Finished GJ retro-tagging! / Torrent Notes / Questions 2001-2050 of 5000 / Quizzes
I finally finished retro-tagging my GJ entries tonight! Of course, I've also been doing a bunch of figuring things out with Nero / Azureus / bittorrent programs... thanks to Corey for (mostly) being patient! :D
Note: LJ 12 Days of Christmas / My LJ Death / LJ Rock Band blogquizzes. (by Renee, Aulurienne, Cheezer)
[22:15:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: so... have those things sent yet?
[22:17:04] mrptptpt: apparently not
[22:17:07] mrptptpt: so I don't think it worked
[22:29:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay then.. maybe I should go to that website?
[22:29:28] mrptptpt: sure
[22:30:58] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh wait, they don't give me a website..
[23:02:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: sl;dkjfsdfls
[23:02:41] AlenaBrolxFlami: or maybe I should see if they even HAVE a website?!
[23:04:15] mrptptpt: they do, but you have to pay for Nero
[23:04:41] mrptptpt: your best bet is probably downloading a pirate copy :P you'll probably need a bittorrent program for that
[23:13:58] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see.... and I figure bittorrent programs will crash the computer
[23:17:06] mrptptpt: you think everything will break your computer
[23:22:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, with good reason!
[23:23:02] mrptptpt: oh yeah?
[23:23:37] AlenaBrolxFlami: well....... bittorrent programs probably need a cable connection...
[23:24:40] mrptptpt: nothing NEEDS a cable connection :P the only difference is that you'll be able to download stuff at like 5k/sec, and I can probably download a whole lot faster than that
[23:26:02] AlenaBrolxFlami: so is that a good thing or not?
[23:28:06] mrptptpt: it just means the download will take longer... that's it
[23:33:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh... okay.
[23:38:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: so then what should I do?
[23:42:59] mrptptpt: look up Nero on Isohunt
find a bittorrent program... I use Azureus... but since you're probably not going to be downloading lots of stuff... get anything you can find.. just Google "bittorrent programs," or just get Azureus
[23:44:28] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay... so what's so good about Azureus?
[23:47:07] mrptptpt: keeps track of multiple downloads and lets you see more information than most
[23:47:27] mrptptpt: it's written in Java though, so it's slow and uses tons of memory :P that's the bad part
[23:47:39] mrptptpt: most torrent programs use tons of memory, though
[23:50:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: so I shouldn't look at that as a factor..
[23:54:10] mrptptpt: just get Azureus :P that'll be easiest
[23:54:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: sure... I don't think I should bother with the Nero on my machine then, eh?
[23:55:15] mrptptpt: uh, if it's not working...
[23:55:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah... okay, that site's loaded now.
[00:01:24] mrptptpt: which site is that?
[00:01:34] mrptptpt: the one to get Azureus?
[00:02:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: Isohunt
[00:03:14] mrptptpt: well, you need the torrent program first, so go get that
[00:03:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: extension?
[00:06:16] mrptptpt: huh?
[00:10:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: File:
Extension: And Or
Add this search to your site
[00:11:25] mrptptpt: go get Azureus before you mess with that site....
[00:14:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: you told me to look up Azureus on there... or did you not?
[00:16:32] mrptptpt: no, I told you to look for that on Google :P
[00:16:42] mrptptpt: Isohunt is a site to find torrents
[00:16:46] mrptptpt: you need the torrent program first
[00:23:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: [23:42:59] mrptptpt: look up nero on Isohunt
[00:23:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: nothing about Google on there...
[00:24:03] mrptptpt: yeah, look up NERO on there
[00:24:05] mrptptpt: not Azureus
[00:30:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, I didn't see anything that related to Google specifically..
[00:30:51] mrptptpt: oh, for fuck's sake... just go type "Azureus" into Google. you could have had it 15 times by now....
[00:39:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: Corey!
[00:43:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: so which link should I go with? the first one?
[00:44:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, Sourceforge! I think that's what Jeremy uses!
[00:46:41] mrptptpt: that's what 90,000 programs use as homepages for their projects
[00:50:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: he has an email address off there, I think..
[00:51:17] mrptptpt: I don't really go there other than to download things, so I don't really know :P
[00:57:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: right... so.. the latest release?
[00:57:32] mrptptpt: I'd say so, yeah...
[01:00:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: what's the latest Java JRE?
[01:03:43] mrptptpt: you're probably okay with that.. unless it's telling you that you have to have it
[01:04:26] mrptptpt: JRE = Java Runtime Environment... basically if you have that your computer can run Java stuff :P you already have Java, I'm sure... don't mess with updating that unless it says yours is too old or something
[01:06:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: ... look here then.
[01:06:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: it doesn't say anything about that, though..
[01:06:59] mrptptpt: just download Azureus and install it..
[01:07:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: sooooooo many shiny links.....
[01:07:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: for your information, I clicked that and it froze the browser :P
[01:09:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh wait, here we go... so just the thing, then? okay..
[01:09:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Windows / Windows 9x? I'm thinking Windows....
[01:10:39] mrptptpt: you're XP
[01:10:52] mrptptpt: is there a 2000/NT/XP option? something like that?
