Thursday, November 03, 2011

Being trapped (dream) / Flattus Maximus found DEAD! / Primary color flowers

Had that dream where I was trapped in the apartment in the dark without working electricity. Fits my depressing week, honestly. Then I heard that Flattus Maximus of GWAR was found dead as the band was preparing for a border crossing... of course, I sent that news to Corey via Skype message! I was responsible and paid my phone bill (which was NORMAL) today, too. Harmony just emailed us some news on Paul - words can't express my feelings.

You Are a Blue Flower

You know a lot, and you're always learning more. You believe in being self-sufficient.

You are a rule breaker, but not a rule maker. You generally despise all rules.

You are very fantasy-prone. If you don't like how the world is, you imagine how it could be.

You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.

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