Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Waking up, Memegens, Pirate Name Explanations

This is the latest I've ever gotten up... although to be fair, I was awakened at 8:30 or 9 by the apartment management wanting to check the smoke detectors. Bleh.

Note: Stegzy's Astounding Advent Calendar x2 / LJ friends on New Year's Eve / New Year's Resolutions of Your LJ Friends Memegens. (by stegzy, shinikami, dannygrl0129)

How people rate you by misssmanson
face: 24%
body: 51%
clothes: 20%
personality: 38%
madness: 95%
ambitions: 27%
in bed: 5%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Crazy Disaster Events by misssmanson
random word
first youyour car break down
then youget chased by lions
later on, you meeta really hot guy / gal
who does what?marries you
you get home findinghouse overtaken by gangsters
after getting some sleep, you go back to workserving in McDonalds
does life get back to normaleventually
how much all this affected your work: 68%
how much all this affected your mental health: 3%
how much all this affected your love life: 40%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

The Anti-Meme Meme by mintyduck
First celebrity with whom you will not threesome:Jon Stewart
Second celebrity with whom you will not threesome:Ryan Seacrest
Celebrity you definitely will not be marrying:Chris Rock
Also, no one-night stand with:Jennifer Lopez
And finally, no orgy with this band:The B-52's
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Who are you in the classic Star Wars universe? by pr10n
Your name
Your race:Gamorrean
The planet you live on:Alderaan
Your occupation:Rebel
Your weapon of choice:MM9 Wrist rockets
Your hero is:Princess Leia
Your horrible Star Wars death:Adopted by the Sand People
Chance of reaching your Force potential: 89%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

How will I dress in 10 years? by mattou
Shoes:skater shoes
Top:off the side number
Hat:none (it would get in the way of your mohawk)
Make-up:Braveheart look
This percentage thinks the look works:: 5%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Dubya by Karen_Walker
Who'd make a better President than Bush?
Here's Your Pic!
Quiz created with MemeGen!

For you land-lubbers out there, here be the meanings behind them thar pirate names:

Captain: Rallied the crew in times of battle, and delegated work to the rest of the crew

First Mate: Second in command and took over if the captain was incapable.

Quartermaster: Some ships had quartermasters instead of first mates. Quartermasters were the "official" on board: they split up the booty, and they also acted as judges and sheriffs.

Gunner: Led a group of about 6 other men through the process of firing artillery... including loading, aimng, firing, resetting, and swabbing.

Carpenter: Was responsible for repairs to the hull, mending sails and masts, etc.

Cook: Usually a position given to a pirate that has been wounded in battle, sometimes asked to be a surgeon if none other was available.

Swordsmen: Skilled in close combat, swordsmen were the ones to board the ships and actually fight. In times of non-battle, swordsmen filled positions under the carpenter and quartermaster needed to sail and maintain the ship.

There were also surgeons, coopers (barrel makers), and other craftsmen when available... and many ships even had musicians.

Your Afterlife As An Angel by electronicoffee
Your Username / Name
Your Best Feature
Your Angelic TypeAngel of Wisdom
Your Angelic HouseHouse of Principalities [House Rank 7th]
Your Rank In Your House6
Your Angelic DutyHealing
Your Divine WeaponHoly Edge
Your Wing ColorBlue
Why You Were ChosenYour Destiny
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Life As A Celebrity by electronicoffee
Username / Name
Your Claim To FameYour Deep, Artsy Photography
How Much Are You Worth?$71,521,163
What Kind Of Dream House?High-Rise Tower Apartment
In Your Spare Time?Video Games, Cooking, Shopping
How Many Years Will You Be Famous?40
How Will You Die?Mass / Cult Suicide
What Will You Be Remembered For?Being Sweet
How Much Of The World Will Mourn You?: 55%
Quiz created with MemeGen!

You And Your Crush's Compatibility by electronicoffee
Your Name
Your Crush's Name
Romance Meter [ % ]33
Friendship Meter [ % ]94
Sex & Passion Meter [ % ]88
Overall Compatibility [ % ]93
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Your Celebrity Icon by Karen_Walker
Your Name
Your Age
Your First Love
Your Celebrity Icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Johnny Depp? I can live with that. :D

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