[01:11:02] mrptptpt: 9x is Windows 95/98/ME
[01:11:26] mrptptpt: do that if that's the only Windows option..
[01:11:37] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I thought so... just making sure..
[01:16:34] mrptptpt: neato
[01:17:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: selecting mirrors... I've always heard you should choose the one closest to you..
[01:20:35] mrptptpt: you know.. this should be like a 30-second process up to this point :P
just pick one... closer is good, yes... you're on a modem and even the slow ones will probably give you your full 5k/sec.. so just pick one
[01:25:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: how do you figure that? :P
[01:26:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh, fine
[01:26:33] mrptptpt: how do I figure what? that it should only take 30 seconds? you go to the site, click download, and click a mirror...
[01:29:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, that :P
[01:29:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, you know me... I am trying to make sure I don't crash my computer and etc. :P
[01:30:57] mrptptpt: and 99% of these computer crashing fears are completely irrational :P
[01:37:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, this thing IS an important thing to protect! :P
[01:38:35] mrptptpt: are you downloading it yet? :P
[01:45:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: I was going to say... when this thing finishes downloading, I am going to bed...
[01:46:15] mrptptpt: how about using it to start downloading Nero? :P then go to bed and let it run
[01:46:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: that might be an idea...
[01:53:40] mrptptpt: so while you're waiting, go search Isohunt for Nero
[01:53:57] mrptptpt: once Azureus is installed, you just have to click the "download torrent" link for Nero there
[01:55:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: where are my extra icons?
[01:55:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: the thing says it's been successfully set up, but I don't KNOW that.. do I?
[01:56:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: so now I have to search for Nero on there..... got it.
[01:57:36] mrptptpt: what extra icons?
[01:58:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: don't you normally get extra icons or something when something's been set up?
[01:58:42] mrptptpt: it asks you if you want an icon on your desktop....
[02:01:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, just Start Menu shortcuts..
[02:01:22] mrptptpt: so right-click the one in the Start Menu, click Copy, then paste it on your desktop
[02:01:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: anyway, never mind... which of these things should I choose?
[02:02:12] mrptptpt: I don't know... let me go look.. Nero 7.something, hopefully with a keygen / serial and something that has seeders (people that have 100% of the file)
[02:04:49] mrptptpt: try the one that says "Nero 7 pctorrent"
[02:04:58] mrptptpt: if you want to go get it from the site yourself
[02:05:23] mrptptpt: it'll ask to save or open the file... choose open
[02:05:43] mrptptpt: then it should open with Azureus, which will start connecting you to people that have it, and it'll download
[02:05:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: 80 MB... hmmm.
[02:05:58] mrptptpt: that's the smallest I can find there :P
[02:06:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I kinda was looking.. heh.
[02:06:15] mrptptpt: all the other ones are 900 meg "premium editions" and crap like that
[02:06:27] mrptptpt: Nero comes with a shitload of programs nobody needs these days
[02:06:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: "Ultra Addiction blah blah..." right :P
[02:07:04] mrptptpt: so try the 80 mb one
[02:07:15] mrptptpt: it has a lot of seeders, so you should have plenty of people to get it from
[02:07:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: Download .torrent (You need BitTorrent software like BitComet or Azureus for this link to start P2P download)
or Torrent from original webpage:
Search these files on: [Usenet] [the Web] [Cdcovers]
Torrent details
Tracker URLs: (cross-referenced from BitTorrent sites across the internet)
Tracker up, last checked 4.02 hours ago
139 seeds, 7 leechers, 8258 downloads 139 seeds
Tracker up, last checked 2.55 hours ago
40 seeds, 3 leechers, 15542 downloads
Original, primary tracker 40 seeds
Tracker up, last checked 1.31 hours ago
1 seeds, 0 leechers, 0 downloads 1 seeds
info_hash: d4c21cc464ea72ed47f812137b8191b01d5bb2d5
Comments / Description:
Directory: Nero_7_pctorrent
Setup+Winuha/WinUHA 2.0 RC1 (2005.02.27).exe
5 files, 78.8 MB total. Torrent created 75.7 days ago.
[02:08:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: so I'm thinking... click the link...
[02:08:02] mrptptpt: uh.. click "download torrent".. it's in big letters at the top
[02:08:08] mrptptpt: and yes, that's the right one you're at
[02:08:15] mrptptpt: open file, don't save it
[02:08:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: but maybe not... well, I'll try
[02:08:39] mrptptpt: if you save it, it'll still work, but you'll have to go open it manually with Azureus or Windows Explorer
[02:09:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: um... this thing finished downloading already?! that can't be right.
[02:09:51] mrptptpt: that's the TORRENT file
[02:09:57] mrptptpt: not the program
[02:10:02] mrptptpt: that opens with Azureus...
[02:10:08] mrptptpt: Azureus downloads Nero
[02:10:24] mrptptpt: the torrent file just tells the torrent program who to connect you to to get it
[02:10:34] mrptptpt: so it's a tiny file
[02:11:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: cute blue frog!
[02:11:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: so... where should I save this thing? probably the desktop...
[02:11:37] mrptptpt: why would you put it there?
