that there is absolutely no damage to your own car. Do you think there is damage to their car? Possibly.
Do you feel guilty? No, probably not.
Are you afraid they will ruin your car if you take it back and park it near there? Yeah, it's the GHETTO there!
Are you afraid they'll call the cops for a hit-and-run? Yes.
2116. Apparently Eminem got booed at the MTV Music Video Awards because he was making fun of Moby onstage. What do you think of this? He got what he deserved.
Should Eminem have won 4 awards? I don't know... too much politics.
2117. Close your eyes. What do you see? Beer.
2118. What's the best Van Halen song? Not sure.
2119. Have you ever gotten so much Novocaine at the dentist that your nose went numb? No.
2120. Have you ever been on a trampoline? Yes.
2121. What do you use batteries for the most often? Answering machine? haha
2122. What do you find thrilling? Life.
2123. Porch swing. Sunrise. What else could you ask for? Sleep, since it's sunrise! But if not, then a book or someone to talk to.
2124. Who's your cherry pie? Don't have one.
2125. Where's the sexiest place to have a piercing? Not sure... I'm kinda conservative when it comes to that stuff.
2126. Do you get panic attacks? No.
2127. When you get married... are you going to enjoy your wedding, or is it all going to be one big photo posing opportunity? Enjoy it!
2128. What is Adam Ant's best song BESIDES Goody Two Shoes? Not sure.
2129. Does your body need improvement, or is it just fine? Oh, it needs improvement all right.
2130. Does watching MTV or reading beauty magazines make you feel bad about yourself? Not really.
2132. What is the most romantic movie ever? Not sure, I don't watch many of those. :P
2133. Do you think that women are treated as second-class citizens of this world? Maybe by some sexist chauvinist pigs... but some guys are really sweet.
2134. What would you do if you were at a dance club with your significant other and they got punched by someone? I would get my guy friends to back me up and totally go after that dude!
2135. Are you banned from anywhere? Not as far as I know...
2136. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? Yes.
2137. When was the last time you felt enlightened? If I ever have, it's been a LONG time!
2138. When you are in pain, is relief from that pain almost as good as pleasure? No...
2139. What topics do you hate to talk about? Like I'm going to list them here since I hate talking about them? :P
2140. WHEN IS THIS GODDAMNED SURVEY GOING TO END!!!!*!&!&!%!$!!!!!???????? Excuse me. I'm better now. Um, all right... but you were the one who wrote it, so it's your fault, hehe.
2141. Does it offend you that I said goddamned? Well... I've heard much worse! But kinda-sorta... that's why euphemisms are widely available. ;) Although I guess you shoudn't really use those either, when it comes right down to it...
2142. What is your coziest article of clothing? My blue hoodie.
2143. What is your favorite word to say? Defenestration!
2144. Does your name and your significant other's name almost feel like one word? Shut up. I don't have one. But it does remind me of RichandAmy from Zits, heh.
2145. Do Twinkies mate for life? No.
Do you? I wish.
2146. Can you tell when other people are lying? I've heard that people can, but I wish I could.
2147. What are you touching? The keys on this computer keyboard, duh.
What are you feeling? Very full.
2148. Is a clown your friend? Maybe.
Is a clown a big spider? Not necessarily.
Will a clown bite you and throw you in the basement? I hope not!
Bye bye, Mr. Clown
2149. Where do you go when you want to meet new people? Movies, conferences...
2150. Who are you naked without? Nobody.
You're the Rock Star Type! Mainly we think of Grace
Slick from Jefferson Airplane. You're hardcore,
rude, crude, and perhaps a druggie. Try to
remember that denial is the first sign. Other
rockers and pukers are Anita Pallenberg,
Marianne Faithfull, and Nico from the Velvet Underground.
Which 60's Type are you? (For girls!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Y'know that moment in one of them wacky stalker / serial killer movies when someone comes to bust open the door to the crazy shack, shines their torch around the predator's "abode" only to find a zillion and one surveillance photos of themselves going about their normal day to day activities.. but in crazy closeup?
(also used - the creepy "dark room / film developing" scene for similar effect)
yeah.. dunno why I'm reminded of that when I stumbled upon this blog..
heh.. go figure :)"
My reply: "Hahahaha. How in the heck did you manage to stumble on this site then? I'm thinking a certain mutual acquaintance of ours helped in that regard.... that, or those blog tracker linkie-poo site thingers. ;) But yeah... I'm not like that! haha. Not even three trillion times, hehe. You'll get yours later, haha. :P" I'll talk to him about it later, heh.
