Monday, March 22, 2004

Not happy for a variety of reasons

right now, I am not happy for a variety of reasons..

1. LJ isn't emailing me any comments I get, like it should..
I've only gotten two in the past few hours.. should be more!

2. Graffiti keeps generating script errors and ad pages..
I really wish it wouldn't do that.. wastes my time!

3. I don't want to help my parents move this week..
Jon doesn't have to, but that's because he's busy..
if only I'd thought of an excuse earlier.. silence is not consent..
(damn my fried brain on Sunday morning.. it failed me again!)

4. I wish certain people would come online so I could talk..
definitely like them very much, but it's not likely they will..
maybe I'll talk to new people.. I'm unsure whether I shall..

5. my computer clock just went haywire once again..
at least it's only an hour out.. not 12 hours or two months..
easy enough to fix, but still adds to the general pissiness..

6. the Net is being unaccountably slow yet AGAIN..
I hate it on this computer with a raging passion..
it should be a little faster without stalling half the time..
doesn't help that the computer is slow anyways.. damn!

oh well, I guess I wasn't fated to always be happy or content..
maybe some Matt Good will cheer me up instead of Creed ;)
(although Creed makes me think of Eric M. ----> good thing)

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