[02:12:01] mrptptpt: make a downloads folder or a torrents folder or something.... somewhere that you normally download things to...
[02:12:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: you think I'll remember where I put it tomorrow afternoon? :P no.
[02:12:24] mrptptpt: you can't remember C:\downloads\ ?
[02:12:40] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, possibly not.
[02:12:54] mrptptpt: then you probably shouldn't have a computer
[02:13:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, shush :P
[02:13:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: and since now I am making typos everywhere, it's time to go to bed... and leave the Net connection on in case I can't do anything with it off :P
[02:13:43] mrptptpt: so is it going?
[02:13:57] AlenaBrolxFlami: appears so...
[02:14:43] mrptptpt: the down speed column has numbers higher than zero.. connected to seeds and peers, etc..?
[02:22:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: Downloaded 1.89% Done 2.0% Seeds 18 (46) Peers 3 (6) Down Speed 2/6kB/s ...
[02:22:53] mrptptpt: okay... that means "yes" :P
[02:23:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: so what happens if this thing decides to disconnect on me? am I fresh outta luck?
[02:23:19] mrptptpt: seeds are people that have 100% of the file.. peers are other people downloading the file that don't have 100% yet
[02:23:52] mrptptpt: you can download the file from seeds and peers.. but if there are no seeds, the peers together might not make up 100% of the file..
[02:24:05] mrptptpt: you can just start it up again later and it'll pick up where it left off
[02:24:32] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay then. sounds good. going to bed now finally... thanks... talk to you tomorrow probably :P
[02:26:10] mrptptpt: okay, hopefully you have it in the morning :P talk to you later
[00:16:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, what should I do with this Windows Security Alert?
[00:17:43] mrptptpt: why do you have a Windows Security Alert?
[00:19:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: "Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program"
[00:20:28] mrptptpt: of what program?
[00:20:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Azureus
[00:25:57] mrptptpt: you can unblock it, I think
[00:26:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay..
[00:37:08] mrptptpt: it didn't ask you that the first time you ran it?
[00:46:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, it did.
[00:50:59] mrptptpt: well, just unblock it. that might be giving you the yellow status too
[00:57:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I did that..
[01:05:53] mrptptpt: so this one is downloading?
[01:06:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: must be... webpages are loading slower than ever :P
[01:07:37] mrptptpt: you can set a speed limit to give yourself a little bandwidth to use for other stuff... then just turn it on full speed when you go to bed or whatever
[01:08:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: either this one is downloading faster than the other one, or I don't know what... 7.37 MB and such already
[01:08:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay.. so how to do that?
[01:11:54] mrptptpt: Tools, Options
[01:12:22] mrptptpt: then go to Transfer, and set the global max download speed to 3 or something
[01:12:45] mrptptpt: then just put it back to zero before you're done
[01:13:02] mrptptpt: you might also want to set your upload (the first option) to 2-3... using your full upstream bandwidth can slow you down too
[01:13:38] mrptptpt: and you can leave that one.. but make sure the download one is back to 0 (unlimited) when you're getting off of here, if you plan to just let it run during the night
[01:22:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: ah, that should do it... and if this thing disconnects, I think it'll just resume once it's connected.. it redials automatically within a minute...
[01:33:19] mrptptpt: well, that'll work, I guess
[01:56:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I guess so.
[01:58:27] mrptptpt: now you can use Azureus to download porn, movies, and MP3s!
[02:02:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: COREY!
[02:05:01] mrptptpt: well, you can! :P
[02:05:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: who says I want to?
[02:05:34] mrptptpt: well, you wanted 350 megs of mp3s.....
[02:24:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh... yeah?
[02:24:26] mrptptpt: so go download some music torrents :P
[02:24:39] mrptptpt: a full album is 50 megs or so
[02:24:58] mrptptpt: which is a lot to download on a modem, but if you're leaving the computer on overnight.. you could get stuff
[02:26:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, I'll see what's going on after this other thing finishes..
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
2001. Can you believe that we have only gotten through two-fifths of this survey??!!! Yes.
2002. Can Dave Coulier really be considered a comedian.. or just a dip? A comedian? I guess.. but I only know him from Full House as Uncle Joey.
2003. Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? Yeah, those were cool.
What ever happened to those? Dunno.
2004. What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, eBay, or thrift store? Expensive books for cheap prices!
2005. What do you not have enough money for right now? A new TV, haha.
2006. Let me tell you a little story.. there was a country that had a problem with rats: too many rats. So they imported lots of mongooses because the mongooses ate the rats. The mongooses started breeding like crazy, stealing food, attacking children, and generally becoming worse than the rats. A rat problem was traded for a mongoose problem. We did the same thing in the USA. We had a problem with criminals, so we brought in police. Do we now have a police problem? Maybe some police ARE corrupted... but I wouldn't know.
2007. What is the design on your beach towel? Plain!
2008. What stirs something deep and animalistic inside you? Certain songs and descriptions. ;)
2009. If you are a girl, have you ever dressed as a guy? Can't say as I have...
If you are a guy, have you ever dressed as a girl?