Jon, Ivan, and Isabel (who lives in Coquitlam, but spent the day in Richmond... getting lost on the bus is a good way to know a city!) picked me up at about 6:15 tonight: I'd wanted to go for beer with Jon and Jeremy later, so tagging along to worship practice was better than busing out. We talked about random things in the car, as well as Christmas plans. The funeral for Katherine's husband wins the title of "shortest funeral ever" since it was only 20 minutes long, according to my brother. (eulogy, five-minute-long sermon, and some singing.. definitely not a two-hour-affair as Nathan's mom's funeral was!) He had Alzheimer's for a few years, took a bad fall, and passed away since his immune system couldn't take much anymore... he'd been very fit for a 65-year-old, apparently. I told Jon that Steph had forwarded me Melissa's email about scalping tickets, and she seems okay with the idea of staying at my place too. Once we got to church, I went to the Pho place (fifth time in four weeks, and the second time in three days) and had some dinner. Chris ordered something to take out, and Steph had ordered stuff for Isabel and Ivan already, so everyone involved was good for dinner.
After dinner, I went back to the church: my sister was surprised to see me there, and teased me about "getting drunk on a Tuesday night." My brother thought that I'd be doing my Christmas cards at the Pho restaurant: uh, no... if nothing else, the Christmas stuff they practiced full-blast was enough to put me in the mood for writing a few cards to some close friends. Apparently, they're trying key changes / swing / Liberace (joke?) out on Christmas Day. Breakfast that morning will be at Bon's at 8:15-ish... we're going to be SO fat and full by the end of the day! (Bon's grease at breakfast, possibly Green Village for lunch with Justin's grandma, and Auntie Grace [Dave's mom] cooking a LOT for dinner....) What I thought was a New Year's Eve thing with Justin's grandma is actually on New Year's Day... and Jon told me about some Friday night dinner at the Broadway / Oak Red Robin's at 5:30 with Andrea, Chuck, and others. It'll be good seeing Chuck again... long-distance relationships can be hard, but at least he and Andrea have some phone contact every day!
Later, Jon and I Skytrained to Steam Works for beer with Jeremy, who was wearing $500 worth of Gore-Tex. (at least it's useful, and he likes his pants and jacket with lots of pockets!) It was kinda supposed to be Jen's farewell thing, but Jon hadn't talked to Jen in person since Sunday morning. We split this HUGE plate of nachos which we managed to finish, plus some buffalo chicken pizza. Everyone had a Christmas Ale, and the guys had an oatmeal stout each... and then Jon had a small cream ale on top of that! I certainly didn't need another beer after my 9% ale... usually, I get red on my second pint! (and it wasn't even a pint of ale, heh) As Jeremy said, I would have been WAY too happy on the bus, and reading the same line over and over again! Good thing we took the bus / biked home, heh. It was good seeing Jeremy again even though we just saw him yesterday, as we managed to talk about a lot of stuff. We probably won't have the SLB night before Christmas, heh. Jon's friends come into town on Christmas / Boxing Day / the 27th, so they'll be busy doing stuff.
Upon arriving in Richmond, Jon and I discovered that we'd missed the bus by five minutes... we certainly didn't want to wait an hour for the last one! He called Steph, who was watching a movie and didn't want to pick us up. Instead, we walked to my place: my brother fired up the Internet and looked at the Hardball Times, Aaron Gleeman's blog, and a page with the 186-184 triple overtime basketball game between the Detroit Pistons and the Denver Nuggets before leaving at 1:15 AM. I hope he didn't miss the bus... I'll call him tomorrow and ask, heh.
Elaine replied to my email about hanging out: Friday night after service is good for me, heh. Maybe people WILL go out afterwards, so we might do that with them... if not, no biggie. If she's driving me back to my place, even better. :D
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
2101. You know, I hate to ask... but are friends electric? No.
2102. Has the last day of summer ever felt so cold? No.
2103. Who do you have no respect for? I'm not saying here.
2104. Is the plural form of cactus:
cactuses or cacti? Cacti.
Is the plural form of penis:
penises or penii? Penises.
2105. On the day that you were born, the angels got together and decided you'd be: Born a girl with a disability.
2106. What is the best-smelling incense? Original answer: "Incense?! I don't have my dictionary with me... I don't know that word!" Hahaha, stupid girl. :P I'm not sure myself, but it's definitely not the stuff at the dodgy Pho restaurant next door to church!
How does the smell of burning incense make you feel? Okay, I guess...
2107. Do you understand children and their problems? Somewhat.
Do you understand teenagers and their problems? Sure.
Do you understand young adults and their problems? I suppose...
Do you understand middle-aged people and their problems? To a point.
Do you understand the elderly and their problems? To a certain point.
Out of that whole bunch, which age group has it the worst off? Teenagers.
2108. Do you like to scare people / freak people out/ be considered weird or different? Yeah, but not as much as my brother does! haha
2109. Do you think you could handle a day in jail? Probably not.
2110. Is your body:
an amusement park? No.
a wonderland? No.
a machine? Maybe if you look at it a certain way...
yours? Heck, yes!
