Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bermuda Triangle, slurping noodles, Chrystal office, and Calgary Dianne

Eric sent me a "reminder email" about Dylan's Bible Study group and snacks tomorrow - OH MAN, I HATE SNACK TIME BECAUSE OF MR. CREEP! After that, I called Chrystal at her office; I said that I wasn't stalking her (although she said it was okay) because her dad Uncle Lewis gave me the number last night at 11:30, haha. We'll be getting together tomorrow at London Drugs at 6:30, which also works for getting me away from Mr. Creep! That made me feel better about sending an email to Deb about their group's responsibility for snackage, hahaha. I've also realized that I won't be at church on Sunday due to getting together with Billie at Metrotown, so I'll probably ask Dianne for a Calgary mailing address, hahaha. (and she sent it, too) Sarah said she was working on a Saturday BBQ ride for me, which is good.

Here's a quote on noodles from my housemate's Chinese cookbook: "They should be eaten with great relish and with much slurping, as most Chinese eat them, for to cut the noodles is to invite ominous repercussions. (A soup spoon and chopsticks generally are used to facilitate shovelling them into the mouth.)"

My Maggi Tom Yum noodles also have an interesting blurb: "Here's to those who love slurping their noodles. There's no noodle too long, no soup too hot. You are the Bermuda Triangle of instant noodles. You're not shy to let the whole world know that you're eating your noodles."

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