2010. Do you own anything with a rainbow on it? I don't think so.
2011. What would be the worst thing to give up for Lent? Noodles.
2012. What's the best Beatles song? Don't make me choose from the many choices. :P
2013. Why is it that these diary sites are more popular with females than males? Duh... more females keep diaries than males do, statistically.
2014. What do these color combos remind you of?
orange and pink: Halloween and Easter mixed together.
pink and green: Flowers.
green and gold: Um... Anaheim Mighty Ducks? heh
purple and gold: Royalty!
gold and red: GJ.
red and white: Canada.
blue and grey: The skies.
2015. What is one really selfish thing you do? Keep good things for myself instead of giving them to people who might be more deserving of them.
2016. Do you want a thingy so that you can speak instead of typing? No, typing is easier.
2017. What made you laugh today? Eunice saying that we should have SLB night without Eddie... she's SO right!
2018. Do you ever stick your survey entries in the survey circle? Um... whatever that is, no.
2019. Can you freestyle some poetry right now? No.
2020. Are you:
stylish? HAHAHA, yeah right!
chic? No.
smart? Most of the time?
2021. Do you find yourself only buying brand name products? No.
2022. When a shirt's label is plastered across the front of it, do you ever feel like you are paying for the privilege of being a billboard and advertising for that company? Sure, it's so obvious... especially when the prices are jacked up just because of the brand name. :P
2023. Is the highest-priced item the best quality item? No, not necessarily.
2024. Human need or corporate greed? Human need.
2025. Sweaty sex or clean sex? Like I care about that right now.
2026. Which is more important: being kind, or being right? Being kind.
2027. What is the truth about you? I carry a piece of every interaction inside me.
2028. Are you scared of monsters? No.
2029. You remind me of: A maniac, haha.
2030. Do you walk to school, or do you bring your lunch? Neither.
2031. Rate your skills from one to ten (1 = you are the best at it):
socializing: 3
making friends: 3
working with computers: 5
arts: 6
crafts: 8
dancing: 9
skating: 9
talking other people into things: 4
writing: 2
living life to the fullest each day: 5
cooking: 9
gardening: 9
cleaning up after yourself: 3
playing poker: 7
surviving in the woods: 9
managing your time: 8
attracting the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer)? 8
2032. Have you ever been to an Indian reservation? No.
2033. What is going to happen tomorrow that you can celebrate, even if it's a little thing? Making excuses to people, haha.
2034. Do you save things for special occasions, or is every day a special occasion? Save 'em.
2035. List 5 things you are terrible at: Keeping my mouth shut when I should, getting motivated to do certain things, cooking, getting over certain hurts, and true forgiveness.
Are you really terrible at them, or is just that you refuse to put the amount of work in to make yourself good at them? Refuse to put work into them.
2036. What's your favorite:
rap song: HAHA, I don't know...
country song: Don't have one.
industrial song: Way too many to choose. :P
cover song: Orgy, Blue Monday.
punk song: Clash / Ramones stuff... too many to choose just one.
odd song: Anything by Weird Al.
2037. What do you do for your teachers on Teacher's Day? Never did anything.
2038. How would the world be different if women were mostly in charge? It would be more orderly, and feelings would be better explored.
2039. 'ÁöµM§Ú¦aø¦P³¡ªù...
What does it mean when entries are in all these symbols? I have no idea.
2040. What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake.
What do you imagine? Jewels glittering everywhere... haha, no. A cure for cancer.
2041. Are you ready for romance? I think so...
2042. Do we live in a particularly bad age for romance? Kinda, yeah.
2043. Have you ever cheated on someone? No.
Do you believe that once someone is a cheater, they ALWAYS are? Pretty much.
2044. Have you ever gone:
Christmas caroling? Yes.
pumpkin picking? No.
on a hay wagon ride? No.
on a romantic St. Valentine's Day date? No.... =/
to a New Year's Eve party? Yes.
to a Memorial Day parade? Wrong country, so no.
to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade? See above.
to search for gold coins on St. Patrick's Day? No.
2045. Why do we celebrate President's Week with department store sales? It's the consumerist society we live in... we expect sales!
2046. What ties you down? Obligations and responsibilities.
2047. Do you know why you do the things you do? Sometimes.
Why you say the things you say? Because I have to get them out somehow.
Are you self-aware? Kinda.
2048. What is the sickest you ever drank / drugged yourself? Haven't done either.
2049. Is clothing optional? No.
2050. What are 5 interesting facts about you? I played the euphonium once, I hit some girl over the head with a field hockey stick, I've gone underneath Niagara Falls, I've been on the USS Hornet, and I read a lot about multiple births.
Note: LJ 12 Days of Christmas / My LJ Death / LJ Rock Band blogquizzes. (by Renee, Aulurienne, Cheezer)
[22:15:45] AlenaBrolxFlami: so... have those things sent yet?
[22:17:04] mrptptpt: apparently not
[22:17:07] mrptptpt: so I don't think it worked
[22:29:10] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay then.. maybe I should go to that website?
[22:29:28] mrptptpt: sure
[22:30:58] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh wait, they don't give me a website..
[23:02:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: sl;dkjfsdfls
[23:02:41] AlenaBrolxFlami: or maybe I should see if they even HAVE a website?!
