Sunday, October 16, 2005

Weird death dreams / I got invited to baby Ian's one-month banquet thing!

Last night, I dreamed that a bunch of church people were in another world where conventional reality did not apply. Jon and Uncle Darius (Joe's dad) were experimenting to see whether dropping a piece of paper 100 times through a slot would indeed result in someone's death, but then they decided not to go through with it. Little Kelly was all grown up and had daughters named Jenny and Angela: Angela drowned in a swimming accident, and Jenny was forever paranoid of dying the same way. Then Auntie Bessy decided that she wanted to strangle people, especially big fat white guys who really struggled with her before dying. There are times that I don't want to know about my subconscious, although maybe it's sympathizing with Sam getting pushed around yesterday by a big fat white guy! o_O

It's been heavily raining all day so far: welcome to the next few months in Vancouver! At church today, David was giving out little envelopes to me and other people: I thought that perhaps they contained pictures of his baby Ian (born October 1... info from Frances) and his cousin Olivia. (Sophia's baby girl) But when I opened it, there was a red and gold invitation inside that smelled of perfume... it turns out that David and Rosenda invited me to their baby's one-month celebration banquet! (Friday, 11 November at 6 at the Metrotown Floata.. now I have to figure out rides)

I do indeed feel honored: Jen was surprised that it was the first time I've been invited to one of these traditional things that Chinese people do to celebrate the one-month anniversary of their babies' births. (infant mortality in China was horrible in ancient days) Well, my cousin Yvonne had her baby in Hong Kong... and I don't think there are any more of those coming up! Speaking of babies, there were two more church babies born this week! Michael and Amanda had a baby girl they named Megan (so Ethan and Seren have a new sister)... and Adrian and Ella had a baby boy, Caleb. (so now little Charissa has a brother) Man, it's a baby boom around these parts... and this morning, we were talking about more upcoming babies! (Amanda's or so we thought, Natalie's, Helen K.'s, and Stella's!)

Jen complained to me and Karen about MSN 7.5 and all its features: it thinks that she has a webcam when she doesn't. As for "Start a Voice Conversation," why not just CALL the person you're chatting with? (unless it would be long distance or whatever) I talked a bit to my other friends, as well: my sister and Cindy think I'll get a cold if I don't have my hat on... I hope not, and it was only for a couple minutes! In the course of talking to Eric about rides for tonight's party at Erin's, I suddenly remembered that I needed a ride home today too. He told me that he was leaving right then and wouldn't be going to Sunday School: since I'd be stranded if I didn't leave with him, I quickly booked off helping with the toddlers and left early.

Eric thought the toddlers would be causing mischief without me: no, since Auntie Cynthia and Auntie Tracy are there! Nathan kinda joked that Eric was skipping Sunday School, but Eric had to work on things which had to be done fairly soon. Later, I asked if he had to lead worship on Friday: yes, and my sister's group (including Sam as the other Richmondite) had gone to Melia's that night. Ah well, it had worked out anyhow. We listened to the news... lots of traffic accidents, teacher strike talk, and 114 arrests made somewhere with a neo-Nazi march. When we got to my place, they were apparently taking away the pay parking meters: interesting! Now, to see if I can catch up on all that I missed before I call Eric at 5:30-ish and leave at 6-ish...

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