Tuesday, July 13, 2004

ScanDisk and the Yahoo DLL

I restarted the computer because it was acting funny..
ScanDisk found 90 corrupted files, and fixed them..
starting up the Net caused an illegal operation at first..
then I isolated the file that could've been causing it..
now the Net works fine, since obviously I'm on it.. phew!
Yahoo Messenger refuses to start.. an initialization error of "CoCreateInstance for the MyYahoo.DLL failed!"
cut / copy-and-paste via the keyboard doesn't work for some exceedingly strange reason..
believe me, I rely on that handy tool like I do my pals ;)
this hard drive also had to go through a surface scan..
shades of when Eric said the old house computer failed..
all in all, it wasn't a good time for this hamsterette..
hopefully it'll get better soon.. Vernon still has that P2 hard drive, and no luck in getting it back yet..
if I had it back, things would probably be gangbusters!

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