Toblerone bars, bubble tea, computer power bars, and more... / Quizzes
Just went out for a couple hours to buy some stuff:
* more US stamps for the Christmas cards I plan to send (luckily, I got the regular ones so they can be used after Xmas if need be ;) )
* two big Toblerone bars (Swiss almond chocolate and honey nougat.. I saw this 4.5 kg one for $69.99! *thud* )
* strawberry bubble tea (enough said.. and the next one from Tazza World Tea and Café will be free!)
* a computer power bar (I was about to go home when I remembered Eric M.'s advice about getting one to protect my computer against power outages and such.. must tell him about it later! Yay for Eric!)
* a few little surprises.. you'll have to see them first! ;)
Now, it's off to do my laundry and maybe take a nap / read a bit before a certain time (and I'm calling HIM for a change!)... the fun never stops around here, I tell ya! ;)
Take the quiz:
Are you a cat or a dog?
Well, I'm not so sure what you are. Sorry.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Dog (You scored 2)
* Cat (You scored 0)
* Unknown (You scored 3)
Take the quiz:
Have You Or Will You Be Possessed?

You may be possessed..
You may get possessed later on in life... you're safe for now, though.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* You have or will be possessed! (You scored 0)
* You may be possessed.. (You scored 6)
* You will never be possessed! (You scored 3)
Take the quiz:
how much do you talk to yourself?
Does having this "quirk" mean you're abnormal? Does it mean you're an oddball? Does it mean you're going mad? Actually, it just means you have plenty to talk about, but not always someone around to whom you can speak. Perhaps you're just bursting with emotion, imagination, or the need to communicate. (As a child, you probably talked to an imaginary playmate.) Under the right circumstances, talking to yourself can be a delightful way to release mental "steam" and to confide in a friend (namely, yourself). As long as you allow room for other friends to join in! Think about it. Talk it over with yourself.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* weird?? (You scored 4)
* normal (You scored 1)
* none of the above... you must be a geek (You scored 0)
They totally stole the answers from this Quiz Stop quiz about the same thing, yo! :P
Take the quiz:
Which Robin Hood Outlaw are you?

Robin of Loxley
Following in your father's footsteps, you have assumed the mantle as the protector of the people. Your common origins and noble bearing have won you respect as ROBIN HOOD.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Robin of Loxley (You scored 2)
* Robert of Huntington (You scored 2)
* Marion of Leaford (You scored 1)
* Much the miller's son (You scored 0)
* Little John (You scored 2)
* William Schathlock (You scored 1)
* Nasir (You scored 1)
* Friar Tuck (You scored 0)
Take the quiz:
What animal are you

Mystical Creature
You are very peaceful, but you are not sometimes. You should be very proud.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Mystical Creature (You scored 2)
* Bear (You scored 0)
* Polar Bear (You scored 0)
* Cat (You scored 1)
* Cow (You scored 0)
* Tiger (You scored 0)
* Dog (You scored 1)
* Other (You scored 1)
* more US stamps for the Christmas cards I plan to send (luckily, I got the regular ones so they can be used after Xmas if need be ;) )
* two big Toblerone bars (Swiss almond chocolate and honey nougat.. I saw this 4.5 kg one for $69.99! *thud* )
* strawberry bubble tea (enough said.. and the next one from Tazza World Tea and Café will be free!)
* a computer power bar (I was about to go home when I remembered Eric M.'s advice about getting one to protect my computer against power outages and such.. must tell him about it later! Yay for Eric!)
* a few little surprises.. you'll have to see them first! ;)
Now, it's off to do my laundry and maybe take a nap / read a bit before a certain time (and I'm calling HIM for a change!)... the fun never stops around here, I tell ya! ;)
Are you a cat or a dog?
Well, I'm not so sure what you are. Sorry.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Dog (You scored 2)
* Cat (You scored 0)
* Unknown (You scored 3)
Have You Or Will You Be Possessed?

You may be possessed..
You may get possessed later on in life... you're safe for now, though.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* You have or will be possessed! (You scored 0)
* You may be possessed.. (You scored 6)
* You will never be possessed! (You scored 3)
how much do you talk to yourself?
Does having this "quirk" mean you're abnormal? Does it mean you're an oddball? Does it mean you're going mad? Actually, it just means you have plenty to talk about, but not always someone around to whom you can speak. Perhaps you're just bursting with emotion, imagination, or the need to communicate. (As a child, you probably talked to an imaginary playmate.) Under the right circumstances, talking to yourself can be a delightful way to release mental "steam" and to confide in a friend (namely, yourself). As long as you allow room for other friends to join in! Think about it. Talk it over with yourself.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* weird?? (You scored 4)
* normal (You scored 1)
* none of the above... you must be a geek (You scored 0)
They totally stole the answers from this Quiz Stop quiz about the same thing, yo! :P
Which Robin Hood Outlaw are you?

Robin of Loxley
Following in your father's footsteps, you have assumed the mantle as the protector of the people. Your common origins and noble bearing have won you respect as ROBIN HOOD.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Robin of Loxley (You scored 2)
* Robert of Huntington (You scored 2)
* Marion of Leaford (You scored 1)
* Much the miller's son (You scored 0)
* Little John (You scored 2)
* William Schathlock (You scored 1)
* Nasir (You scored 1)
* Friar Tuck (You scored 0)
What animal are you

Mystical Creature
You are very peaceful, but you are not sometimes. You should be very proud.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:
* Mystical Creature (You scored 2)
* Bear (You scored 0)
* Polar Bear (You scored 0)
* Cat (You scored 1)
* Cow (You scored 0)
* Tiger (You scored 0)
* Dog (You scored 1)
* Other (You scored 1)
Labels: bubble tea, candy, cards, characters, christmas, computer, eric m., john, laundry, maxed-out tags limit, movies, robin, sleep, stephen, weird stuff, zenhex
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