[23:04:15] mrptptpt: they do, but you have to pay for Nero
[23:04:41] mrptptpt: your best bet is probably downloading a pirate copy :P you'll probably need a bittorrent program for that
[23:13:58] AlenaBrolxFlami: I see.... and I figure bittorrent programs will crash the computer
[23:17:06] mrptptpt: you think everything will break your computer
[23:22:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, with good reason!
[23:23:02] mrptptpt: oh yeah?
[23:23:37] AlenaBrolxFlami: well....... bittorrent programs probably need a cable connection...
[23:24:40] mrptptpt: nothing NEEDS a cable connection :P the only difference is that you'll be able to download stuff at like 5k/sec, and I can probably download a whole lot faster than that
[23:26:02] AlenaBrolxFlami: so is that a good thing or not?
[23:28:06] mrptptpt: it just means the download will take longer... that's it
[23:33:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh... okay.
[23:38:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: so then what should I do?
[23:42:59] mrptptpt: look up Nero on Isohunt
find a bittorrent program... I use Azureus... but since you're probably not going to be downloading lots of stuff... get anything you can find.. just Google "bittorrent programs," or just get Azureus
[23:44:28] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay... so what's so good about Azureus?
[23:47:07] mrptptpt: keeps track of multiple downloads and lets you see more information than most
[23:47:27] mrptptpt: it's written in Java though, so it's slow and uses tons of memory :P that's the bad part
[23:47:39] mrptptpt: most torrent programs use tons of memory, though
[23:50:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: so I shouldn't look at that as a factor..
[23:54:10] mrptptpt: just get Azureus :P that'll be easiest
[23:54:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: sure... I don't think I should bother with the Nero on my machine then, eh?
[23:55:15] mrptptpt: uh, if it's not working...
[23:55:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah... okay, that site's loaded now.
[00:01:24] mrptptpt: which site is that?
[00:01:34] mrptptpt: the one to get Azureus?
[00:02:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: Isohunt
[00:03:14] mrptptpt: well, you need the torrent program first, so go get that
[00:03:50] AlenaBrolxFlami: extension?
[00:06:16] mrptptpt: huh?
[00:10:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: File:
Extension: And Or
Add this search to your site
[00:11:25] mrptptpt: go get Azureus before you mess with that site....
[00:14:49] AlenaBrolxFlami: you told me to look up Azureus on there... or did you not?
[00:16:32] mrptptpt: no, I told you to look for that on Google :P
[00:16:42] mrptptpt: Isohunt is a site to find torrents
[00:16:46] mrptptpt: you need the torrent program first
[00:23:22] AlenaBrolxFlami: [23:42:59] mrptptpt: look up nero on Isohunt
[00:23:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: nothing about Google on there...
[00:24:03] mrptptpt: yeah, look up NERO on there
[00:24:05] mrptptpt: not Azureus
[00:30:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, I didn't see anything that related to Google specifically..
[00:30:51] mrptptpt: oh, for fuck's sake... just go type "Azureus" into Google. you could have had it 15 times by now....
[00:39:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: Corey!
[00:43:54] AlenaBrolxFlami: so which link should I go with? the first one?
[00:44:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, Sourceforge! I think that's what Jeremy uses!
[00:46:41] mrptptpt: that's what 90,000 programs use as homepages for their projects
[00:50:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: he has an email address off there, I think..
[00:51:17] mrptptpt: I don't really go there other than to download things, so I don't really know :P
[00:57:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: right... so.. the latest release?
[00:57:32] mrptptpt: I'd say so, yeah...
[01:00:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: what's the latest Java JRE?
[01:03:43] mrptptpt: you're probably okay with that.. unless it's telling you that you have to have it
[01:04:26] mrptptpt: JRE = Java Runtime Environment... basically if you have that your computer can run Java stuff :P you already have Java, I'm sure... don't mess with updating that unless it says yours is too old or something
[01:06:36] AlenaBrolxFlami: ... look here then.
[01:06:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: it doesn't say anything about that, though..
[01:06:59] mrptptpt: just download Azureus and install it..
[01:07:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: sooooooo many shiny links.....
[01:07:56] AlenaBrolxFlami: for your information, I clicked that and it froze the browser :P
[01:09:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh wait, here we go... so just the thing, then? okay..
[01:09:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Windows / Windows 9x? I'm thinking Windows....
[01:10:39] mrptptpt: you're XP
[01:10:52] mrptptpt: is there a 2000/NT/XP option? something like that?
[01:11:02] mrptptpt: 9x is Windows 95/98/ME
[01:11:26] mrptptpt: do that if that's the only Windows option..
[01:11:37] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I thought so... just making sure..
[01:16:34] mrptptpt: neato
[01:17:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: selecting mirrors... I've always heard you should choose the one closest to you..
[01:20:35] mrptptpt: you know.. this should be like a 30-second process up to this point :P
just pick one... closer is good, yes... you're on a modem and even the slow ones will probably give you your full 5k/sec.. so just pick one
[01:25:55] AlenaBrolxFlami: how do you figure that? :P
[01:26:08] AlenaBrolxFlami: heh, fine
[01:26:33] mrptptpt: how do I figure what? that it should only take 30 seconds? you go to the site, click download, and click a mirror...