2111. When people kept slaves, the slaves didn't own their own bodies... Can you imagine? I guess that made sense for that time and place, but that would suck.
2112. What is the best liquid in existence? Water.
2113. What is turning out better than expected? Nothing currently.
2114. Where are we going? To bed, after everything digests.
2115. You are in a bad neighborhood and you bump someone's car (your front to their rear). You don't know whose car it is. It was a slow bump. What do you do? Get the hell outta Dodge.
There is one witness that you are aware of. A kid in his teens / early 20's walks past, laughs at you, and keeps walking. What do you do? Floor the pedal.
What do you think he'll do? Maybe come after me.
Let's say you're too scared to get out of your car. Then what do you do? Drive!
Let's say you sit there for 5 minutes and see no one except for the kid who laughed at you. No one comes over and talks to you, so you take off and later notice that there is absolutely no damage to your own car. Do you think there is damage to their car? Possibly.
Do you feel guilty? No, probably not.
Are you afraid they will ruin your car if you take it back and park it near there? Yeah, it's the GHETTO there!
Are you afraid they'll call the cops for a hit-and-run? Yes.
2116. Apparently Eminem got booed at the MTV Music Video Awards because he was making fun of Moby onstage. What do you think of this? He got what he deserved.
Should Eminem have won 4 awards? I don't know... too much politics.
2117. Close your eyes. What do you see? Beer.
2118. What's the best Van Halen song? Not sure.
2119. Have you ever gotten so much Novocaine at the dentist that your nose went numb? No.
2120. Have you ever been on a trampoline? Yes.
2121. What do you use batteries for the most often? Answering machine? haha
2122. What do you find thrilling? Life.
2123. Porch swing. Sunrise. What else could you ask for? Sleep, since it's sunrise! But if not, then a book or someone to talk to.
2124. Who's your cherry pie? Don't have one.
2125. Where's the sexiest place to have a piercing? Not sure... I'm kinda conservative when it comes to that stuff.
2126. Do you get panic attacks? No.
2127. When you get married... are you going to enjoy your wedding, or is it all going to be one big photo posing opportunity? Enjoy it!
2128. What is Adam Ant's best song BESIDES Goody Two Shoes? Not sure.
2129. Does your body need improvement, or is it just fine? Oh, it needs improvement all right.
2130. Does watching MTV or reading beauty magazines make you feel bad about yourself? Not really.
2132. What is the most romantic movie ever? Not sure, I don't watch many of those. :P
2133. Do you think that women are treated as second-class citizens of this world? Maybe by some sexist chauvinist pigs... but some guys are really sweet.
2134. What would you do if you were at a dance club with your significant other and they got punched by someone? I would get my guy friends to back me up and totally go after that dude!
2135. Are you banned from anywhere? Not as far as I know...
2136. Have you ever been kicked out of somewhere? Yes.
2137. When was the last time you felt enlightened? If I ever have, it's been a LONG time!
2138. When you are in pain, is relief from that pain almost as good as pleasure? No...
2139. What topics do you hate to talk about? Like I'm going to list them here since I hate talking about them? :P
2140. WHEN IS THIS GODDAMNED SURVEY GOING TO END!!!!*!&!&!%!$!!!!!???????? Excuse me. I'm better now. Um, all right... but you were the one who wrote it, so it's your fault, hehe.
2141. Does it offend you that I said goddamned? Well... I've heard much worse! But kinda-sorta... that's why euphemisms are widely available. ;) Although I guess you shoudn't really use those either, when it comes right down to it...
2142. What is your coziest article of clothing? My blue hoodie.
2143. What is your favorite word to say? Defenestration!
2144. Does your name and your significant other's name almost feel like one word? Shut up. I don't have one. But it does remind me of RichandAmy from Zits, heh.
2145. Do Twinkies mate for life? No.
Do you? I wish.
2146. Can you tell when other people are lying? I've heard that people can, but I wish I could.
2147. What are you touching? The keys on this computer keyboard, duh.
What are you feeling? Very full.
2148. Is a clown your friend? Maybe.
Is a clown a big spider? Not necessarily.
Will a clown bite you and throw you in the basement? I hope not!
Bye bye, Mr. Clown
2149. Where do you go when you want to meet new people? Movies, conferences...
2150. Who are you naked without? Nobody.
You're the Rock Star Type! Mainly we think of Grace
Slick from Jefferson Airplane. You're hardcore,
rude, crude, and perhaps a druggie. Try to
remember that denial is the first sign. Other
rockers and pukers are Anita Pallenberg,
Marianne Faithfull, and Nico from the Velvet Underground.
Which 60's Type are you? (For girls!)
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: 5172, aaron, adam, alcoholic drinks, breakfast, chris, chuck, comments, computer, grace, isabel, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, quizilla, serial killers, slb, spoz, steve l., surveys, videos
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