AC/DC shirts at church - PHOTO EVIDENCE!
When Eric picked me up this morning, we discussed my "devil shirt" and the even more offensive Slayer T-shirt that Steve L. linked me to once / yesterday's BBQ / Cindy knowing what he had to tell him from me / my being "crazy and drunk" / tonight's dinner and my shock that he and Jeremy would be invited / FINAL FANTASY / PLANTS VS. ZOMBIES / DARKWING DUCK / real life / my negative associations with DONKEY KONGA / Go Fish (the card game) / Dylan, Deb, Mike, Mary (Eric doesn't know her last name?!), Christon, and more people helping with the BBQ (NOT Mr. Creep, though!) / the long day from 1:30 to 10:30 / watermelon / kids. I'm glad I didn't go, since I needed the downtime! I got to church and saw Steph and Harmony sitting together - I was just going to sit by Tracy on the other end of the pew, but saw Mr. Creep a row up, so I couldn't get out of there fast enough! Ended up sitting near Dave and Yvonne, who said hi - Shally joined them a while later. Steph came up to me, and wanted me to sit by them like sisters; no, because I didn't want to see Mr. Creep every time I looked up!
After service, I gave Mike K. his birthday card and Post-Its; he thanked me, said he expected a card from me every year, and said that the Post-Its would go towards school or plastering someone's car with them! Hahahaha, I've seen those pictures on the Internet also! Steph said that I'd embarrassed her and Harmony because they thought I was moving to sit near them, so of course they did a "seat shuffle" to accommodate it! I got Steph to take my picture in the AC/DC shirt (making sure the cross was visible in the background), and I noticed Eric giving me a weird look - HEY, YOU KNOW THAT I'VE WANTED THIS FOR SOME TIME, THANKS TO STEVE L. AND MIKAELA! After that, Mom told Steph and Harmony to find me a man, SOON! Of course I let out a "WHAT?!" reaction which was probably heard by a bunch of Chinese people... oh well. Later, I talked to Lily / little Gavin / little Allison thinking that people are on vacation if she doesn't see them at church (like Joey?!) / Anita W. / Hannah L. / Jeremy ("nice shirt") / Jose / Jane / Ada / Karen Y. / Helen K. / Nicholas / little Cory / Victor / Chris T. / Sheena (on crutches since she fractured her leg playing tennis) / Anita T. / Andrew L. / Nathan. Yeah, Steph and Lisa can pick me up to save Nate some time! (then they'll pick up Mom's widow friend Rita, who had knee surgery?!)
Steph and I talked to Karen and Lincoln for a bit - I will get Steph to bring the menstrual tea tonight since we need a picture of that and the menopause tea! After I moved to give Maxine some room since she was carrying baby Emma, I went upstairs to Toddler Sunday School since I'd be bored if I waited around for Eric. Waved hi to Gino, and saw Chrystal - yes, we're still on for Tuesday night! Ada, Ashley, Arthur, David, Evelyn, Alexis, and Anastasia were there along with Auntie Ying and Rachel's grandma. Talked about "happy snail," planes, going down slides backwards, toys, heart drawings, name spellings, Lego, shiny silver shoes, and more prior to Eric coming upstairs to get me since he had brunch with his parents. On our way out, I waved to Jeff and baby Joanna. We discussed zombies / combines / headcrab, a STARCRAFT starter kit, DISTRICT 9, BREATH OF FIRE, roms, my metal music Youtube playlist, Children of Bodom, GWAR, AFI, Cradle of Filth, Elizabeth thinking Ministry was a Christian band (HAHAHA), "evil music," the Christian radio station (the music wasn't hurting my shirt!), Third Day, HALF-LIFE 2 / toilets / blood / throwing toilets at people, Christmas music, SUPER MARIO RPG, and more.

After service, I gave Mike K. his birthday card and Post-Its; he thanked me, said he expected a card from me every year, and said that the Post-Its would go towards school or plastering someone's car with them! Hahahaha, I've seen those pictures on the Internet also! Steph said that I'd embarrassed her and Harmony because they thought I was moving to sit near them, so of course they did a "seat shuffle" to accommodate it! I got Steph to take my picture in the AC/DC shirt (making sure the cross was visible in the background), and I noticed Eric giving me a weird look - HEY, YOU KNOW THAT I'VE WANTED THIS FOR SOME TIME, THANKS TO STEVE L. AND MIKAELA! After that, Mom told Steph and Harmony to find me a man, SOON! Of course I let out a "WHAT?!" reaction which was probably heard by a bunch of Chinese people... oh well. Later, I talked to Lily / little Gavin / little Allison thinking that people are on vacation if she doesn't see them at church (like Joey?!) / Anita W. / Hannah L. / Jeremy ("nice shirt") / Jose / Jane / Ada / Karen Y. / Helen K. / Nicholas / little Cory / Victor / Chris T. / Sheena (on crutches since she fractured her leg playing tennis) / Anita T. / Andrew L. / Nathan. Yeah, Steph and Lisa can pick me up to save Nate some time! (then they'll pick up Mom's widow friend Rita, who had knee surgery?!)
Steph and I talked to Karen and Lincoln for a bit - I will get Steph to bring the menstrual tea tonight since we need a picture of that and the menopause tea! After I moved to give Maxine some room since she was carrying baby Emma, I went upstairs to Toddler Sunday School since I'd be bored if I waited around for Eric. Waved hi to Gino, and saw Chrystal - yes, we're still on for Tuesday night! Ada, Ashley, Arthur, David, Evelyn, Alexis, and Anastasia were there along with Auntie Ying and Rachel's grandma. Talked about "happy snail," planes, going down slides backwards, toys, heart drawings, name spellings, Lego, shiny silver shoes, and more prior to Eric coming upstairs to get me since he had brunch with his parents. On our way out, I waved to Jeff and baby Joanna. We discussed zombies / combines / headcrab, a STARCRAFT starter kit, DISTRICT 9, BREATH OF FIRE, roms, my metal music Youtube playlist, Children of Bodom, GWAR, AFI, Cradle of Filth, Elizabeth thinking Ministry was a Christian band (HAHAHA), "evil music," the Christian radio station (the music wasn't hurting my shirt!), Third Day, HALF-LIFE 2 / toilets / blood / throwing toilets at people, Christmas music, SUPER MARIO RPG, and more.

Labels: arthur, church, crap, david, elizabeth, eric m., gwar, helen, jane, jeremy, karen lew, lily, maxed-out tags limit, mike k., mom, nicholas, photos, shiny, steph, steve l.
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