[01:29:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, that :P
[01:29:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: well, you know me... I am trying to make sure I don't crash my computer and etc. :P
[01:30:57] mrptptpt: and 99% of these computer crashing fears are completely irrational :P
[01:37:19] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, this thing IS an important thing to protect! :P
[01:38:35] mrptptpt: are you downloading it yet? :P
[01:45:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: I was going to say... when this thing finishes downloading, I am going to bed...
[01:46:15] mrptptpt: how about using it to start downloading Nero? :P then go to bed and let it run
[01:46:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: that might be an idea...
[01:53:40] mrptptpt: so while you're waiting, go search Isohunt for Nero
[01:53:57] mrptptpt: once Azureus is installed, you just have to click the "download torrent" link for Nero there
[01:55:06] AlenaBrolxFlami: where are my extra icons?
[01:55:31] AlenaBrolxFlami: the thing says it's been successfully set up, but I don't KNOW that.. do I?
[01:56:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: so now I have to search for Nero on there..... got it.
[01:57:36] mrptptpt: what extra icons?
[01:58:05] AlenaBrolxFlami: don't you normally get extra icons or something when something's been set up?
[01:58:42] mrptptpt: it asks you if you want an icon on your desktop....
[02:01:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: no, just Start Menu shortcuts..
[02:01:22] mrptptpt: so right-click the one in the Start Menu, click Copy, then paste it on your desktop
[02:01:26] AlenaBrolxFlami: anyway, never mind... which of these things should I choose?
[02:02:12] mrptptpt: I don't know... let me go look.. Nero 7.something, hopefully with a keygen / serial and something that has seeders (people that have 100% of the file)
[02:04:49] mrptptpt: try the one that says "Nero 7 pctorrent"
[02:04:58] mrptptpt: if you want to go get it from the site yourself
[02:05:23] mrptptpt: it'll ask to save or open the file... choose open
[02:05:43] mrptptpt: then it should open with Azureus, which will start connecting you to people that have it, and it'll download
[02:05:44] AlenaBrolxFlami: 80 MB... hmmm.
[02:05:58] mrptptpt: that's the smallest I can find there :P
[02:06:12] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I kinda was looking.. heh.
[02:06:15] mrptptpt: all the other ones are 900 meg "premium editions" and crap like that
[02:06:27] mrptptpt: Nero comes with a shitload of programs nobody needs these days
[02:06:43] AlenaBrolxFlami: "Ultra Addiction blah blah..." right :P
[02:07:04] mrptptpt: so try the 80 mb one
[02:07:15] mrptptpt: it has a lot of seeders, so you should have plenty of people to get it from
[02:07:35] AlenaBrolxFlami: Download .torrent (You need BitTorrent software like BitComet or Azureus for this link to start P2P download)
or Torrent from original webpage:
Search these files on: [Usenet] [the Web] [Cdcovers]
Torrent details
Tracker URLs: (cross-referenced from BitTorrent sites across the internet)
Tracker up, last checked 4.02 hours ago
139 seeds, 7 leechers, 8258 downloads 139 seeds
Tracker up, last checked 2.55 hours ago
40 seeds, 3 leechers, 15542 downloads
Original, primary tracker 40 seeds
Tracker up, last checked 1.31 hours ago
1 seeds, 0 leechers, 0 downloads 1 seeds
info_hash: d4c21cc464ea72ed47f812137b8191b01d5bb2d5
Comments / Description:
Directory: Nero_7_pctorrent
Setup+Winuha/WinUHA 2.0 RC1 (2005.02.27).exe
5 files, 78.8 MB total. Torrent created 75.7 days ago.
[02:08:00] AlenaBrolxFlami: so I'm thinking... click the link...
[02:08:02] mrptptpt: uh.. click "download torrent".. it's in big letters at the top
[02:08:08] mrptptpt: and yes, that's the right one you're at
[02:08:15] mrptptpt: open file, don't save it
[02:08:25] AlenaBrolxFlami: but maybe not... well, I'll try
[02:08:39] mrptptpt: if you save it, it'll still work, but you'll have to go open it manually with Azureus or Windows Explorer
[02:09:30] AlenaBrolxFlami: um... this thing finished downloading already?! that can't be right.
[02:09:51] mrptptpt: that's the TORRENT file
[02:09:57] mrptptpt: not the program
[02:10:02] mrptptpt: that opens with Azureus...
[02:10:08] mrptptpt: Azureus downloads Nero
[02:10:24] mrptptpt: the torrent file just tells the torrent program who to connect you to to get it
[02:10:34] mrptptpt: so it's a tiny file
[02:11:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: cute blue frog!
[02:11:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: so... where should I save this thing? probably the desktop...
[02:11:37] mrptptpt: why would you put it there?
[02:12:01] mrptptpt: make a downloads folder or a torrents folder or something.... somewhere that you normally download things to...
[02:12:09] AlenaBrolxFlami: you think I'll remember where I put it tomorrow afternoon? :P no.
[02:12:24] mrptptpt: you can't remember C:\downloads\ ?
