Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Fraternal Twin A-1 Steak Sauces, Nathan enlarged, and Canadian T-shirts

Here's an MS Paint picture that Courtney (bjornskjold) drew for me! It's based on my interests of "twins" and "A-1 Steak Sauce"... very creative! :D

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Apparently, the picture of Nathan wasn't supposed to be icon-sized... Jasmine got her boyfriend Dave to do something to the file (zipping it, judging from the attachment) and emailed it to me again. After I extracted the JPEG from the zipped... thing... I discovered that it did work! (Dave isn't really Jasmine's boyfriend, but that's the designation Eric H. came up with for simplicity's sake since "sex buddy / roommate" was a bit dodgy :P) The photo she originally sent came out really tiny for some reason, and I don't think it was a thumbnail either. (those things normally work at their intended size for me...)

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Henrik emailed me back about his "Canada, Deh?" T-shirt, and he doesn't think the text or pictures help in determining what "Deh" means:

I don't think so, but here's how it looks:

Texts in [brackets] are pictures.

[moose] [bear] [beaver]
[canadian flag]

The moose and the beaver are dressed in Canadian hockey-style shirts (white / red & a maple leaf). The bear has a blue one that says "[heart] Canada"

Weird, eh? :)

Hrm... most weird. I have no clue what "Deh?" is supposed to mean, especially since Googling it didn't help at all. :P

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