[02:12:40] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, possibly not.
[02:12:54] mrptptpt: then you probably shouldn't have a computer
[02:13:07] AlenaBrolxFlami: oh, shush :P
[02:13:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: and since now I am making typos everywhere, it's time to go to bed... and leave the Net connection on in case I can't do anything with it off :P
[02:13:43] mrptptpt: so is it going?
[02:13:57] AlenaBrolxFlami: appears so...
[02:14:43] mrptptpt: the down speed column has numbers higher than zero.. connected to seeds and peers, etc..?
[02:22:27] AlenaBrolxFlami: Downloaded 1.89% Done 2.0% Seeds 18 (46) Peers 3 (6) Down Speed 2/6kB/s ...
[02:22:53] mrptptpt: okay... that means "yes" :P
[02:23:15] AlenaBrolxFlami: so what happens if this thing decides to disconnect on me? am I fresh outta luck?
[02:23:19] mrptptpt: seeds are people that have 100% of the file.. peers are other people downloading the file that don't have 100% yet
[02:23:52] mrptptpt: you can download the file from seeds and peers.. but if there are no seeds, the peers together might not make up 100% of the file..
[02:24:05] mrptptpt: you can just start it up again later and it'll pick up where it left off
[02:24:32] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay then. sounds good. going to bed now finally... thanks... talk to you tomorrow probably :P
[02:26:10] mrptptpt: okay, hopefully you have it in the morning :P talk to you later
[00:16:17] AlenaBrolxFlami: hey, what should I do with this Windows Security Alert?
[00:17:43] mrptptpt: why do you have a Windows Security Alert?
[00:19:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: "Windows Firewall has blocked some features of this program"
[00:20:28] mrptptpt: of what program?
[00:20:51] AlenaBrolxFlami: Azureus
[00:25:57] mrptptpt: you can unblock it, I think
[00:26:18] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay..
[00:37:08] mrptptpt: it didn't ask you that the first time you ran it?
[00:46:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, it did.
[00:50:59] mrptptpt: well, just unblock it. that might be giving you the yellow status too
[00:57:03] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I did that..
[01:05:53] mrptptpt: so this one is downloading?
[01:06:33] AlenaBrolxFlami: must be... webpages are loading slower than ever :P
[01:07:37] mrptptpt: you can set a speed limit to give yourself a little bandwidth to use for other stuff... then just turn it on full speed when you go to bed or whatever
[01:08:04] AlenaBrolxFlami: either this one is downloading faster than the other one, or I don't know what... 7.37 MB and such already
[01:08:39] AlenaBrolxFlami: okay.. so how to do that?
[01:11:54] mrptptpt: Tools, Options
[01:12:22] mrptptpt: then go to Transfer, and set the global max download speed to 3 or something
[01:12:45] mrptptpt: then just put it back to zero before you're done
[01:13:02] mrptptpt: you might also want to set your upload (the first option) to 2-3... using your full upstream bandwidth can slow you down too
[01:13:38] mrptptpt: and you can leave that one.. but make sure the download one is back to 0 (unlimited) when you're getting off of here, if you plan to just let it run during the night
[01:22:52] AlenaBrolxFlami: ah, that should do it... and if this thing disconnects, I think it'll just resume once it's connected.. it redials automatically within a minute...
[01:33:19] mrptptpt: well, that'll work, I guess
[01:56:48] AlenaBrolxFlami: yeah, I guess so.
[01:58:27] mrptptpt: now you can use Azureus to download porn, movies, and MP3s!
[02:02:24] AlenaBrolxFlami: COREY!
[02:05:01] mrptptpt: well, you can! :P
[02:05:21] AlenaBrolxFlami: who says I want to?
[02:05:34] mrptptpt: well, you wanted 350 megs of mp3s.....
[02:24:11] AlenaBrolxFlami: uh... yeah?
[02:24:26] mrptptpt: so go download some music torrents :P
[02:24:39] mrptptpt: a full album is 50 megs or so
[02:24:58] mrptptpt: which is a lot to download on a modem, but if you're leaving the computer on overnight.. you could get stuff
[02:26:29] AlenaBrolxFlami: haha, I'll see what's going on after this other thing finishes..
Got these questions from this QuestionClub LJ post by Arthurbulla. I'm going to post the survey in 50-question batches, like the original. No worries there! Five thousand questions and answers wouldn't fit as an entry, anyhow. :P
The only complete copy... you'll have to go around erasing answers.
2001. Can you believe that we have only gotten through two-fifths of this survey??!!! Yes.
2002. Can Dave Coulier really be considered a comedian.. or just a dip? A comedian? I guess.. but I only know him from Full House as Uncle Joey.
2003. Remember those Choose Your Own Adventure books? Yeah, those were cool.
What ever happened to those? Dunno.
2004. What was your best find from a flea market, garage sale, eBay, or thrift store? Expensive books for cheap prices!
2005. What do you not have enough money for right now? A new TV, haha.
2006. Let me tell you a little story.. there was a country that had a problem with rats: too many rats. So they imported lots of mongooses because the mongooses ate the rats. The mongooses started breeding like crazy, stealing food, attacking children, and generally becoming worse than the rats. A rat problem was traded for a mongoose problem. We did the same thing in the USA. We had a problem with criminals, so we brought in police. Do we now have a police problem? Maybe some police ARE corrupted... but I wouldn't know.
2007. What is the design on your beach towel? Plain!
2008. What stirs something deep and animalistic inside you? Certain songs and descriptions. ;)
2009. If you are a girl, have you ever dressed as a guy? Can't say as I have...
If you are a guy, have you ever dressed as a girl?
2010. Do you own anything with a rainbow on it? I don't think so.
2011. What would be the worst thing to give up for Lent? Noodles.
2012. What's the best Beatles song? Don't make me choose from the many choices. :P
2013. Why is it that these diary sites are more popular with females than males? Duh... more females keep diaries than males do, statistically.
2014. What do these color combos remind you of?
orange and pink: Halloween and Easter mixed together.
pink and green: Flowers.
green and gold: Um... Anaheim Mighty Ducks? heh
purple and gold: Royalty!
gold and red: GJ.
red and white: Canada.
blue and grey: The skies.
2015. What is one really selfish thing you do? Keep good things for myself instead of giving them to people who might be more deserving of them.
2016. Do you want a thingy so that you can speak instead of typing? No, typing is easier.
2017. What made you laugh today? Eunice saying that we should have SLB night without Eddie... she's SO right!
2018. Do you ever stick your survey entries in the survey circle? Um... whatever that is, no.
2019. Can you freestyle some poetry right now? No.
2020. Are you:
stylish? HAHAHA, yeah right!
chic? No.
smart? Most of the time?
2021. Do you find yourself only buying brand name products? No.
2022. When a shirt's label is plastered across the front of it, do you ever feel like you are paying for the privilege of being a billboard and advertising for that company? Sure, it's so obvious... especially when the prices are jacked up just because of the brand name. :P
2023. Is the highest-priced item the best quality item? No, not necessarily.
2024. Human need or corporate greed? Human need.
2025. Sweaty sex or clean sex? Like I care about that right now.
2026. Which is more important: being kind, or being right? Being kind.
2027. What is the truth about you? I carry a piece of every interaction inside me.
2028. Are you scared of monsters? No.
2029. You remind me of: A maniac, haha.
2030. Do you walk to school, or do you bring your lunch? Neither.
2031. Rate your skills from one to ten (1 = you are the best at it):
socializing: 3
making friends: 3
working with computers: 5
arts: 6
crafts: 8
dancing: 9
skating: 9
talking other people into things: 4
writing: 2
living life to the fullest each day: 5
cooking: 9
gardening: 9
cleaning up after yourself: 3
playing poker: 7
surviving in the woods: 9
managing your time: 8
attracting the opposite sex (or same sex if you prefer)? 8
2032. Have you ever been to an Indian reservation? No.
2033. What is going to happen tomorrow that you can celebrate, even if it's a little thing? Making excuses to people, haha.
2034. Do you save things for special occasions, or is every day a special occasion? Save 'em.
2035. List 5 things you are terrible at: Keeping my mouth shut when I should, getting motivated to do certain things, cooking, getting over certain hurts, and true forgiveness.
Are you really terrible at them, or is just that you refuse to put the amount of work in to make yourself good at them? Refuse to put work into them.
2036. What's your favorite:
rap song: HAHA, I don't know...
country song: Don't have one.
industrial song: Way too many to choose. :P
cover song: Orgy, Blue Monday.
punk song: Clash / Ramones stuff... too many to choose just one.
odd song: Anything by Weird Al.
2037. What do you do for your teachers on Teacher's Day? Never did anything.
2038. How would the world be different if women were mostly in charge? It would be more orderly, and feelings would be better explored.
2039. 'ÁöµM§Ú¦aø¦P³¡ªù...
What does it mean when entries are in all these symbols? I have no idea.
2040. What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake.
What do you imagine? Jewels glittering everywhere... haha, no. A cure for cancer.
2041. Are you ready for romance? I think so...
2042. Do we live in a particularly bad age for romance? Kinda, yeah.
2043. Have you ever cheated on someone? No.
Do you believe that once someone is a cheater, they ALWAYS are? Pretty much.
2044. Have you ever gone:
Christmas caroling? Yes.
pumpkin picking? No.
on a hay wagon ride? No.
on a romantic St. Valentine's Day date? No.... =/
to a New Year's Eve party? Yes.
to a Memorial Day parade? Wrong country, so no.
to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade? See above.
to search for gold coins on St. Patrick's Day? No.
2045. Why do we celebrate President's Week with department store sales? It's the consumerist society we live in... we expect sales!
2046. What ties you down? Obligations and responsibilities.
2047. Do you know why you do the things you do? Sometimes.
Why you say the things you say? Because I have to get them out somehow.
Are you self-aware? Kinda.
2048. What is the sickest you ever drank / drugged yourself? Haven't done either.
2049. Is clothing optional? No.
2050. What are 5 interesting facts about you? I played the euphonium once, I hit some girl over the head with a field hockey stick, I've gone underneath Niagara Falls, I've been on the USS Hornet, and I read a lot about multiple births.
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